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Everything posted by danbouck

  1. But I want to read the reports here!
  2. You'll be fine. Go to the conservation area to launch
  3. Thanks for all the help guys!
  4. What are you basing that cost on?
  5. I just noticed in the second last picture nobody is looking at the house
  6. Congrats! Best things to ever happen to me, except when the oldest hit me in the earlier
  7. :lol:
  8. There we go!
  9. http://www.conservationhalton.on.ca/ShowCa...fm?subCatID=996
  10. I can't get through 5 minutes of her show.
  11. The conservation areas are not there just for fishing. There are a spot to take your family for a day of fun or whatever you want to do. Yes you pay to get in but you also pay to get into wonderland, the fair or any other place. There is no difference. There are plenty of places that you can go where you don't have to pay.
  12. Does is come with CAA
  13. Can't beat BPS Catch em bait and tackle in Kitchener is great too
  14. hahahahaha Best video ever!
  15. They count for his daily limit but he can "gift" them and get another limit the next day, so I've heard.
  16. My thoughts exactly
  17. I'll take the job for $85,000/year and I have no experience. Do we have a deal?
  18. Great stuff!
  19. That sucks! I just use a lock on the tongue. Maybe i'll get some chain!
  20. 56 lures is what falls outta my boat glove box when I open it. Don't tell my wife!
  21. That's why I chose the 3 i did. I've met each one and they are normal dudes that REALLY know what they are doing
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