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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. How is Peanut doing today Bruce?


    I wonder if the other dog owners insurance will cover this or will this be out of their pocket? I can see this costing a bundle!



    Just got off the phone with the vet. Hugh is a conscientious and caring vet, and he has done all he can. So far so good. Need a few more days to know if the hide will heal and not break down again. Enough of a spunky little bugger to pull out her drain.


    I have no idea how this is being paid for at this point. I do feel sorry for the other family, as they try to explain things to their kids. I was a "murderer" when I put the one dog down when he turned nasty

  2. Well, Peanut is not out of danger yet. Had to rush her back to the vet. A lot of the skin started to break down. Much more tissue trauma than was realized. We now have to wait and see.


    On a side note, there will be no problem in being compensated by the other family.



    And tb4 now im really bragging it WAS 4 not 3 forgot 1962 .. I was at games to see 4 cups lol ...


    I got to see 2 of the playoff games in 67. Stepfather had to share them out with other sibs and family members :glare: . Sitting at centre ice, top row greys. We had clear view of Foster from our seats. Didn't have to move our heads to see the game.

  4. I have owned, or handled, dogs all my life. Most were retrievers and Dobs. Only one dog turned vicious and it was put down quick, despite the son's objections.

    I don't blame the dog. This dog has been allowed to be a predator, and the owners have no control.

    I filed a complaint with animal control and will see how that goes first. I do expect these people to pay all the bills, else this will get nasty.

    When the attack was happening one lady stopped her vehicle to do us a kindness and drove us back to our car. Wish I got her name to thank her properly.

  5. What a relief. Brought peanut home this morning. They figure at least 3 weeks for the bruising and wounds to heal. Here is the after pic.


    I won't put up the before pics that the vet took.

    Have to keep her sedated for the next few days with pain meds. When she got home she wanted nothing to do with the dog bed. She limped into the bedroom, determined to get into our bed, safe and warm under the comforter.

    This is my cane after trying to beat off the other dog.


    The son heated it and got it bent back at the welding shop because I sure couldn't.

    I am ever so grateful that we have such a wonderful vet. Hugh Stevenson, and his staff at Hillview. Nothing beats a good old fashioned horse doctor

  6. With all the years of fishing under the belt, I can't say I have a best year. The only bad years were those where I let everything get in the way of fishing.

    I can relate to 2 special years. In 2003 I made a trip, with my son, back to a lake I spent much of my childhood. It was my first time back in 20 years. It was something to be able to share the stories, the history, of that place with my son, and even run into a couple of the oldtimers. Best was taking my son to some of my favourite holes and having them be just like i left them, but a better bite, from so many years back.

    Roll forward 3 years to L Dalrymple at the resort. We booked a week with my family, my Mother, and my Uncle Harry from Nova Scotia. I was so tickled to be able to spend a week fishing with my Mom and Uncle. Being able to get them to be out fishing together (first time in 40 years. Having the pleasure of getting my uncle out in the boat despite his leg irons. He had to crawl in and out of the boat, but dammitall if he was going to let it stop him.

    I can say that this year has been a great year for perchin both in spring and fall. Of course I have some great fishing partners.


    Sometimes its not just about the volumes of fish you got but, rather, the journey, and the company one has had the pleasure of keeping.

  7. Thanks for all the kind words gang :clapping: Peanut is doing O.K. Needed 40 something stitches. She's been sedated for the night.

    As for the other dog owners. The local SPCA has been directly involved. Their dog was not on a leash, Peanut always is. Under law the other fellas are fully liable for all the costs under provincial law. The animal control officer will inform them of that fact. The Vet knows the drill and took pics as soon as I brought Peanut in and has forwarded the pics and medical assessment.

    As for my cane, I took it to the welding shop to get straightened. Next time I'm pouring lead jigs, I'm filling the bottom half of the cane.

    I am now slowly starting to calm down... But I still can't get the image of that animal shaking Peanut around like a ragdoll. One way or tuther, it will be put down. need a couple more glasses of brandy. Good thing I made a few bottles.

  8. Went for my usual morning walk with Peanut and we were attacked by a big shepherd. Thing came charging from a house across the street. Before I could get between and pick Peanut up, this thing had her between its jaws. Shook her around like a ragdoll. The useless :asshat: of owners just walking up, cursing at their dog, while I'm trying to beat the thing back with my cane. Broke my cane over its back and it still would not let go. When we finally got Peanut free, half the skin on her right side had been flensed right off, and about a dozen more punctures in her hind. Miraculously, she seemed to escape any internal damage, but she's gonna need a lot of time to heal. I'll get to see her this afternoon, and hopefully there won't be any permanent damage.

  9. These days there is a con artist to match every legit charity out there. Bogus telemarketers, and telemarketers calling up pledges on big commissions. A family that makes a living selling chocolate bars "for charity" that does not exist. We've all heard about the phony cancer patients. They are just new twists on old cons and dodges. Just be mindful of where you put your money.


    I know how to put an end to the artificial forest (the lure tree) but I want to understand the need for more than one full size tree under the roof!

    It's called blatant consumerism. At the one garden centre I was at, Christmas brought in 4x as much retail as the greenhouse and nursery.

    They put up 20 different theme trees each year. Some people come in and buy a new theme tree each year to outdo the neighbour. One customer had 4 fully decorated prelit trees delivered to the house just to adorn the front lawn.

    In essence, the real reasons for Christmas got lost in the lights,tinsel and cash.

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