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About Bassaholic

  • Birthday 05/06/1983

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    Oxford County

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  1. Picked a large ziploc bag of them last night when trout fishing. Amazing how fast they come on, same stretch of river I fished opener and they weren't even showing then. Yesterday most were over a foot and a half high! Took a lot of work to find the smaller ones that were just sprouting. If you're in SW ON get out and look for them now or you'll miss out.
  2. No difference in the spools???
  3. Glad I'm not the only one...To me Lampreys look like something out of a sci-fi movie!
  4. Was at the game today...Jays played like a bad AAA team. Dickey and Bush seemed to think they were throwing BP for Boston, so many taters down the middle, it was a joke!
  5. That's a chunk! 3 nickels on one trip is an epic day.
  6. Don't see the point in a more expensive reel with a "short line" application like flippin', drags gonna be locked down and you'll probably be using big weights so casting abilities not an issue. Would rather spend the extra $ on a good quality stick that can handle the strain of flipping with big weights and hauling bass out of the slop and if you do it'll probably come with a good warranty. Buy a cheap one for something like this and it'll probably let you down sometime...be a shame if it was with a 5lbs bucket on the line.
  7. Buddy was telling me they were putting huts out and I can't believe it...anyone heard anything or been down there in person?
  8. Evil is evil...men like this have been around doing things like this long before video games. This puke obviously had a SICK mind, did violent video games help...probably not...but there's no doubt he would have found "inspiration" somewhere and still done something like this regardless. Prayers go out to the parents.
  9. Dont go to Burwell! The channel is very low and needs to be dredged. Was there about a week ago and got stuck on our way out!
  10. Looks like a bull to me too...they are notorious for entering freshwater rivers too, one of the few sharks that can.
  11. I live in the same area as Rich and I also cant believe the amount of people I see fishing these small lakes/ponds anymore...With all this new info out there on the internet/forums I think the fishing regs need a SERIOUS update for small bodies of water. Very low limits or even strictly catch and release otherwhise these bodies of water they wont be able to handle this added pressure.
  12. And my girlfriend gets freaked out when there's a snapping turtle by the dock...LOL
  13. Shoot Ah-long a PM...guy seems very skilled in taking apart and tuning reels. He has a bunch of vids on youtube as well. From what I've seen and heard Shimano always seems to over grease their reels so if they dont seem as smooth as they should thats probably the problem.
  14. Funfishing this is exactly what I'm talking about. Yes I did watch the video, a few times. How can you not see the problem with it? I know they were "steelheading" and I know its a legal grey area to film/photograph an OOS fish. And yes these guys seemed to be continually filming so thats not even the problem. The problem is and its been discussed here numerous times, if you continually catch OOS fish its your responsibilty to move away from the area or change your presentation. They didn't and they named their video "bass fishing". Not saying they need to be locked up and the key tossed away but we shouldn't be making excuses for them. And yes I am comparing "deadly weaponry" to this and its not a big stretch. A fishing rod/hook is just as deadly to a fish as a gun is to a duck. You cant tell me with absolute proof that none of those bass were hooked in the gill and thus died after being released. So in both incidents someone is harming our resources illegally. And the only thing thats unfathomable is that you cant see how incredibly harmful releasing fish into a great lakes trib could be and how that should be treated as a severe crime deserving a harsh fine and maybe even some jail time.
  15. The point is the duck hunters rallied together by keeping the thread at the top of their forums and by passing on the video to everyone they know in the hope that someone would recognize one of the shooters and contact their local CO's. But here all we get is excuses and posts locked/deleted in the blink of an eye. In these cases Chris the incidents are clearly illegal and have nothing to do with any ones ethics.
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