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Everything posted by cambo

  1. That carp's only eye sure is ugly now,i magine the next guy that hooks it,lol
  2. Brookies inhale worms, even the really small guys. If the spinners were working i would suggest keep on using them. I like to use #0-1 panther martens and 0-1 mepps. They are very good eating fish,my favorite actually but if your planning on releasing you should wet your hands first before handling them. Those are nice size brookies by the way.
  3. It's funny how little kids love bugs and as we get older we get all squimish and hate them
  4. When i was a kid growing up on Manitoulin I never saw bald eagles now I see them quite a lot, nice to watch them while fishing
  5. When i light a smoke i tend to get fish, need a new one though as im quiting and also my lucky hat.
  6. Baby Wipes, bring them everytime I go into the bush. you can buy them in soft packs also easy to stuff into a pocket.Never no one nature calls and is a good quick shower in the morning
  7. PM sent
  8. True, our biggest problem was the racoons. They would devestate our corn, little buggers would push down the stocks and take one bite out of the cob. Even with hunting them with our coon dog we eventually gave up the battle and stopped growing corn, poor cows. Stuck to growing grain after that but still had to hunt them to keep them out of there
  9. I got it I'll stick a sharp hook through a corn cob,wait for the deer to take it. I will then set the hook through the deers mouth and upper jaw. Then I will reel it in with the attached rope,once close I will net it,then take out the hook and release. lol i don't think it is quite practical when dealing with animals
  10. No myth, predators do take live stock, i personally know farms that have lost sheep and the odd calf to bears and wolves. People in the city want you to believe that these animals prance around the bush eating berries what a bunch of crock. Why is it a waste he more than likely took a really nice pelt off this animal and who is to say he didn't use the meat. I really don't understand when fisherman bash hunting, your doing the same but instead of animals with fish. If someone was holding a trophy fish I wouldn't bash him on it. I would say wow nice catch good for you. Oh by the way, nice wolf
  11. All I got to say is prospector
  12. My brother also has two degrees, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering, he won't see a dime of this money his plant shut right down, I really don't see your point here Many jobs down the line are affected such as car haulers for an example that don't work for the big car compainies ,they won't see any of that money either but if they can get up and running it will help a lot of the other jobs that people are losing.Again, I'm kind of a fence sitter here,i realize that the miners and forestry workers butcher shops etc didn't get a bail out but i know for sure that the more car companies around the more competative they are and that makes car prices cheaper Sorry your laid off, I don't like to see anyone out of work
  13. This is a hard one, at first i was feeling give them nothing they did this to themselves. Having a lot of family live in Windsor my mind is changing as my father hasn't worked in four months (Car hauler),my brother has been laid off twice in one year and is currently out of work(X-Ray engine blocks) my best friends wife was laid off last year (auto worker) and wifes two uncles have been laid off(auto workers) thats a lot of people in my family
  14. Oh I don't know a "treaty"
  15. Not sure about algonquin but lakers were smashing Williams wobblers and Toronto Wobblers for us a couple weeks ago trolling from canoes.
  16. A CO will charge you with this, it does not matter if you don't keep it or use barbless hooks. Basically you are harassing a out of season fish,my buddy was charged with this last year. Just some friendly advice
  17. Most Mennonite's in my area fish during open seasons and they are mostly kids that I see,I wouldn't be to concerned about it. Probably canning suckers anyway.
  18. Thanks
  19. Where did you find that map?
  20. For gods sake stay home, not worth infecting the ones you love and hey you can go somewhere in Canada and support our economy. I hear theirs good fishing in Canada I'm heading up north this weekend tenting out along my favorite river catching brook trout, enjoying my 0 degree nights at the camp fire
  21. I've tried sucker once when I was a kid, wasn't bad or anything but it was very boney. My dad wanted nothing to do with it because he practically lived off canned sucker when times were tight while growing up. They are fun to catch spent many days with my brother fishing them out off our creek that ran through the property.
  22. Hey Steve I'll be out and about Sat morning to maybe I'll see you around, pretty sure we haunt the same areas. Cam
  23. Does anyone know where i could find a free depth chart for quinte online? Cheers
  24. cambo


    I've seen my buddy fish in lightning storms and he won't go out anymore. He said the ice is really scetchy in places be carefull.
  25. Thanks guys, I fish Eugenia a lot in the summer for bass, always thought about ice fishing there. Perch i've caught in the summer tend to be smaller in size. The ice near the dam would probably be unsafe I am persuming.
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