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Everything posted by fishboy

  1. nice to see but be careful
  2. it's amazing that they resist such a lively minnow-guess that's why the old dead bait can be the trick
  3. nice work; the ice should be growing quite a bit this week given the forecast
  4. I've been out at Valens 3 times; the largest pike I've landed was about 4 lbs. It's bluegill heaven there...
  5. very cool he says as jealousy sets in... I did have the chance to play at Maple Leaf Gardens though
  6. winter is icefishing for lakers, whitefish, pickeral & perch ice-out is definately lakers later spring is pike and pickeral and some laker trolling summer is bass time with a bit of the laker and pickeral fishing for a change fall is bass
  7. try this site http://www.lakesimcoemessageboard.com/
  8. here ya go http://www.lakesimcoemessageboard.com/
  9. check the lake simcoe board-they're out jigging for whities in their boats
  10. them there teeth is sharp-nice fish tho
  11. Beauty pike-congrats.
  12. Nice work-congrats & thanks for the pics.
  13. Decent store but as has been said, their bait prices are pricey.
  14. ...and I thought I was being a smart guy and winterizing before the end of November...
  15. It wasn't sounding promising from the different reports I'd heard so we've postponed until later in the month.
  16. Just wondering if anyone was out today and had a chance to check some ice or even wet a line...
  17. Nice work and pic-good thing you're better looking than your bro..
  18. Great news-I'll be heading up on Tuesday; thanks for the update.
  19. -gotta like the ice-out laker fishing-as you can see by my av
  20. thanks for the updates-still hoping that next week we'll have some safe ice
  21. Hi All: I know it's been cold overnight the past 4-5 days, so I wondered if anyone had an updated ice report for the minden/haliburtion area. Any info would be appreciated. tightlines
  22. amazing is all I can say
  23. I'm sure they were just rinsing those lures off...
  24. I agree that the most important thing is to back-off on the drag. If the mono is a late season re-spool, then it should be good as long as you keep things out direct sunlight. It's the uv rays that break down the line quality.
  25. I was fishboy on several boards and still am. I do most of my fishing in the Haliburtons which means targeting bass in summer, lakers in the spring and winter and the odd pickeral in those "special" lakes. I also have access to a some pike water and there are muskies spread across most of the lakes now. Of course there's always panfish with the kids. Out of curiousity, do we start back at post #1? I've seen a few guys with big numbers.
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