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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. How far north is the hut being set up. THe farther north, the greater the prospect of your propane bottle freezing up at night.

    As for propane fumes. I see people inadvertently gassing themselves every year. Thankfully they have only gotten mildly ill.

  2. Depends on the type of workplace. Small companies have a friendly, family feel to them. They are fun.

    Larger firms get divided into stuffed shirts, the wannabe's and the workers. Always have to be on best behaviour and mindful of what is said and done.

    Worst is where the only common interest you share with co-workers is the job. All you can talk about is shop.

  3. Make sure you buy one with a sturdy frame. Most soft metal frames buckle in snow loads or high winds. I had one for my boat that was a wood frame, heavy ground anchors and aviation cable tensioners. When I sold my house it was 7 years old and in good enough condition for someone to buy it and reassemble at his house.

    All too often, if you buy cheap, you will get what you pay for.

  4. It is truly a sad day when the young ones you watched grow up die before you. As a scout master I was privileged in knowing many a fine young child. Some being more like sons rather than someone elses kids. Not all angels, but each was special.

    Regretably, I was give the news that one of these boys had been murdered in Hamilton. Such a terrible waste.

  5. We don't live in the seventies anymore. Government regulations ruined all those things that we remember from the good old days!

    There are a lot of things we lost due to govt regulation. Into the early 80's you could still go out, catch some fish, and have the cook at the local restaurant add them to your meal. That only happens at the more secluded fishing lodges now. We used to do that regularly on a Sunday morning.

  6. I was thinking last Sunday was my last boatride for perch this fall...but now after seeing your pictures ...I might have to haul her up for one last go tomorrow.


    Glad you and the pooch got out.

    Shore perchin in Niagara will go into December. Water has not got cold yet.

  7. A guy walks into a bar in Kentucky and orders a white wine.


    All the Rednecks sitting around the bar look up, expecting to see some pitiful Yankee from the north.


    The bartender says, "You ain't from around here, are ya?"


    The guy says, "No, I'm from Canada ."


    The bartender says, "What do you do in Canada ?"


    The guy says, "I'm a taxidermist."


    The bartender says, "A taxidermist? What in tarnation is a taxidermist? Do you drive a taxi?"


    "No", says the Canadian "A taxidermist doesn't drive a taxi. I mount animals."


    The bartender grins and hollers, "It's okay boys. He's one of us."

  8. You've had a busy fall with all your preserves Bruce and hopefully you enjoy them all winter long.


    My neighbor uses elderberries for jams & wines and although I haven't tried the wines, he gave me a couple jars of his jam and it's excellent.

    After a bottle of that I should be, as they say, "pickled" :P


    Truth is we would not be eating half as healthy if we were relying on the stoopermarkets.

  9. After having bottled hundreds of jars of pickles, preserves, salsa, etc..., I really look forward to bottling this last item so it is ready for Christmas.

    In the summer they look like this.



    Wee little elderberries that I pick by the bushel. The last pick is set aside for myself, and it was a more abundant pick this year. Tonight they became one of my favourites.. Brandy ;)



    I still have salsa to bottle, but the brandy marks the end of the harvest season.

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