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About verno

  • Birthday 09/21/1975

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  1. Could be. Her name was Jodie. Awesome girl, but that crap got it's hooks in to her.
  2. A lot of heavy drug use in the bush around the creek. Desperate drug addicts don't care who they hurt to get their next fix. The Methadone clinic is about 200 meters from the creek down there and the bike path that follows the creek makes a great highway for people that want to stay off the main street and out of sight. The bush surrounding the creek is a Rabbit's warren and there are increasingly bigger tent cities growing in it. Those tent cities attract drug users and those violent people that want to prey on drug users. If you look at the link below the problem is severe enough that the city has converted mailboxes to accept used needles. 3 of the locations are along the creek. https://www.oshawa.ca/residents/public-space-harm-reduction-needle-drop-boxes-.asp And its not just your stereotypical junkie either. Our former neighbour who was doing well in life, owned her home and had at least 12 yrs into a mortgage that we lived next to her, worked downtown in the TD IT dept. Died of an OD days after getting out of rehab. She wasn't a violent predator, but I'm sure she had violent predators at her house by the looks of some of the characters I saw before we moved.
  3. Dutch, I work for DRPS and I won't let my kid fish the creek south of Bond St without me being there. My kid is 15 and 6'5. When we were at Children's Arena my younger 2 boys wanted to go play in the playground. My wife asked why I was wandering around the playground looking at the ground. Checking for used needles I told her. Better safe than sorry.
  4. Anyone have any info on the Woods 43cc gas auger from Canadian Tire? My wife and kids spoiled me with one of those and an eskimo hub for Christmas. I know it has to be a rebranded something else, I'm just looking down the road when I have to replace parts etc at how hard that is going to be? From the picture on the box it appears that a lot of the parts on the outside are plastic.
  5. I had planned on it, but it seems life has other plans and now I will be standing in the snow watching lacrosse all weekend in the city.
  6. If you want council, the Police Chief or the Deputy to listen, you need to own or open a business on King St.
  7. Something like the mini pelter on this page? http://www.postknives.com/Post%20Fur%20Skinning%20Knives.htm
  8. It was more of a fly by. I had breakfast on board for my shift. And my truck smelled of pemeal sandwiches. I had to get back before it was cold and before there was none left!
  9. Today in Sunderland if you see this in time
  10. Today I honked and waved!
  11. I use cbiusa in Niagara Falls NY to have things shipped to, if I can't find it in Canada for close to the same price. They will hold a package for as long as you need them to for 6 bucks. We go to Buffalo every couple months so I just pick it up when we are there.
  12. I will chime in with the experience we have had over the last year with our new pup. She is a Pudelpointer. Crossed around 1850's between a Wasser pudel and an English pointer. We also have a 13 yr old Vizsla. Contrasting the two, the PP is far more biddable and easy to train. She can stand (and seems to prefer) harsher corrections. By that I just mean that she doesn't shut down under pressure. Used a prong collar twice, and she has been heeling ever since. She just wants to know what is expected and she will repeat the behaviour after that. The Vizsla needed a much softer hand, and while the training would take longer to accomplish, he had the same ability to retain his training. The PP in the house is a dream. She just chills out wherever the family is, outside she has just as much energy as the V did. As a pup, the V was INSANE in the house and outside. Tons of energy. The V is short haired and sheds a TON. It gets everywhere, but being short there are no tumbleweeds. The PP has a wirey coat and doesnt shed, but does pick up WAY more burrs. Ticks are easier to spot on the V. We are already sold on getting another PP. The caveat I would have to add about behaviour is that the V was my first versatile dog and a lot of the behaviour is likely my fault not his. They are both crazy loyal and great with the kids. If you want to have a look at the PP I can make arrangements for you to see her. Lacrosse season is coming up and we cross the city a ton in the spring.
  13. Yup sounds like it was you. I thought about honking and waving, but I was pulling in to the police station. I figured a stranger honking and waving then pulling in to the station may cause more worry than needed. But hey thanks for reminding me how much I missed this place.
  14. It was actually from the of(n) days but it seems the software changes that to OFC now. It was a really old sticker. From back when Bass Pro first opened and everyone would joke about walking around the fishing show or Bass Pro asking everyone if they were an OF(N)'r. I see that logo is used on another site that uses network instead of Community and doesn't have a forum.
  15. I was driving along Taunton Rd in Whitby to work this morning (might have been yesterday dayshifts are always fuzzy) and there was a red truck with an OFC sticker on it. Are you an OFC'r has been rolling through my thoughts all day. Thanks to whoever that was. Brought back some good memories, and well it brought me back in here to check in. I have lots or reading to catch up on, good thing nightshift starts tomorrow!
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