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Posts posted by camillj

  1. One of my favourite 'scouting' techniques in shallow water is with a weedless Johnson Silver minnow and a double mister twister (yellow) grub ... cast it into all the slop and right up to shore ... fast retrieve ... and hang on for the steam train attack .... let me know if this works for you too ... btw ... watch for follows and be ready to toss a spinner bait back at em with a slower retrieve

  2. Lew ... shouldnt you be at the trailer by now ????



    Me I NEVER use a leader for Bass ... but then I also only use mono on my bass rigs .... and yes I consider bass almost as dumb as pike ... if they see it and its time to eat they will eat it .... I have watched them hit on a running shoe as it sunk to the bottom of the lake .... hmmmm maybe I have something there :)

  3. I would never bring music out onto a lake .. the sound travels for miles and would almost certainly ruin someone elses enjoyment of a quiet day on the water... there are lots of places where music can be enjoyed without interfering with others.


    As for me, personally ... I like the sound of the motor, the sounds of nature and the sound of my clicker as line is screaming off the reel when I get a hit ... not really a matter of whether it scares the fish .... more about WHY I go fishing ...

  4. Darn .. the secret is out !!! Nice catch !


    Nice catch ... seriously though ... yep the browns are out off the eastern tribs right now ... and getting ready for their run ... I have caught them in the tribs in late July (most ppl dont realize how early they actually run).



    I have spent MANY a mid August afternoon completely on my own nn the tribs with NICE runs of L.O. browns.

  5. You may want to seek some professional advice. .... not to be a party pooper here... but nowadays a criminal record can come back and bite you at a most inopportune time (like crossing a border) .... sounds to me like you were singled out because you 'cleaned' the fish ... who was actually in possession and who actually caught the fish IS relevant ... who cleaned it is NOT.


    Also, this would have been even more interesting if there were 7 fish in the fridge (or cooler) .... I'd really like to hear how that gets translated into possession/catch limits - and I dnt buy that the guy who cleaned em all is responsible for them.


    IMHO This is a really good example of how a little PR sense would go a lot further than $125 of revenue.

  6. Thanks Guys !!!!



    Sorry ... I almost missed this ... the better half (Laura) organized a litttle gtg at our house .. I think I had one too many slices of cheese cake :)


    Oh well ... now that I am officially middle aged ... I guess its ok :)

  7. Specks were meant to be eaten !


    They are a relatively short life-span fish with a taste many would argue cant be compared ... so dont feel bad about some success .... and certainly take great pleasure in the opportunity to eat a few !


    The truth is they are hard to come by for most and as such their whereabouts are normally a jealously guarded secret but if you are lucky to have a few near to you ... feel lucky .. you are !


    C&R on specks is a little bit overatted in my opinion as they are not that hardy of a fish ... although I did catch one a couple weeks back with a snelled hook (taken deeply) still hanging out of its mouth ...



    Any how, if I had creeks with 12+ inchers nearby I'd be there too !



    Enjoy !


    My 2 cents

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