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Mike Pike

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Posts posted by Mike Pike

  1. Someone said the same thing when i first posted it, but i cant see that here in montreal. too far from salt water.

    Bull Sharks are capable of going into freshwater rivers. As a matter of fact, I believe I recall reading of a shark being caught by ice fishmen several years back on the Saguenay River that flows into the St. Lawrence.

  2. Lets see. I said


    Argos have Montreals number this year. Good so far????????


    Then I posted the season record.


    5 Jul 29 Toronto 10 at Montreal 41

    7 Aug 14 Montreal 22 at Toronto 37

    18 Oct 29 Montreal 37 at Toronto 30

    19 Nov 7 Toronto 30 at Montreal 4



    Now If I had done it this way,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


    5 Jul 29 Toronto 10 at Montreal 41

    7 Aug 14 Montreal 22 at Toronto 37

    18 Oct 29 Montreal 37 at Toronto 30

    19 Nov 7 Toronto 30 at Montreal 4




    Then said,


    Argos have Montreals number this year.


    Then you would be correct.





    But I didnt.


    Enjoy the game.

    Is it just me?

  3. I just posted the results of the games. Nothing to do with "they have thier number"They know what they have to do to shut them down. Just sik Folley on Calvillo . :stretcher:


    Dunigan says they can do it as well. Play smart and they will win.

    No, you posted the results of the games and said the Argos have the Als number. Re-read your post.

  4. Argos have Montreals number this year.Will be an exciting game.



    5 Jul 29 Toronto 10 at Montreal 41

    7 Aug 14 Montreal 22 at Toronto 37

    18 Oct 29 Montreal 37 at Toronto 30

    19 Nov 7 Toronto 30 at Montreal 4

    How is splitting their season series having Montreal's number??? Especially since Calvillo didn't even play in the last game.

  5. Actually the crowd yesterday in the Hammer was pretty loud, expecially considering the Cats didn't give us much to cheer for in the stands.


    Sloppy game for the Cats with dropped balls and turn-overs. The Argos basically needed to show up and not turn the ball over to win this one.

  6. I’m not talking about salaries for current roster players, but investing throughout the organization to develop talent at all levels. With the salary cap, the farm system has become more important than ever, and its one place the Loafs have neglected for decades.

    Forgive me, but other than salaries, how much is the current version of the Leafs ownership spending compared to the rest of the teams in the NHL?


    Seriously, it's easy to say they don't spend like other teams, but harder to back it up with facts. So, what are the figures?

  7. So what is the incentive for the Loaf owners (i.e. Teacher's Pension Fund, etc) to change anything and invest in building a better team? That would risk profits, and as long as they're making maximum profits with a crap team, they won't change a thing.

    All teams invest about the same now, fyi. Salary Cap, remember?

  8. Kessel needs to take that skirt off and grow a backbone!!!


    I mean lets be real Kessel has proven that he can score 30 or so goals and total 50-60 points a year, I think you guys are kidding yourself if you think this guy is ever going to put up Crosby,Ovei,Stamkos type numbers and BTW way Macarthur,Versteeg,Armstrong are career 30-50 point guys what do you Leaf fans expect from them, all of sudden because they have a Toronto postal code they become stars?

    These are all guys that other teams did not really want.

    Don't know who said Kessel is going to put up Crosby numbers( other than perhaps you )but when Kessle can score 30 goals after missing the first month of the season on a young, rebuilding team, well, that's an excellent player in my book.

  9. As A die hard Leaf fan, it's tough to watch.

    I actually shut the game off after the first period last night, that's new for me. I'm also thinking that they are shutting the coach's rants out of their heads. He just isn't working out in my books. I know he's not out on the ice, but does anyone really want to play for this guy if he calls a player out in the Toronto media?

    I think they do, Jimmer. They're playing for themselves, after all, and that next contract. Doesn't make sense for a player to shut their game down because of a coach. If anything, I wish he'd call more guys out about playing on the perimiter and being soft.

  10. Was a great day landed 2 jumbos my little girl landed her first baby bass ever.

    Lots of people out today saw many jumbos being cought.

    The sun was out and the winds were down great day to be out with the kids

    Sounds like a great day with your daughter Jose! Congratulations on the jumbos and your little fishing partner's first fish!

  11. Wow, 2 games , 2 shutouts against the buds. I was impressed with Ron Wilsons pep talk after the game!! :clapping:


    Blah blah blah...secondary scoring....blah blah blah ....not on their resumes.....that ought to make the players feel good....oh wait......they suck. Who can feel good about that?




    5 losses in the last 6 games




    Don't worry leafy fans, they'll win one sooner or later and you can start planning the parade route again... :w00t:




    So much anger.

  12. Of course they did....that's why the laffs won..........oh wait.....they didn't....they lost. What's that ,4 losses of the last 5 games???? :clapping::clapping:


    Oh poor little Kessel got his feelings hurt eh? boo hoo :w00t:


    He better invest in some ear plugs then cause he's going to need them..... :rofl2::rofl2:


    I love the fact Seguin scores.....you couldn't have written it better.... :clapping::clapping:


    Thank you Kessel,Thank you Kessel,Thank you Kessel :worthy::blahblah1:




    Kessel's got 7 goals already this young season so I'd say; "Thank you Boston!"

  13. AverageJoe, both your examples show the fish coping quite well with hooks( jigs )in 'em.


    Now, as far as them not disolving, until you can determin how long a hook has been in a fishes mouth, you can't say it doesn't disolve. In your one example, we only know that they don't disolve in a week.


    Sometimes, harvesting is not an option because of slots etc. so I would much rather cut the line.

  14. Here, in order, is the tied-breaker criteria. Although it's probably a little more relavent after 82 games. lol


    1) Wins: Most total wins among the tied teams.

    2) Head-to-Head Record: Most points in games against each other among the tied teams.

    3) Goal Differential: Using the total goals scored during the regular season, the greater positive differential between goals for and against among the tied teams.

  15. I'm a Tiger-Cats season ticket holder and a HUGE CFL fan. I love both leagues though. I always wonder why it has to be a question of one league over the other. They're almost two different sports!


    If pressed, I think I enjoy the speed of the Canadian game more and the 3 downs as opposed to 4. With 3 downs, the Quarterback HAS to get 10 yards quicker so every down is more important than in the NFL.


    Quarterbacks in the CFL don't have the luxury of 'managing' the game. They have to make plays!

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