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Everything posted by jwl

  1. good stuff, hope she treats you well on the water and sees lots of fish,I also run a Legend, well 2 actually...Viper with a 40 on it, and a 14 footer Ultralite with a 9.9, treated my family very well for the last 5 seasons, never a problem. I am sure your familly will have loads of fun in the new ride
  2. how about they gotta roll around with Joey's picture of David Hasselhoff naked for an hour , well not her actual picture we wouldn't want that to get ruined on her...just a copy will do
  3. if you aren't looking for a back rest but just padding on the seat, will keep ya posted, my next project for my 14 foot tinner is to make padded bench seats across the seats. I am just going to take some good marine grade plywood, ....cut the size of the benches but also leave evough on an overhang to put some 2X2's there...I am doing this so that I do not have to screw them to the boat, and so they will just pop on over the bench seat, will not slide around, and can be taken off when I want a lighter load for the boat being more portable. Gonna cut some pieces of foam to fit the seat, cover in vinyl that somewhat matches the colours of my boat.....little tip, cover the foam well with decent plastic so it doesn't get soggy and rot in a short time...cut a couple small holes in the bench part of the plywood..this is so the air can get out when you are putting them together, and for when you are sitting on them in the boat..put the foam on...stretch the vinyl over and staple to the bottom...then take some quick clear caot and cover the staples so they don't rust. I will be doing this very soon, possibly even the next time I go to my camp, so I will keep you posted with pics
  4. just scare the gar out of your hole for a while , if you cast enough bigger lures at them they will play follow the leader and split, or run the boat around there for a couple minutes. I have had many big ones chase my lure but never actually hit them, and found that they can spook pretty easy. Cool to see for sure, but if there are other big preditors around, like I said they won't stray far from thier turf, you will probably spook the spot a bit more than the gar did trying to get them out, give the spot a rest and the other fish will come back, and be on the look out and more agressive. I have seen guys pull simular tactics for musky fishing and it has worked......go into a big quite spot and "stir it up" then sit back for a while and wait for everything to get all quiet again. This will often stir up territorial fish like pike and muskies which may be spread out a few feet apart in an area..this gets the fish on the move, and mixes a few fish together, in turn causes the fish to be more agressive while trying to claim thier piece of realestate back
  5. the gar will come and go..if it's a big school, sure they will chase some fish out of ther area..some of them gar can reach to be like 5 footers...big pike and muskies and right now bass being territorial won't stray too far..I have seem some pretty big schools of gar swim under the boat, kinda feaks ya out for a few seconds but pretty cool to see.
  6. that's funny what TJ said, as a kid me and a couple friends would fish a local creek and catch little fish there all day, a couple times we would cook the odd crappie and catfsih up like that just to try it..we thought it was pretty fun at the time, also learned that some fish don't taste all that good with nothing on them except for some smoke from the fire ...but that's pretty much just how we did it on a stick
  7. , good one, and this is coming from a pretty new guy , I am sure with members who have thousands of posts and how long this board has been around, and hit stats,the amount of lurkers checking in compaired to members on the board..who ever set this up did a great job you can't have a forum board of any sort with this many members from all over the place and different walks of life..ages, ect without there being some disputes here and there...pretty easy to get into it with someone ya don't even know, letalone will maybe never ever meet in the first place. heck ya can't even go through life without getting into it with the people you do know and love be it a family memeber, best freind..whatever once in a while for that matter. Keep up the good work guys, it's easy enough to sift back through the info that may interest anyone, or someone might have somehting to share or contribute too
  8. well since I can't head to camp for a bit because of work and kids and stuff, gonna hit the Upper Niagara up from shore in a couple spots just to humour myself, may put the boat in, not sure yet may try to hit a couple inland spots up. Then my tactics cahnge to fishing for giants at ther trailer
  9. if you are seriously thinking on building a dock, you may want to look into something like I have. At the time we got that one, we had an old dock that had seen better days so we decided to build a new one...I drew up a quick plan, figured out what kind of hardwarer we needed like poles and brackets and stuff, went and priced it out and it came in at a bit more than 2 grand at the time. While out and about checking out some pricing we came across the one we have on sale as it was a display model and it was about 1800 bucks, so we thought that was a great idea..we saved money and didn't have to build it, they even delivered all the pieces. Don't know what the same thing would run you now with the price of aluminium as far as the frame goes, but I bet it still compares well with buying all the poles, and brackets ect to make one yourself. Putting it in the water is a snap, 2 people can easily carry the frame down to the water, pull it out where you want it, there is a smaller section that bolts on..level up the frame then start putting the boards on. The board sections for this type of dock are 4X4 sections already put together..you just start at the shore and pop the first one into place, then continue with the rest..after the frame is in and levelled up you don't even have to be in the water any more. To take it out you don't even have to get in the water at all.
  10. I admit I do have the advantage of being right on the lakefront so I can have a big bonus like my own dock, but believe me all of us that have the lakefront lots pay a few hundred more a year for that, and we also pay for our own docks if we want to build one, or get a set-up like I have..I can't complain too bad though, site fess are not all that rediculous annually and they take good care of the park
  11. minnow trap if you cannot see any school of baitfish around...net if you can see some swimming around. I almost always have a supply of bait at home or I go and scope out places so I can catch bait all year long, I hate buying bait I break up pices of bread and saok them in vanilla extract...pack it into a ball and put in the minnow trap...for the net to help attract minnows, i make a small ball of the same thing and put it in the middle of the net, and use a twist tie to hold it in..get it wet...squeeze all the air and water out so it will sink, then toss in the net and keep an eye on it
  12. now ya just gotta put in the many hours of fishing for them to see if ya can get a real pig in....then it's all "hooked" from there man, once ya get a really big one say in the pushing the 4 footer range, then ya just get the bug and gotta go on the never ending quest to see how big of one you can come up with after that my pb is about 56 inches so far and not quite 40lbs....gotta break the 60 mark next good luck on the big mission
  13. it all depends on the horsepower rating of your boat...for example I have a 14 footer ultralite tinner and max rating is a 15 horse, I run a 9.9 on it and it works great..boat itself is about 243 lbs according to Legend specs. and this boat is easy on gas, I am still working on the same tank of gas now for 3 trips of about 8 days on the water all together, not sure how much running time, but it's still got about a 1/2 tank and it's a gas sucking old motor..lol,it is ideal for travelling around and popping the boat in just about any spot you can get down to the bank with, and 2 people can easily unload all the stuff and motor from the boat, bring it to where you want it, put er all back together, paddle out and go. On the other hand I know other people with different 14 footers that are deeper with for example a deep V modified hull and the max rating for that boat would be a 30 horse....but that's not really the kind of boat that you would be picking up to portage with, and there is quite the difference in weight of the motor for carrying around as well.
  14. good stuff, that's a great little starter set up there, the 9.5 should be great for it too, I run a 9.9 on my 14 , when I had it on a 12 footer it treated me well, lots of applications for a small boat for sure, like swamping it in the slop for some largie action, or you also have the advantage of putting the boat in pretty much anywhere if ya have a buddy along...take the motor off, lift it from the trailer, pop in the water, put motor back on and go..gotta love,hope it treats you well, and starts off your warm weather fishing season with a bang
  15. Was lucky enough to head out to my trailer again for a few days. Man I am spoiled this month, I just spent like 6 out of 10 nights up there, gotta love it!!, and get it in while I can, probbaly have to wait a couple weeks now because of work, and can't skip the kids too much school Headed up this time with just the wife as the kids stayed with relatives, so that was a great little break. Arrived Saturday night just in time to pout in a fire and have a few cold ones. Woke up Sunday morning to this...... Hmmm seems the dock fairy didn't come over night and do some of my work for me I was hoping for the weather to be a bit nicer but Sunday was a pretty drab cool day, after some misc puttering around at camp,running some errands into town I was finally talked myself into changing into some shorts and putting my dock in. One of myneighbours was outside most of the day getting ready to go home and debating on putting in his dock as well....so I made him a deal, he helps me put mine in, I help him put his. Agreed we sat down had a beer then got at it. I think I got a raw end of the bargain though my dock took all of about 10 minutes in the water...drag down the frame, make a few adjustments, put 2 bolts in then start putting the boards on...voila!!! a dock. My buddy who helped me laughed when helping me out saying how much easier my dock was to put in than his. I don't mind helping though he is the kind of guy that would do pretty much anything for my family up there, so after about an hour or so we had his dock all in too. Yeah!!! dock is finally in, now can bring the bigger boat up soon for some exploring around. Gotta love this, here is a bit of a perspective on how nice it is to have fishing in the back yard. Step out the sliding door of the trailer out to the patio A couple more steps out on the patio, down about 10 steps to my dock....hop in the boat and go Not much fishing going on the first day as the wife and I took advantage of having no kids around and got a bunch of things done around camp,dock in, site cleaned up, trailer cleaned up, shed cleaned up and so on... But I did managed to salvage a bit of fishing off the dock and pull out this little guy for the team!!!! not huige, but it's an entry at that...all 24 and 1/2 inches of snot rocket...perhaps Greencoach dog can scoop this pic up to enter for our team. The next day,(Monday) kind of was a bit on the crappy side..wind wind and more wind....earlier in the morning I was fishing off the dock, had a beauty fish on that decided it needed to bite me off and there goes a good float headed down the lake, so I pushed my tinner in the water started it up and headed out after my float, brought the boat back to the dock and went to grab some fishing gear for a putter around just a ways out from camp...well luck would have it..after fixing my motor cover latch and changing the plugs, getting the motor all set for the season..then the wind started, I took about 2 passes trolling across a rock/weedline in hopes of some pickereyes, when the waves started building and the wind made boat control a big pain in the neck, so I puttered back to the dock and just watched the lake all day hoping the whitecaps and wind would go away It was even a bit crappy wind situation for fishing off the dock, but I tried a few things out then decided to stick with using chubs and a float out there, after a while I finally get something decent on after a bit of a battle I was dissapointed to find this guy at the end of my line All in all still a pretty good trip...got some time off from my kids,got a small repair done to my 9.9 for the tinny,got the dock in, and a bunch of stuff tidied up around camp, can't complain too bad, been up 3 times this month to kick things off and it's still a month until the kids get out of school,now I am pretty much all set for the whole season up there, have started to get into some decent fish, have a couple spots scoped out for musky fishing after opener, and I think I got the first pike entry for my team many more good trips and big fish to come
  16. what a great job on that man!!! , I know that took some work with the timing and all that for sure, been a musician myself for almost 30 years, have some recording experience ect..and I know that could not have been an easy task. Thanks a bunch for the hard work and time put into that I am sure that will be appreciated for a long time coming
  17. big oversized "bass buster" type double blade spinner bait fished as slow as I can..will post a couple pics of what i use this time of year later on..just got back from camp and goofing off on the computer as i check in on some work stuff
  18. put it on the curb with the blue-box on top . I am sure you may even be able to find someone who wants to take it off your hands as a project , call a recycle depot or dump and see what it would cost to dump it off if anyhting...specially if they deem it as a recycleable
  19. thanks for teasing us with the hot weather, good haul for the day...so you are allowed to have that many hooks on your line down there...5 at a time fish..yee haww
  20. nice fish man, good luck in the mission to get the 500 bones, anything into the 20's is a pretty good fish for this time of year for sure.
  21. well if you do get bit, after a few you won't feel it, and no swelling or itching at the same time
  22. Benadryl and vodka highballs...after you have about 6-7 the cherry taste starts to grow on ya
  23. me too, as little as possible...if I do put some on it's most likely the Off Skintastic kind I have for the kids....but if I am feeling romantic and want to put out a more manly scent it's Muskol all the way . I generally try not to use it at all really. They don't usually bug me too much..if it's bad for skeeters at night time I generally just roll myself around in the camp fire smoke for a bit....don't shower for the whole time camping/fishing and sit beside as many girls as you can, the bugs like biting them better than boys....seems they are warmer than us so the bugs are more attracted to them.
  24. way to tough it out for the team
  25. if the motor hasn't been ran for a while..when you are tinkering around with it you may as well change the bottom end gear oil in it. If it comes out milky or greyish water is getting in the lower end a little bit...if it only seems like a drop or 2 really then it may just be as simple as the little gaskets from the drain and fill screws need to be replaced, might wanna check that anyway being an old motor..if you got it from someone ya know they should have a bit of history on it for ya.
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