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Everything posted by sleded

  1. all those fish were caught in the same spot a big over hanging tree.
  2. well i woke up and wanted to fish so i loaded the boat and headed out with the wife in serch of bass and pan fish. Well it was a slow moring only one crappie and no bass. So i get a call from keith and he wants to come out and fish so i met him at the lanch and we headed out to get some crappies. The wind was blowing us all over and fianlly i broke out the ancher on a over hangin tree and it was non stop crappie! We put back a lot of small ones and kept a few for shore lunch!
  3. Weather looked prefect for muskie out there!! you guys did pretty good for the weather conditions ! that bass is huge man too bad she didint bite when the derby was on
  4. man i forgot how fun top water bass is!!! Cant wait to get out again
  5. Well sunday moring me and my girlfriends cuzins husband skiped out of a wedding brunch thing and we headed to the ponds out in the tin boat and i was hoping on putting him on his first large mouth he has ever caught. Well we worked the pond pretty good for about 6 hrs and he ended up landing 4 small bass. He told me this is the best type of fishing he has ever tried since hes from BC they only fish trout and salmon out there and this style is great and he had a blast. Well I lost two big bass way back in the pads should of brang my big pole but forgot it of course. I ended up getting two bass one was not a bad size for a small pond which i got on a black mamba! soon as it hit the pads she smashed it right on the surface! I had a really great time fishing these ponds get out there while summer is still here. brads first large mouth bass
  6. This is the first lake i tried called twin lakes i renamed it as skunk lake lol okangon lake dinner caught this trout in the hardest place of all a stocked pond lol at the wifes uncles ranch found big foot! It was a pretty good trip but next time i go out there ill be doing some river salmon fishing or sturgeon
  7. fishing at my pond eh LOL!
  8. man im glad i went out cat fishing that night looks like its going to be a great year for them!
  9. sounds like this reel is what ive been lookin for brain! hey brain was wondering if you still had any musky stuff still for sale. We got to get out this year and go for musky!
  10. Hey guys i was looking for a light musky reel and talked to the guy at bass pro and he said this reel will be able to handle big spinnerbaits. Im using this reel just for casting and was wondering if anyone else has used the reel before and could give me a review on it. thanks guys sleded
  11. March 12-16 send me two lol
  12. i called these guys and they said they will not send them over the boarder whats with that
  13. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...requestid=31119 was wondering if anyone had one of these and could give me a review on it and if its a good deal thanks guys sleded
  14. Me and the wife also got a skunk rich. We fished about 3 hrs without a hit but it was a good day to get out. We marked some fish over by the point but i guess we needed some tiny jigs and maggets. Over all it was fun just to get out and give her a go lets hope we get some cold weather next week but doesint look like its going to happen. Nice meeting you again joonmoon and wife well have to meet down there again before the season ends. sleded
  15. thanks guys it was a great day!! Thanks rich for helpin me land her!!
  16. i had a lot of fun with this video cant wait to make anther one
  17. I had a blast making this one and i fianlly got to weigh in a bass! Lookin forward to more days like that one on the bay
  18. LOL rich!! ya i have lost about 20 pounds maybee hopefully i can gain it back soon with all the ribssssssssssss im been eating lol!!
  19. yes the hottie is me lol!!!
  20. Well on sunday keith called me and wanted to go fishing at one of his hot spots on erie and boy im glad i came out with him! We started fishing some spots with no luck findin any fish so we went to anther spot were he had some luck before. Then as soon as we got boat control we couldint keep the perch off! double jumbos many times biggest was just over 12 inches. We couldint count how many smallies we got, man the fish were hungry! We had to keep a lot of small ones cus they were so hungry they took the hook deep. I had a blast out there with ya keith and we will do it again soon sleded
  21. well i went to check out a pond i know of and there was people playin hockey so i was like right on its ice fishing time!! so i went home loaded up the gear and headed to the pond around 12. Asked one of the guys that was playin hockey how thick the ice was he yells over 6 inches rightttttttttttttttt ha ha ha. more like 2 and a half . so i ended up setting my poles up watchin a hockey game. One other local guy joined me and asked me if he could use my auger so i walked over drilled some holes got him started said it was his first time out ice fishing. Well after i set him up i looked over at my rods and the panfish popper is right over and ready to go in lol!! sett the hook and a nice slab came up through the ice!! i didint have the camera but it was over 13 inches easy put her back to swim anther day. I had a blast out there today cant wait to do it again!
  22. thanks guys
  23. Had a blast out there rich on the snot rockets! Ice is coming hopefully be drilling holes next weekend!!
  24. LOL im Bald!!!
  25. I made jerky for years and fianlly have it down to a science!! I smoke mine all the time. I make mine sweet and the trick is to keep it moist cus not many people like it too dry. Ive sold a lot of jerky and once u get a good batch people will be wanting to buy it!! At one time i had batches sold before they were made it was crazy but i gave it up for a year but might start up soon! They wanted it soo bad it was like a drug!!! they needed it ha ha ha!
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