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Everything posted by chewy

  1. and if i owned a boat i would stay far enough back not to interupt land fishers .if the salmon are in and ur in a boat u can stay out of casting area and still slaughter fish just my 2 cents
  2. thats right i dont own the waters just respect as long as its out of casting range .i respect everyone when i go fishing and expect the same .ive had people in boats fishing 20 feet away from peir ,i think thats just pure ignarence.TIGHT LINES ALL.and i fish everywhere not just bronte and see ignarence everywhere.
  3. nice fish.im jelious
  4. i dont understand when ur fishing from a boat ,why do u need to fish so close to shore u have the whole lake,some of use only have the shores or peires to fish from.
  5. chewy


    Nope the carp run.
  6. Omg what a night couldn't keep the fish off. See u soon bronte. :-)
  7. lol good one stubby potahawk is fun u got room vinnimon
  8. i will go if u can pick mer up in paris or brantford i got gas money
  9. man im hungry again and i just ate ,enjoy the grub
  10. this year i have caught channel cat, perch ,bass ,carp , and three kinds of trout in this creek
  11. well i fish this creek all the time and there is alot of slobs that fish there i always take a garbage bag with me and usually fill it half full each time i go there ,thats pretty bad when i fish the same spot there .p/s theres no fish there lol
  12. nice pics and u must be in heaven there
  13. there is signs in brantford at the dam ,but they are only on the conservation park side not the other they should put it up for the people that dont no
  14. needs to get out fishin with the boys

  15. drove by the grand in brantord[cocksut bridge] lots of fishing goin on so i stop to see how its going they say we are fishing for wallye but throw them back other people taking fish home.so i say they are closed for now and thy say so go get lost.ok so i went home caled the mnr hope they went down there becuse i make a effert to obey the laws so should everyone. TIGHT LINES
  16. i use number 3 or 4 when i fish the grand for wallye and they work awsome.
  17. ya ive been there and they suck all around never go back again in my life time tight lines all
  18. sweet nice fish
  19. nic e fish young one ive never fished up above that dam but now i will give it a try i caught my eyes at the next dam
  20. ya the biggest was around 3 or 4 pounds and i will have pics of fish to follow soon as i get them off of buddys camera. we have been going good on the grand this year for the eyes and this was the best night for them by far tight lines all
  21. thanks alot spiel for the info
  22. i was down at the grand river fishing last night with 2 buddys and we caught around 20 or 25 walleye with only 4 keepers it was nice to see all the small ones in there.one of the walleye i caught had a tag in its lip .the tag has a number and omnr on it what is it for.any help is greatly appreciated
  23. we fish in brantford just walk the river and u will find the right areas .i can think of 10 different spots in brantford to fish for decent sizes
  24. hey limeyangler in that muddy water try a black vibrax or any kind of black lure it seems to work good for me in those kinda conditions tight lines
  25. i myself use firetiger color i always catch something with it and now i discoverd black lures work awsome 2 thats about all i use for bass wallye pike crappie
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