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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Been first across a few times. Shoulda soiled my drawers on more than one occasion. Running 6 Mile, full out, on an old Olympic listening to the ice breaking beneath me as I ran through one of the narrows.

    Also been fool enough for several years to be first one swimming after ice out. First few seconds is mind numbing shock followed by sheer exhilaration and an adrenalin rush. Mind I was one of them Finns who jumps out of a 200F sauna to roll in the snow.(before the coronary :whistling: )

  2. It's been like a morgue here the past week, since Peanut's passing. I needed a walking companion, and we needed some life back in our home. Even our 16 year old, Lucky, has done nothing but whine and whimper.

    We decided to visit a local dog rescue to give someone a fresh start at life, just as we had done for Lucky.

    Here is Molly.



    She is a 3 year old hound that is friendly if a bit skittish, but so was our other rescue dog at first. She certainly has energy. We'll just have to see if she retrieves fish.


    Merry Christmas

    Hyvaa Joulua


    Thank you again for all your warm thoughts.

  3. I used Ford minivans with 3500lb tow capacity for towing, but they are not in production any more. That being said, having a family of 5 and all the attending baggage that goes with a family that size, a crew cab might do, but I'd be leaning toward a passenger van.

  4. To everyone, I and my Mrs thank you. Sadly, it was more than Judy could bear and she'll need to rest awhile.

    Rockfish/Dave, you're a good friend. Thanks for those pics. I know she just loved to hang on you all day. Who you going to blame for missing fish now? :whistling:


    I know I can never replace her. Nor could I ever forget her.


    Peanut being held by my very first "Peanut"

  5. If the military document has the person's service number, Veteran's Affairs can look up his MSR. More detailed info might be available through the regimental archives. Be patient. THe QOR is a militia regt. No one is going to be there daily to answer e-mails, especially at Christmas.

  6. DSCN1716-1.jpg


    First, let me thank all of you for your kind words and wishes.


    Despite the attack and the wounds. Peanut was still quite spunky and lively. Some of the injuries were healing.

    Sadly the wounds to her skin would not heal and the skin kept deteriorating. It was only a matter of hours before it would begin to rot. I could not let her suffer. Now she is at peace in a far better place.

    Many think, "big deal, it's only a dog!" Well she was not just a dog. She was an individual, a real personality who loved unconditionally and was loved. I've never known a dog to actually hug and not let go, or give a contented moan when you hugged it back.

    But she was more than that. The past few years have been less than kind, as some already know. My wife and daughter would both be in hospital for weeks on end. I had to throw my son out because of the trouble he kept bringing home. During those lonely, frustrating days and nights, my only friends to turn to were my dogs. When I was ill Peanut stood watch over me. Every night Peanut always crawled under the covers to snuggle beside me. Peanut, especially was my ray of sunshine. Always happy and excited to see me as I walked in the door. Always ready to go the moment you mentioned "car", "walk", or "fishing"



    She was my shadow wherever I went. Only exception was when fishing buddies like Dave or Bill came by, then I was chopped liver. But forever a happy dog. Even in these last days. I truly feel as though I have lost a little child.


    I will surely miss her..

  7. Don't need to put up pics of my 2 "hams".


    They are anything but 'just dogs'. Lucky is an old girl, now , who just wants lovin. Anybody who has met Peanut can see it in the first 2 minutes. They are individuals with real personalities, just like you and I. Heck, Peanut wasn't even my dog. My wife and daughter got her without asking, and despite my objections. Yet, now, the thought of losing that bundle of fur drives me to utter despair. But I'm hoping she will get better.

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