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Mike Pike

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Posts posted by Mike Pike

  1. A great fish you got yourself there, Bassmaster4, and Congratulations!!!


    Funny, but I bet not having the bass expode on ya helped you hook it. Alot of times that initial explosion tricks most people into setting the hook right away( myself included )when it's best to wait 'til you feel the weight of the fish before setting the hook.



  2. Met up with family a couple of weeks ago at Binbrook Conservation Area and got a chance to fish with my nephew's son, Markus.


    Markus was eager to cast a line, so I rigged up a slip-float and worm and away he went working the shorline. Lots of Sunfish to keep things interesting on this day.

    Markus stuff1.jpg

    After hooking into a pile of sunfish, I thought we should move along to another location to see if any other fish were lurking about. A tug on the line and Markus brings in his first bass.

    Markus stuff2.jpg


    Proving it was no fluke, he hooked into another bass shortly after his first.

    Markus stuff3.jpg

    I sure had a great time with my new fishing buddy. And I learned a lot on that day too. For instance, did you know the fish bite turns on when you repeat; "Here fishy fishy fishy." It's a great new pattern I'm gonna use!

  3. I echo Pikehunters words. Hammy Harbour has tons of shore access and you could take the fella for a pop at Williams or for fries at Hutch's. Binbrook Conservation Area is also close to ya. Took my nephew's little guy there last weekend. Nice long deck to fish from near the boat launch.


    Just a couple other options for ya to confuse matters. lol

  4. The salmon will start moving into the area in the next few weeks. Rainbow trout will join them a few weeks later, then around November, the browns arrive. That just a general time table.


    Casting hardware is a good way to while away the hours with your Son, there. Cleos are my personal favorites to toss. Lipless crank baits are good ones too.


    Evenings are usually the most productive times, you'll find.


    Now, it's hot high percentage fishing, imho. You have to put in a lot of hours but when you do hook up, you've got yourself a good fish.


    Bring a long handle net and camera.


    Also, the Burlington side of the pier was under construction and I don't know if it still is. Perhaps someone else could chime in here.

  5. Quite honestly, the best thing you can do for a five year old is go catch some perch or sunfish. Bring a five-gallon pail and keep one or two fish swimming in the pail so he can play with them. Then let the fish go when you pack up, and go grab some ice cream. After a half-hour most kids will become bored and want to go do something else anyway. Make fishing fun for the kid - don't sentence him to hours in a charter boat where he will likely become bored out of his skull before you even set lines. Or worse yet - seasick.


    If you're taking a young kid fishing, you have to make it all about the kid and what he or she wants to do. It has to be fun all the way, or the kid will quickly turn off fishing and never want to try it again. If you have to drug the kid ahead of time by making them take Gravol, then what's the point? Where's the fun in that?


    Just go catch some pannies and have a picnic and make it enjoyable. Hopefully you'll also find a garter snake or a frog or a turtle. Keep it simple and the kid will be bugging you to go fishing all the time. By age 9 or 10 you can think about a salmon charter.


    Bang On! I have to agree with everyone of Craigs points here. Save the charters for when he gets a few years older. He'd probably appreciate 'em more in a few years, IMHO.

  6. That's funny Teressa because my nephew wanted to go to a sushi restaurant here in Hamilton for his birthday dinner! Kids these days have a more varied palet than I ever did when I was that age!


    I started going to sushi restaurants this year myself. Absolutely love 'em. All the fish selections look as good as they taste! And now I'm slowly introducing co-workers, family and friends to the sushi experience.


    Glad you guys had a good experience and have a good sushi restaurant up your way.

  7. I'll give you a warning: You may not want to come back! lol


    I haven't been down in years Bayboy so I can't offer specifics, only that the gulf side is the best side of Florida, in my opinion. Lots of bridges and piers to wet a line. Great seafood restaurants. Awesome sunsets, etc.


    Have a great time!


    PS.. Just remembered, about a half hour drive south of you is Sarasota Beach. If you're a beach goer, you'll love it. Sand is like powder! Also Mote Marine Laboratory is in Sarasota and it's a neat place to see sharks and other sea life.

  8. Good luck Dana. Let us know how things go.


    Years ago a friend showed me how to fillet 'y' bones out of a pike. I had to see how someone did it, because I never quite got it looking at diagrams in books. It's actually fairly simple if you take your time, and I've never looked back. I enjoy eating pike more without now without having to constently pick 'n spit. lol

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