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Mike Pike

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Posts posted by Mike Pike

  1. OK....let's play that game...I'm a share holder and your running the store but it's now losing money....how do you keep it a float so I don't lose my entire investment and you lose your job....I know it wouldn't be, "we need to hire more help"....so what else can you do ? ? ?.....money running short and the clock is ticking.....monthly rent payments are do and MANY distributors want to be paid NOW...

    I ask who the boob was who got us into this terrible money loosing mess and I'd start with them! That person probably makes as much as the collective of the people he just fired.

  2. Although I've primarily fished the piers and shore along the west coast of Florida, I found live shrimp cast out with some weight a foot or two up the line to get 'er down to the bottom pretty much worked for everything. Snappers, Jacks, Sheephead, etc. Fun, simple and productive. Any bait and tackle shop will let ya know where there are good locations to fish from shore and which locations have bait shacks with live shrimp.


    Good luck and good fishing( and good eating! ).

  3. Never thought about Twitter as an angling tool Boss. Might be a reason for me to sign up.


    I've just always seen it as a marketing / selling tool. Everyone who tweets typically has an agenda of somekind, whether it's to promote themselves or their products or companies. I'm not a huge fan right now.

  4. Good luck Karper. Live plants always frustrated me. I always find it hard enough keeping my fish healthy never mind worrying about the plants as well! lol


    That's why have artificial plants in my aquarium now. I must say, I love artificials now because they do look very real.


    Because artifical plants make tank care is much easier, I find I clean my tank and do water changes more often( which in the end is better for my fish ).

  5. Maybe its time to look for a new jobwhistling.gif

    Christmas parties are sposed to help employees get to know one another, and for the bosses to get to know the employees better too.Its a time for management to give a little something back to the workers, to say thanks !!!clapping.gif

    I take my guys out for the best steaks money can buy, and each gets a 500 tax free bonus, every year. No complaints so far.


    Any openings???

  6. I recorded it and just ended up watching it last night! Wow!!! I couldn't turn it off. Stayed up til 2am.


    Tony Stewart was a monster!!!!! ( ..and I'm an Edwards fan )


    I've never seen anyone keep coming back from so much adversity in one race. His re-starts were amazing and drove the heck out of his car.


    PS.. Congratz Joey, I'm sure you celebrated!

  7. I'd be in favour of ANYthing that stops teams from trapping. If I had to endure another decade of watching teams trap their way to the Stanley Cup, I'd stop watching.


    I applaud Philly for bringing it to light( and believe me, I HATE Philly ).


    If it was up to me, I'd have a rule where Tampa would get 2 minutes for 'lack of aggression.'

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