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About muskyhunter5150

  • Birthday 08/25/1991

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  • Interests
    Playing guitar, and fishing for musky

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  1. little lake in Peterborough
  2. caught on bucktail
  3. Very nice.
  4. Yea that is a good idea a kid from a high school here in Peterborough chopped all 4 of his fingers off about 3 weeks ago. That invention could have prevented it.
  5. Crazy, I can't belive that no one got seriously hurt.
  6. Nice fish guys!
  7. You got any pics?
  8. Nice Pike. Looks pretty chilly out there.
  9. Im suprised he still has all of his fingers
  10. Maybe he just needs to hear the anthem? http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...p;hl=theme+song
  11. Wow thats one impressive rack on that deer!
  12. Wow, great pics. The fourth one down is my favorite out of all them.
  13. Why did the guy who killed him do it?
  14. I heard that in Omeeme They have a museum dedicated to Neil. I havent been to check it out yet though.
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