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Mike Pike

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Posts posted by Mike Pike

  1. IMO that's a common problem with that blade style. One of my favourite spinners for trout, I've got tons of them, but you really have to give them a sharp tug to get the blade spinning.


    I've found not using a snap swivel helps immensly for whatever reason.

    Do you find problems with line twist when you don't use a swivel with the roostertails Solo?

  2. You and your wife will get to enjoy one of the best beaches in the world! Sand is more like powder than sand. Just awesome.


    Anyhoo, when I was in Sarasota, years ago albeit, there was a group charter operator out of there. Not very pricey at all and a nice boat ride, but it's you and a pile of other fisherman, anchored bottom fishing. I'm sure you'll be able to find the other types too though.


    If you have time, a trip to look at the sharks at the Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota would be a nice way to spend a little time.


    Bon voyage!

  3. Yup, I have the same problem. I always pack my vest with so many tackle options that within an hour or two my neck and shoulders start to get soar with all the weight! Problem is, you never know what will be working this time of year so you want it all. Spoons, roe, gulp minnows, jigs, etc. Guess I'd rather be weighed down with a full fishing vest than find out buddy has a particular bait that's working and I didn't have it packed!

  4. Here is a little info that is in the article


    Sean Insley, a conservation officer with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources told the newspaper a tanker truck trying to enter Canada was found to have live carp aboard, although the water had been drained.


    While I am NOT defending the company their mistake was not making sure that the carp were dead it appears that the intent was to deliver dead Carp to a market that wanted the fish.




    Nothing to defend here Art. Making sure the carp were dead wasn't the only problem. See below:


    "An Indiana company caught bringing live Asian carp into Canada was fined $20,000 Monday in Sarnia, Ont., court. Sweetwater Springs Fish Farm pleaded guilty to possession of an invasive species without a licence, in violation of the Fisheries Act."

  5. I wonder if that was the same haul that was on its way to the Markham fish importer who was charged $50,000 for importing the fish( His second offence because he was charged before and fined $40,000 ).


    Anyhoo, this $20,000 fine was to the American fish company who was bringing the fish over to Canada. Should have been nailed for more!

  6. I say give him 10 games. Will not happen because even though Campbell is not presiding over the case he will still have input on it. Time for Campbell to go.

    It would happen if Chara had hit Campbell's kid! Yup, Campbell should go, if only for his conflict of interest in handing out punishment.

  7. Gotta love this. It's like the play-offs right now for the Leafs. Dunno if they'll make it or not but really entertaining to watch games that mean something( and watching a team that's playing it's a$$ off! )


    Note: If I'm PVRing a hockey game or Nascar race, I know to stay off this site. It's juat a given.

  8. One autum many years ago, at the Bronte Creek river mouth, a friend of mine hooked into a Chinook salmon. That in itself wasn't unusual. But, after what my friend said was a half-hearted fight, we saw that he was, in fact, reeling in a decayed and very dead fish! It was the current that fooled him into thinking he had a running fish on his hands.


    Anyhow, after reeling it closer, he had to unhook the glotesquely decayed fish. And that's when we noticed the fish wasn't snagged or anything. Just nicely hooked, fair and square, right in the mouth!!!

  9. As a huge Ford fan, it was great to see the Fords 1, 2, 3. There have been some pretty lean years for Ford fans in Nascar and I hope this is the start of a competative manufacturer's race again.


    I remember when I first got into Nascar racing in the late '80s and the Fords were competative with the Chevs( and Pontiacs, at that time ).


    Still can't believe a 20 year old won the Daytona 500. And I think his birthday was just the day before!

  10. I don't know what kind of TV you bought .. but..

    My LG has an option .. depending on the (cinema,sport,game,flat,media)MODE it's in, it automatically switches itself from 1080P to 720P resolution...

    My digital music channels automatically set themselves to 720P since there is no picture.sound quality doesn't change. *Most others are at 1080P... my Discovery and Nat/Geo... CMT and WILD has went to 720P for some reason.. I had to reset them manually.

    Actually, I just found those settings Randy and changed 'em too. Thank you. Still no difference though. We're narrowing it down though. No matter what Cogeco says, I think it's the box.

  11. I don't know what kind of TV you bought .. but..

    My LG has an option .. depending on the (cinema,sport,game,flat,media)MODE it's in, it automatically switches itself from 1080P to 720P resolution...

    My digital music channels automatically set themselves to 720P since there is no picture.sound quality doesn't change. *Most others are at 1080P... my Discovery and Nat/Geo... CMT and WILD has went to 720P for some reason.. I had to reset them manually.

    Hmmm, mine is an LG too. Where is this mode you speak of?

  12. I just got a new big screen and have set it up with a Motorola HD receiver from Cogeco. Now, I understand WFN isn't available in HD here so I'm watching it on the regular signal which I know is inferior to an HD signal. BUT the picture quality on WFN isn't as good as other non-HD channels. In particular, when it goes to the commercials, they're grainy and snowy.


    Just wanted to know if anyone else was experiencing a similar problem.

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