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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Didn't work for me..... maybe someone else will
  2. OK giving it a shot now!!!
  3. One question TJ.... Can we upload videos??
  4. Yikesssss :w00t: Better bring a triple layer of extra clothing for that trip troutologist Good luck and have a safe trip
  5. For what it's worth.... have yourself a great trip in Cancun fisherman7
  6. Super Randy J'aime bien ce coin la Pas mal COOL!!! I'm sure you're going to have many great gathering down there Merci de partager!!! Jacques
  7. Yeah crazy weather this year as far as winter goes. We've had it pretty mild so far but there's always the cold snap that pops up every now and again Tomorrow should be alright to venture out on the hard stuff...... will be targeting my favorite walleye lake But in the mean time, been whittling a wooden project for the past week..... haven't begin the painting stage yet Will post some pics when I finally finish it Here's a sneak peek
  8. Another beauty Awesome job Chris
  9. Just registered also.... Great job TJ
  10. :w00t: Down here it's humidity that's killer.... gone up to 64% I'm same as you, don't go out when it's too cold. Right now, where I'm sitting it's 22C and I ain't moving
  11. Just about the same here Bruce.... tomorrow will be a better day temp wise
  12. You just had to rub it in eh I hope your lake freezes over next time you go out
  13. Awesome trevy727 Great job and nice gator
  14. Good luck on Sunday waterwolf
  15. Yeah me too... nice and causy
  16. Good luck out there tomorrow Bill Targetting whities??
  17. That's not bad.... humidity is the killer..... 53% right now
  18. They're calling for -16C tomorrow during the day..... I'm still going to be whittling sticks
  19. It supposed to warm up to -6C on Sunday..... I sure hope the weatherman is right this time around Otherwise I'll have to resort to plan B..... the workshop
  20. Yeah I know..... we've had pretty mild temps so far..... can't complain but I still hate when it dips to -31C Sunday should be better, might be going out fishing after all
  21. :w00t: So I guess going out for the night bite is out of the question
  22. Lucky you...... I ain't stepping outside until maybe Sunday
  23. and orders a drink.....
  24. Looks like I'm going to be whittling sticks tomorrow
  25. Awesome you guys Great job
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