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Everything posted by Glaucus

  1. http://huskiemuskie.ca/
  2. http://www.stringease.com/
  3. Are these the same ?????? http://www.cdlures.20m.com/Nhome.html http://www.ddlures.20m.com/
  4. Board member here http://www.lightningserieslures.com/
  5. http://www.riverratlures.com/
  6. http://www.releasemebaits.ca/
  7. Centerpin reels by: John Spahr Alan Taylor Angling Specialties
  8. http://www.riverrunreels.com/
  9. http://www.johnmilnerreels.com/
  10. http://www.peetztackle.com/
  11. http://www.anglerschoice.ca/
  12. http://www.novalures.com/index.html
  13. How about fishing for trout near Kensington market, i.e. Dundas and Bathurst... June 14 till the 19'th http://www.scaddingcourt.org/specialevents/fishin.htm
  14. Dang, don't tell me that it's NOT a JW Young Great Lakes Steelheader prototype, :wallbash: :w00t:
  15. Thanks!!..but are 5 of each in every colour enough? Thank you! This is just a hobby for now...I might sell them once I perfect them That tube is about 3" long. The marabou was molded into melted plastisol, and the plastic would probably tear before the feathers would come out. I only made about 10 of those and gave them away before trying them I'm not selling any yet. I still have to finish making a lure rotator so that the epoxy top coat cures evenly. Right now I hang the lures and let the epoxy drip off. There's a small blob of dried epoxy on the hook shank, though covered by the skirt, but it still looks unprofessional. That is a hollow tube. These take way too long to make and sell. They take from 10-15 minutes each to make. I wrote up how I make them here: http://www.tackleunderground.com/community...65-fuzzy-tubes/
  16. I've made a couple of lures
  17. Your information doesn’t agree with ‘Peukert's Law' , (this is assuming both batteries are ‘matched’, i.e. the same size, age, state of charge, etc...) What am I missing? Could you please explain your advice!
  18. The motor in the last picture looks like a 3.6hp Scott-Atwater 1-12.
  19. http://www.captainhookswarehouse.com/ http://www.hagensfish.com/
  20. 35 amps at full power (if it’s built since 2003) http://www.microconn.com/marine/images/motor_specs.pdf
  21. Use several layers of protection, they can all be defeated, but will slow down a determined thief or make them move on to an easier target. You might like The Clamp Or the 'Master Lock' coupler lock HTH
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