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About goodtimer

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  1. have the 2-piece rapala magnum series 6'9 musky rod. bought it to replace an anoying 1-piece (too long for transport)... good rod for good price, $49.99 at BPS. no complaints yet, seems built to last but we'll see
  2. great fish, as usual. thanks for the pics!
  3. Fished near Dog Lake for a week last year and this one. Mainly spent our days on back lakes and the 2 smaller lakes at the south-west end.. Murray Lake and McMurty Lake I think they are called? We only targetted pike, bass and some pickerel, and did alright. We enjoyed the back lakes most. If you have a chance to fish any, do it, no matter how small they are. The one tiny lake produced some nice size pike, biggest at 14lbs. Lots of water to cover, lots of exploring. Free lodging can't go wrong...
  4. Haven't posted in FOREVER.... but since this was directly specifically at me, figure I should reply, and maybe hopefully get my posting rolling again lol. Homer, overall the trip was a success but fishing was only so so... mind you the weather wasn't really in our favour, so hopefully you have better luck. We only fished Herridge Lake, and one of the back lakes (I think Iceland??). Not sure if you found my report or not - report I do remember the owner's son coming back with some decent size pike...owner's weren't impressed with our lack of fish haha Feel free to PM I'll try to help if I can. Good luck have a great trip we await your report!
  5. 5-0 after 2 periods....what a disappointment after such anticipation. was such a thrilling series, gonna miss watchin ovi play. oops - 5-1 now. go caps go
  6. congrats and thanks for sharing...nothin like poppin tha cherry! ...can't wait for my day to come.
  7. definitely a nice one... thanks for sharing.
  8. very nice catch! i didn't think those mumma's existed in that water. beautiful fish, thanks for sharing.
  9. yeah that's a long haul. wait till you need some gear and then go. definitely go check it out at least once though. but i guess if you really have nothing else to do just go for it. you can easily kill 4-5 hours in there and if you're at all interested the rest of the mall is pretty huge. even though you don;t NEED anything, be prepared to spend some cash!
  10. hahaha... hilarious. motor looks pretty decent?
  11. beautiful fish. good news about your close ones.
  12. Oh yeah. I ordered the free map/guide/brochure from SunsetCountry. Highly reccomoended if you're planning a trip out there. A great map is included with pretty much every lodge and their contact info. http://www.ontariossunsetcountry.ca/
  13. Nice link onenortherner. Pretty decent detail, should be great when it's more complete with all the lodges incorporated.
  14. Thank you all. Great input. Everyone's comments have made narrowing down my options much easier...and at the same time gotten me VERY excited for this roadie. Nothing set yet, going to talk things over with my buddy tonight. Will keep you updated on destination choices. Am still welcome to more suggestions if anyone's gottem'. Never driven that way so yeah I am REALLY looking forward to seeing the landscape up there... Sounds like a great lake. I couldn't find any lodges on LV. I'd need at least a rental boat and a camp site. Where do you stay? P.S. - Notre Dame sweater came from campus crew...$20 haha it's nice and warm. No football stories from this guy, maybe a few fish 'tales' and hockey talk though... Bill good luck on your adventure, all the best. I might end up stopping for a day or two at LOTW...JUST because EVERYONE pops a woody whenever it's mentioned haha... it's gotta be worth the stop! Wes this place looks great. Right price, nice boats, lots to explore, narrow waters...only small downside is no muskie. This place is in our top choices so far. We were hoping to conclude the trip through NWO, nearer to Manitoba, with a weeks stay in a cabin, and do all the camping first, but this place might change that plan. You must mean the another Little Vermillion, not the one TennesseeGuy mentioned. The one he talked about is above Red Lake and has no muskie or bass. Are you talking about 'Vermillion Lake', beside Minnitaki Lake near Sioux Lookout? Either way 200+ bass sounds like fun!! wow...i can't wait!!! Thanks for the info, might throw you a question or two. Indian Point looks like a decent camp, not sure if they have any boat caches on other lakes though. I've been looking at a few camps in the Pipestone Lake area...looks very nice. And yeah that would be great if you could send some names over, might throw u a PM to ask a few Q's. Thanks but that place is a "bit" pricey...actually it's about 5x my budget for a week's stay. Even if it does blow the other places away it can't be worth it with my wallet.
  15. Thanks for the report...hopefully fishing heats up a bit for when i head your way in a couple weeks. The reflections on the fish look wild....cool shot.
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