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John the Fisherman

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John the Fisherman last won the day on September 30 2022

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About John the Fisherman

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    n'Daki Menan

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  1. Cutco Fisherman's Solution. Was an xmas gift over 20 yrs. ago. I see they are $200 now. Great knife. Blade extends and has a good flex. Can send back to Cutco if you want it back to factory spec sharpness. (Never have. Just sharpen myself) The sheath has a couple added bonus features. Cutco rep told me they would probably replace the whole knife if I sent it in. Still in the drawer, but thinking of sending in. Clean mostly Walleye and the odd trout now and then.
  2. Cassels connects to Rabbit. Good shoal up towards Obashkong. Heavy water fluctuations. Drawing down now for winter and spring runoff at OPG dam on Rabbit. Be mindful of those shoals not marked. Rabbit Point could produce. Lots of water to travel depending on boat and weather temps and clothes.
  3. FYI I never even read the article. I had no idea about the burning building part. But that's not what I'm knocking. Thats cool and exactly what makes a fine example of the proper use of the word "Hero". He could have lost his life to save another. Actually putting ones self in peril. Hell...I worked MNR Fire for over decade as an I.A crew leader. Saw, and worked on some big fires. Layed miles of hose in those years. Met alot of cool people as well. I never put myself or my crew in peril because its just wood. Jasper... ABSOLUTELY NOT. I wouldn't either. Structural and Forests are two different fires of course. I did my job, and that was that at the end of the day. Maybe it is the media who throw out the word just to catch ones attention for the evening news for instances lke I mentioned in my previous post. I am not out to offend anyone, I am just emphasizing the use of Hero.
  4. I think the word Hero is used a little too much these days for trivial acts of kindness and action. Those who apply to become FF's and police do not fill out an application for the position of "Hero". Give me a break. They are doing the job they are paid to do. It is only those in the general public who are to scared to weak and sometimes to stupid who bust out the word "Hero" Maybe I get this attitude from my father (now 87) who was with the Irish Regiment during WWII when they broke through the Hitler Line, as well as Casino, and eventually went up to Belguim. Risking your life when it is in peril to save another is a fine example. Making a phone call to 911 when someone is having a heart attack is not a good definition of a Hero. Just my opinion JTF
  5. I run 24:1 as well, so I don't think it is fuel. Do you let it warm up enough? If mine is not warm it will bog out and stall. I have to let it warm up at about half choke, slowly give it throttle until it runs steady. When it is warm it will start without issues.
  6. I have heard of Bears with that colour referred to as a "Cinnamon Bear"
  7. Lets not even go there.
  8. The 5 ton is now off the road and at the bottom of the lake in front of Bear Island. No one was hurt. JTF
  9. 5 ton is on the ice road today. JTF
  10. Temagami FN will be putting the 5 ton plow on the ice road come Mon. TFN does not flood the road to increase thickness. There was 14" of clear black ice at my hut on Sun. before this cold snap, so I would guess 16" by now. As we all know the ice is not consistantly thick, but I would not fear sledding around the main channels. Saw a full size pickup heading up the NE arm on Sun. Not sure how far up they may have went, but I would guess up to Broom Island, or the Hub. JTF
  11. Temagami is freezing up, but not safe as of yet. Temagami First Nation has taken out its large Stanley boat this afternoon. Took about 25 minutes to get to Bear Island breaking ice this morning. As of 4 o'clock today the airboat will begin running back and forth to the Mine landing. It is suppose to reamin windy, so I would expect personal boaters to keep a channel open over the weekend going to do christmas shopping in North Bay. JTF
  12. Dip net as well as sien use from Oct.1 - Dec.15.
  13. Zone 11, All Year, Poss. of 12. Forgot to check about the net permit.
  14. I believe that you can still use a dip net. At least you used to be able to. Not up on many regs around here, but I know you had to purchase a permit to net white fish from MNR in the past. They are running now around here. Some friends and I got 60 on Sat. night. Filleted some, gutted some to smoke, and gave a few away. JTF
  15. Take the 407 to the TSX, and invest. You'll be driving for next to nothing. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/canadian-pension-plan-set-to-buy-australian-toll-road-firm/article1687035/
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