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About Mattones

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    WMU 87

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  1. Hunting season here yet?ha



      bass just opened 2 weeks ago, come on man!

  2. Hey everyone! I haven't posted in a few years but recently picked up fishing again. I found a sweet deal on a KOTA 30 at TSC. They are 60% off making the trolling motor $99! canadiantire sells them motor for around $150 I picked one up from TSC grimsby today and it actually rang in at $73!! If you want an even better deal price match it at canadiantire and get 10% back in CT money. http://www.tscstores.com/MINN-KOTA-ENDURA-C2-30LB-THRUST-TROLLING-MOTOR-P32105.aspx#.VZx3AXD3aK0
  3. You see alot of these on Kijjiji
  4. I was out from 530am-10pm snow blowing almost my entire street it felt like. I enjoy it
  5. Anyone else see that guy feed his dog the cupcake looking thing ?LOL
  6. i may have seen the same one that yhouare talking about in a the past. Things so quick too when they pick up speed! haha
  7. Everyone has a right to fish or hunt. Who cares if they or parents are from another Country. They are still humans like you and I. I hope they get more then a slap on a wrist
  8. The guy that hunts alone and does everything else himself has my respect! See when that small croc bit him and he didnt flinch LOL
  9. Watching it for the first time tonight.. These are true backwood rednecks:P But they have balls!!
  10. Yep its funny functional. Not like the Challenger hoods that Dodge Makes. After market is the way to go. Iv been flagged down by other guys with the same truck asking about the hood. Cheaped out on the under the hood paint just ognna buy the spray paint and goto town in the summer.
  11. Yeah its prob their spark plug issue. LOL Each company has their issues. But Ill stick to my RAM, No problems with her. Rides smoothly and getting nearly 700/kms a tank. Im happy. But it will all change when I get the 6' lift this summer! haha Only truck in ON with that hood as of 09/10
  12. My brother works for Zellers. Ima raz him over blackberry BBM now about it
  13. I feel bad for the goalies. not their night thats for sure

  14. As long as theybeat the states right!
  15. Canada may of lost but the Russians screaming into the camera made me LOL!
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