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About jrego7

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  1. A pair of steel toe rubber boots suffered a small crack near the steel toe. Sad to see, was the best pair of boots I've owned. I would have never guessed that they would crack before me being an idiot and stepping near a nail putting it through the side on accident. I also bought a new pair of Terra work boots that I would like to seal and make them more resistant to water. I hate working all day outside with wet feet and try to avoid wearing rubber boots when possible. Another option I thought about buying is a neoprene boot liner, but a no leak solution sounds better.
  2. Thank you all for taking the time to answer my question and posting links. Appreciate it! So many places to choose from now
  3. Would anyone here happen to know where I could purchase a tube of this product in cambridge, kitchener area? I checked Cabelas and it's on back order. I'm trying to water seal a pair of work boots.
  4. Magic jack user here! You can't go wrong with this, a ton of savings. No more $40 monthly basic landline bill for me!
  5. The day I see asian carp is the day I hang up my rod and buy a bow.
  6. Nice fish! I see you caught one on a pink worm. Haven't had any luck with those yet.
  7. That would seriously suck if asian carp hit the great lakes... I couldn't even imagine how bad fishing would get over the years... Wow I hope they act soon.
  8. It was released. That's all that matters!
  9. jrego7


    Nice! Some massive fish there! Question how did you remove the row of bones above the rib cage? Pull them out one by one?
  10. Congrat's on quiting. I too quit smoking. The first 2-3 weeks is a major change in your body. I remember getting massive stomach pains and lots of gas . lol Today I don't even think about smoking.
  11. I plan on exploring the rouge and humber. Just trying to find a place with some g4 guide waders. Wilson's doesnt have my size and BPS doesnt carry them
  12. Is that the Rouge or Humber?
  13. I owna panasonic plasma and it works great. Just one problem if there is to much bass it rattles.
  14. still a photo from a blue zone lake O salmon fillet would be nice to compare to.
  15. I was reading the box and borax is a deoderizer... Why would it be used in a cure? Or is angies cure a scam? lol... The eggs I bought at the bait shop didn't seem to be cured at all. Seems like they were dipped in water until their shell was thickened and then dried a bit and frozen.
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