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Mike Pike

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Posts posted by Mike Pike

  1. That is a terrific tutorial you made up for us Hammercarp!


    And Goodluck to you Googie. That is as complicated as it gets, and it will defiantely get you into fish.


    Now, if you end up reeeally getting into carping, you'll find no shortage of ways to spend your money on specialized gear, that essentially does the same as the stuff in Hammercarp's post! lol

  2. Thanks Mike, appreciated greatly - hopefully we can hook up this season for some lumps - if you have the time and are willing to take a visitor - feel free to PM me, well hook up some time....... this is Mike from the CAG right? we met at valley of the bullheads once recently?





    Yup, that's me Shawn. And I look forward to joining you on the bank for some carping real soon. Just remember, you can't get mad when I cross your line, ok.

  3. Mike hit the nail on the head!



    Swim = spot

    Venue = lake or river

    Bivvy = tent

    Boilie = chunk of dough or corn meal

    Inline pear = big sinker

    Gutted = upset I lost my fish

    Chuffed to bits = Happy I got my fish

    Maize = corn

    Method mix = a bunch of oats and cream corn that can form a ball to bring fish in

    Baitrunner = reel that can switch to free spool (loose drag)



    Ex, I was in my bivvy at the local venue, in my favourite swim, fishing an inline pear with some method mix and maize with a single boilie when a proper common took my rig and the baitrunner wasnt clicked on............ my rod went in the swim and I was gutted but I grabbed it quickly and landed the fish and I was chuffed to bits!


    That should get you started - the rest is downhill lol...... ps remember.... until you get a baitrunner....... loosen your drag or so say goodbye to your rod when you grab a sandwich, take a leak, check your phone, or have a nap!





    That's a hillarious read, Shawn!


    And hey, finally got to enjoy your vid last night. Nice job and that's a terrific fish! ..err, I mean a 'proper' fish. lol

  4. I remember guys fishing for 'em in the 80's as schools of them would pass below the hut. Once the population dropped, I hadn't seen one caught in years. I actually forgot all about the buggers until last year when I caught a couple once again. Well, I guess the moritorium on fishing for cisco is working. Lots more reports of them being caught and seeing schools again. That's cool.


    As for table-fare, I never tried 'em back in the day when you could keep them, but more than one person has told me they are an aquirred taste and a little oily.

  5. Discussing about watching things in real-time and not recording them in a thread yesterday, I decided not to DVR the race and just stay up and watch it. Wow, am I ever glad I did! And my favorite driver won! Go 17!!!!!!!!


    Unfortunately, I'm now at work... trying to keep my eyes...open...and stay ... ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  6. What I do is record the first hour then start watching so i can fsat forward thru the commercials.By the time I get to the end of the race im caught up to real time. That im my opinion is what a PVR-DVR is for..

    That's a good idea. Plus, your way you don't have to worry about finding out who won the race before you've had a chance to see it.

  7. Who hoo! Rain baby rain! See ya tonght for the first ever running of the 500 under the lights! I hope....

    tb4me, you have GOT to get yourself DVR( or PVR )and record the races. It's awesome. No more sticking around the house Sunday afternoons. Go fishing instead and watch the races at night! It's a beautiful world.

  8. Fact is Leafs have the youngest team in the league and are currently holding down a play-off spot, with some depth in the minors finally. Lots of upside to this year's team, so whatever Burke is able to do, it will likely be with their future success in mind, as opposed to emmidiate returns for the remainder of this year.

  9. I too was a huge fan of his show as a kid.


    Hard to think of it now-a-days but it was the only all fishing show on tv and, therefore, the only show like it. Watching it on my parents' snowy old black and white television, I hung on every word Red said and every fish he caught, hoping that some day I would catch fish just like Red.


    Ooops, got caught showng my age! lol

  10. Don't take offense.

    Why? If you don't want to show or help the people here, just don't post, keep it a secret.

    I've seen this on a few posts. Doesn't make sense to me. We've all seen fish before.

    Send your pictures to paint shop on your PC. Once you learn paint shop you'll be surprised what you can do.

    No offense taken, Fish Farmer.


    To Lew and all the others who said they don't like pics or posts with blurred backgrounds, neither do I really. That's why I described it as an "annoying" feature. lol Nothing worse than a photo of a guy holding a fish with no story, no background, no nothing, just someone holding a fish.


    Reason I was gonna look into using it was because I fish a lot of shore spots. It's probably 90% of my fishing. I feel like I don't contibute enough to this forum with my experences because I hesitate showing the pics where the locations are obvious. Stories without pics are kinda boring( to me anyway ), so I simply reply to posts on this forum without actually starting any myself.


    So, I thought the blurred background option was something I could use. Share a tale and still show a photo.


    Anyhoo, thanks for the help and all the opinions, guys! It's appreciated.

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