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Mike Pike

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Posts posted by Mike Pike

  1. After seeing the recent trib fishig posts, I decided to burn a vacation day yesterday to hit an trib down Erie way. I already visited the stream a few weeks ago and found it blown, so I was pretty happy to see it back to normal when I arrived yesterday morning.


    Once the Steelhead leave for the lake so do most of the fisherman, so I had the little jewel all to myself.



    I found that I was getting hung up bottom bouncing no matter how light the split-shot, so I switch up to a small spinner to keep my presentation higher in the water column. No takers though, unless you count the rock bass and chub.


    Moved on and found a deeper run where I could present my crawler with a slip float, and that's where I found the first little Brown of the day.


    The run held several more Browns and couple of Bows so my morning was an enjoyable one. Here's some Brownie shots.







    Once things slowed, I took the slip float back to some of the other runs I had tried earlier in the morning with no success and hooked into the best Rainbow of the day.



    A really great way to spend the morning. I find I get the most enjoyment when I get back to the basics and pack the hipwaders, vest, a few lures and ultra-light rod.



  2. I have never seen small stream brookie shots like that before! That's quite a talent you have, Mike, first to catch 'em and then catch 'em with the lens. Terrific stuff. Sounds like a lot of effort but boy, was it ever worth it!

  3. Hmmm, I never use a swivel and line twist is extremely rare and minimal. My question would be what you're doing or what rod/line you're using?


    One thing you can do with flouro leaders and real small base line is use a micro swivel to tie the leader on. I'm not sure if the micro swivels I use occasionally have ball-bearings or not since they're the size of a small ant.


    My line twist is probably the result of making longer casts( and reeling spinners back in fast current? ). But the ballbearing swivels make it a non-issue. I'll either use a ballbearing snap-swivel direct to the lure OR a two-way swivel about a foot or two up the line. Either one seems to do the trick.


    The small swivels your using, Bill, the size of a small ant are probably not ball-bearing swivels since I've never seen 'em quite that small. Doesn't sound like line twist is much of an issue with you though.

  4. thanks guys for your responses.Another question i have is how many of you use a snap swivel or barrel swivel? if not do you think not having the swivel makes the difference in catching.I don't use one and have friends that do and often even if they use the same spinner i will catch more fish.is there any truth to this?

    I can't believe you fish spinners without a swivel and don't get line twist! What's your secret?


    Anyhoo, I spend the extra and get ball-bearing swivels. No line twist and makes changing up spinners easier.

  5. I saw this charter boat on the Coronzey show a while back. I remember it because he was casting to walleye( countdown method )and catching 'em that way. Just looked way more fun than trolling. Anyhoo, here's the website to find out more.



  6. Most of what was said is true and nothing most long time fans didnt already know.

    A 1st line center is desperatly needed,we lost far too many face-offs and kessel needs a good play maker.


    but the article says kessels numbers have dropped off without savard. last time i looked ,kessel has his best point production this year.

    on a side note ,another year of ron wilson is gonna suck. i cant stand looking at him. also ive never heard so many commentators and pannelists question a coaches decision(s) then when it comes to wilson. he isnt all the problems,but getting a different coach would be a step in the right direction. now if we can only turf the suits in the lower bowl

    Remember though Lunatic, Ron inherited a team that's been torn down and rebuilt. Almost the worst team in the league last year and this year knocking on the door of the playoffs. I think we're going in the right direction and would give him my vote for next year.

  7. If I ever catch a record Ski, for sure I'm keeping it, and I'm going to be famous.

    You can all gawk at the pictures, shake my hand at the fishing shows and be jealous all you want. I'll be hood-rich and be hanging out with Miriko Izumi.

    You'll only be famous amongst other fisherman, which doesn't really make you famous.

    You won't get rich because companies don't throw money at you just cuz you caught a big muskie.

    And you don't stand a chance with Mariko.

    SO LET THE FISH GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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