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  1. http://www.torontosun.com/2013/11/27/sperm-whale-explosion-caught-on-video Pitfall of filleting . . . instead if scaling the catch. Click on the video . . . . . . but not while eating your lunch!
  2. Sometime I sincerely questioned the 'careless' part of the sledders . . . I was almost ran over by a group of sledders that deliberately drove within arm reach of ice-fishers standing in broad daylight. Heck, I was in a bright red float suit (with reflective tapes) and standing tall. There is no excuse for not seeing all the people there. They manages to ran over and destroyed my bright orange ice-scoop as they passed so close. Cheap thrills for them, not so much for me.
  3. A gentleman/property owner came up in a boat while I was wading hip deep there in the summertime years ago. I was informed he legally owns the lake bottom I'm standing on, and I can be prosecuted for trespassing if he wishes. I wasn't lippy so he let me be. The explanation was that Lake Wilcox lake bottom was deeded to perimeter owners long time ago as a way to thwart mineral mining from the lake bottom. Any truth to that assertion, I do not know. I guess the Richmond Hill city hall can clarifies that if I'm curious enough to inquire. As per Richmond Hill Park & Rec I was told no outboard motor is allowed unless you are a owner on the lake. Maybe the owners do actually own the frozen water above the lake bottom too?
  4. Dang, if S2K4MEE doesn't wants them, second in line OFC has 5,963 registered members.
  5. Lets hope your blood test results give you a definitive answer tomorrow . . . Was the test requested by your MD or on your own?
  6. Check out this CTV W5 piece on Lyme Disease last week. Canadian doctors are not expecting this disease here so they are ruling it out as a possible cause . . . http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/stor...91114?s_name=W5
  7. If you are not afraid to get your face wet for that release shot/video clip, this is for you : http://www.henrys.com/webapp/wcs/stores/se...p;itemID=257661 You might not want to test drive it at the community pool though . . . Seriously, I think the dedicated underwater P/S camera would be your best bet for a reasonable price. I'm sure there is a model out there that offers the image quality for your requirement. It will never beat the dSLR on that front, but doesn't cost you a big chunk of the fishing budget either. Just think of the convenient factor without hiring a film crew to handle the dSLR . . . My $0.02
  8. http://www.henrys.com/webapp/wcs/stores/se...p;itemID=257702 For fraction of the price of a waterproof housing you can get a real waterproof camera (Fujifilm Z33) . . . In my experience with Fujifilm P&S, they produce very decent low light images (little noise @ ISO800) like those dawn/rainy day steelie shots Seeing you're in Scarboro, go up to P-Mall and check out the Fujifilm Film Developement place at the end of the main building. I'm pretty sure you can get this for ~$170 or less out the door. Seeing it's waterproof, just hang it off of a lanyard into a inside pocket while fishing. Use as required. Long enough lanyard, you can even do underwater shots
  9. http://www.anglersnet.co.uk/authors/bruno08.htm I think this article may sheds some light on the physiology and possible effects of prolonged fish fight in warm water with low oxygen saturation. It may even applies to freshwater fishes on this side of the pond
  10. I concur with Raf's suggestion on a possibly defective or sticking Shift Lock switch. My car behaves the same way occasionally. The symptom can be replicated by having the car on a very slight uphill incline likes 5 degrees or so. The incline is small enough for the car not to roll forward to engage the contacts of the Shift Lock switch, and not enough momentum for the car to roll backward "down hill". The perfect example is a wheel rut/indentation on a level parking lot or driveway. My remedy is usually leave the car in Park, release the parking brakes, and put the shoulder to the 'A' (windshield) pillar and push so the car rolls forward slightly. You might hear a click when the contacts on the Shift Lock engage. The car should starts like normal. If this doesn't solves your problem, you have bigger issues
  11. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=28647 And the situation is not getting better with the proposed changes to the Navigable Waters Protection Act (NWPA) . . .
  12. http://www.lebaron.ca/pdf_files_sp09/camping/wf_airbeds.pdf Foam pad for placing underneath sleeping bag . . . Cut to fit
  13. This morning I've seen the 4-legged Garmin sand filled base for 30% off (manager special) at the Future Shop on Kennedy/Lawrence. Be aware the RAM type 'ball' mount may only fits selected Garmin GPS units. Check it out if you are in need of one. I have no experience with this type of mount so I can't comment on it.
  14. A little more respects if they are carpooling in one hybrid instead of three? They are going to the same meeting, no?
  15. If WAAS feature is important to you, you should not consider Magellan. WAAS enables the GPSr to have +/- 3 meter accuracy where the correction signal is present. Most of Magellan's current and past models are no longer WAAS compatible even though the box says so. The reason for no WAAS on Magellan units is because two WAAS correction satellites have been renamed and Magellan can not and will not update their firmware to support the change. Best case accuracy is now +/- 10 meters or worse. I won't want to be +/- 10 meters off of a depth change if driving at higher speed or want to come back to the same spot. You may want to google 'Magellan WAAS problems' and see the litany of complaints online and the poor customer supports from Magellan. Just my $0.02
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