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Posts posted by camillj

  1. Great looking piece of chrome ... speaking of drainage ditches... dont laugh ... but a few years (ok more than a few) back we were driving around hwy 26 near thornbury and pulled over to watch the trout swimming up stream in a drainage ditch .... not a trib ... a drainage ditch ... was tooo much ... especially since the season was still closed so they were safe :)

  2. I watched one pair of helmetted snowmobile Einsteins get stopped as they dragged a third fellow on a toboggan at about 60 mph across the ice right off Innisfil Beach ... funny (only cause nobody got hurt) but they didnt get a ticket for the helmet infraction ... it seems it was CO who pulled them over and they did get popped for having too many fish ... go figure ...

  3. be careful .. fishin for suckers is not allowed in most places where trout season isnt open ... when you get stopped it wont be good enough to tell the CO (and then the Judge) that you were fishin for suckers ... so check your regs carefully BEFORE you go out.

  4. This has to be the best day we've had so far with sunny skies & warms temps :thumbsup_anim:


    Been cleaning up out side in shorts & T-shirt, did some work on my truck, then figured it was sooooooo nice, I put the snow shovels in the shed along with a bag of salt I had left over and even put the snowbrush in the basement.


    Gonna take the winter tires off this week and put on the summer rubber & chrome wheels.


    Even heard some robins in the woods this morning.


    Gotta love the 1st signs of spring !!!! :D



    Lew, we must have been reading the same Farmers Almanac ... I swapped my snow shovel for a rake on the front porch yesterday .... everyone commented on my freshly raked lawn ... and today when I got back from fishin on Simcoe ... I couldnt help myself .. I tossed both bags of Artic Traction and my auger out of the trunk into the basement for next year along with the scraper/brush ... and tossed my golf clubs into the trunk (just in case) ... I was worried that I was gonna make it snow for sure... now I'll rest easy knowing it was all your fault ;)

  5. Well judging by the folks bombing around on all type of vehicles today (cars, trucks, atvs, sleds etc) ... including the MNR folks ... it was pretty safe ... I guess with the warming weather the shorelines could get a little dodgy ... but thats what spring ice fishing is all about :)


    No issues for me when I walked in ... there was a Sausage wagon waiting near shore ... I think it was called the "Dog Sled" .. hit the spot :)


    Was probably one of the nicest days I have spent on the ice this year (even if the fishin was a little quiet)

  6. What a devastating tragedy ! My deepest condolences to the family.


    I can't imagine how he must feel... I am sure I would also have wanted to go in after them ... but that would probably have added to the tragedy


    The ice varies alot on those big Muskoka lakes ... can go from a foot to just 2" in a only matter of yards its a scary place to be bombing around on machines at the best of times.

  7. It was awesome ... mostly because I knew I was on safe ice ... but when those trucks went bombing by they really had quick a shock wave set up and it was enough to get the minnows swimming .. and trigger the odd hit :)


    I have a raccoon tan (had to keep the glasses on or risk eye troubles - there was a LOT of glare out there)

  8. Well I decided to get out at Innisfil and try to up the ante for my team (Lake Trout and Whitefish) ... no Lakers but I did manage a nice Whitey.



    Had to keep the sunglasses on all day (and take the jacket off for most of it) ... there is still about 18" of good ice ... at least there was as of 4:00pm ... but the top couple of inchs was getting softish ... I walked out but there were many ATV's Skidoos and trucks bombing around ...


    Heres a few pics :













  9. One of the most important secrets of negotiating is remembering that the BEST deal is one where you BOTH win ... it may be worth paying a few bucks more to have more reliable and courteous service if you need it ... and in the long run the value of the relationships you build are MUCH bigger than any percieved short term savings ... perhaps I am a bit of a sucker .. but I often pay MORE .. and I normaly get more than I bargained for .... even if only a good feeling of having contributed to the success of those around me ....


    just my 2.5 cents

  10. Found this in an OLLLLLD TIME Magazine (Nov 23, 1959 to be exact) which I bought off ebay to prepare for my wife's upcoming 50th birthday ... anyhow I figured you would get a kick out of it ... let me know if you want the higher-res version I can email it to you :)



    Back then it seems it was actually cheaper to fly than to drive ...ahh the good old days



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