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Mike Pike

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Posts posted by Mike Pike

  1. NOPE!

    What I am saying is that there is a lower possibility of scoring three goals in a row without having the other team get even 1 shot (which would result in a goal) against your net. I can find many situtions in the past where a team has scored 3 goals in less thn 1 min 30 secs but have yet to find that same result with the goalie pulled.

    Ya, that's what I said Cudz. I'm actually agreeing with you now.

  2. Really?????? I don't believe this is possible. All these situations of possibilities you people are coming up with occur when a team in on the powerplay or at equal strength. I would like to see a team score 3 goals without a goalie in their own net. The leafs were not on a powerplay at the end of the game so it 6 on 5.

    I can't find any historical evidence that 3 goals have been scored by a team in the last minute and a half with their goalie pulled.

    So, what you're saying is that there's a greater possibility of scoring 3 goals in a minute and a half WITHOUT pulling your goalie? You may be right.

  3. I was there the day before when the conditions and water were a tat better Aaron, alough the fishing was still slow. Only two fish caught( Browns )Saturday morning by the fella next to me. Nothing was happening with the roe so a few of us switch over to Gulp minnows and that was the ticket.


    Nice bright pic of a beauty Bow Aaron.

  4. I use Seaguar's 6lb flurocarbon leader material when fishing trout on the Niagara. I'm just amazed the way this stuff can be raked along the teeth of a bow or brown during the fight and still not break.


    The invisability of the line is incredible too cuz even with my glasses on, it's still hard to see! lol


    I hate fishing without it now cuz I feel it puts me at a disadvantage. It seems like I never have enough time to fish so when I DO get out, I want all the odds in my favour.

  5. Geez, doesn't anyone sleep off a hang over on New Years Day anymore! lol


    Sounds like a great day, even without hooking into a fish. Nice scenery, fresh air and a little rain and drizzle to make you feel like the hardy type.


    I didn't make out very well either today down in the Niagara but, like you guys, it was great to be out!

  6. Hey, I caught that show and enjoyed it, Stoty. Fishing early spring crappie is great. It's cold, the land is still barren and the birds are just starting to return and call.


    Congratulations to you and your buddy. It looked pretty cold, but y'all were dressed for it.


    My appreciation for Italo has grown since he agreed to fish with a Sens fan! LOL


    Keep at it!

  7. I am thinking a good portion of the Leaf fans here were not even born when the 67 Leafs beat the Habs, but they are only a player or two away from being a dynasty right Mr.Bass!!! :santa:


    Just kidding!!! :tease:

    And I'M thinking a good portion of Habs fans weren't even born since the Habs were a dynasty! lol

  8. Frankly, i'm getting sick of new leafs threads after every game. Same drivel game after game. BEAKING OFF WIN OR LOSE. I sure wish Bettman would grant a NHL team to Hamilton. But he knows not too or all you Leaf fans will be screaming" We want an NHL team too, thats not fair." Go fish.

    I hate these threads too. That's why I never respond to them.

  9. My boss bought 2 tickets to every game in the tourney. All 21 games, and then said he won't even be able to make all the games!!


    He spent what I make in a year, on tickets!! Lol

    I'd hit him up for a raise Uglyfish! It'd be hard for him to give you the "No, times are tight" speach! lol


    PS...Won't be seeing any of the games live but looking forward to catching games as I can on the tube.

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