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Everything posted by BIG FISH

  1. buckeye lures mop jigs are great if your looking for big bites. as for hollow bellie swimbaits berkley hollow belly and the ones that bassmagnet maakes are the best ones on the market as far as im concerned. the spro little john md is a wicked crankbait you might want to try.another swimbait you might want to try is the jerry rago bv 3d line through theyre expensive but they got great action
  2. yup thats it,you know me? do i know you?
  3. i hear that that is the temp they like to spawn in we were in 65-68 degree water i dont think they have started to spawn just yet we found our fish in a little bit deeper water. with the weather we have now the water is gonna really heat up and i hope these fish move in to the shallow water
  4. once you find em bill they will bite anything little tubes under a float worked well for us. caught a couple on a crankbait as well
  5. lol thats to bad bill i was fishing for walleye but found these instead, im not complaining
  6. caught a few slabs on the weekend
  7. got to my hole at 1 am and guys beat me there ohh well plan B i guess

  8. nice whitie i bet he tasted good
  9. yup its still lurking around out there somewhere . quick photo then back in the drink she went
  10. got this pig on a deep diving crankbait. one of the ones from my bass tackle box thanks for all the nice comments guys .
  11. shhhhhh!!!!
  12. this big brute was 22.6 pounds on the digital scale. biggest brown ive ever caught
  13. the unit is in there flyer advertised at $ 899.99
  14. no...... i dont know what you mean..... care.......to explain.......
  15. looks like linx but hard to tell forsure
  16. any one got an extra they will sell me email [email protected]
  17. dont waste your money on 25 yard spools. i started buying 150-300 yard spools of flouro last year and im landing just as many fish.
  18. they say that 80% of the fish are in 20 % of the water so finding em may be difficult but once you do
  19. check out this video i usually fish them with a soft plastic like a mudbug or flippin chunk rigged on the hook
  20. i bought a few this year and i liked them i caught large mouth smalljaws and pike on em this year also had a few big gar pike following it in but couldnt get a strike
  21. hey i pour my own baits if your looking for molds then you gotta order from the states otherwise you can make your own . bassmagnet is the place to get plastic in canada . i dont think fishingworld has any of that stuff but i might be wrong. if you have any questions shoot me a pm.
  22. i would enter ... of course one of them would have to be on the bay of quinte
  23. the baits you are using are good. stirke zone slammers work great too . i usually use a longer lead between the hook and my bait up to 4 ft . if drop shot doesnt work try shaky head with the same worms
  24. daiwa light and tough frog rod one of the best in my mind. i use it for flipping to. the handle fits nice in your hand and its light and has the power to handle swimbaits (use it for that to sometimes)
  25. Saturday morning I got up early, quietly dressed, made my lunch, and slipped quietly into the garage. I hooked up the > boat up to the van, and proceeded to back out into a torrential downpour. The wind was blowing 50 mph, so I pulled back > into the garage, turned on the radio, and discovered that the weather would be bad all day. > > I went back into the house, quietly undressed, and slipped back into bed. I cuddled up to my wife's back, now with a > different anticipation, and whispered, "The weather out there is terrible." > > My loving wife of 5 years replied, "Can you believe my stupid husband is out fishing in that?" > > And that's how the fight started...
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