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Everything posted by codered

  1. thats a record size tiger ? i thought that they would be bigger for a world record
  2. I have never been to a beach resort .. Do I bring my fishing rod? and gear? I was under the impression that charters were the only way to go?
  3. I know this is a long shot , but has any one been fishing in dominican? I will be ariving on saturday and looking for a guiding service.. I'm staying at the catalonia resort and dont realy know what to expect in the means of fishing.. I plan on swimming with the dolphins doing some snorcling and for sure a fishing charter with my wife.. any help would be greatly appreciated...thx
  4. Were did you vacation ..? Im going to punta canta domincan republic saturday and was hoping to get into some of those bad boys,,,
  5. Hey tmleafs26 Im going there also leaving this sunday and am looking to fish . I was looking into a charter for sail fish .. butt pricy . Talking to a few people down there its best to wait till i get to the resort to find a boat. I am looking forward to fishing for something.. i hope you do well wish me luck ... any info on this subject would be GREAT.... cheers
  6. Yup she is a wett one . I saw 2 foot white capps in a near by corn field ..
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zl_QijrmCmY...feature=related good old tune reminds me of old gramps.....
  8. Im sure it is a silver pike rare find indeed. were was it caught? This was caught in northern ontario
  9. What a nice day to be out . Me and a friend worked all day, Moving around from 9 till 3 before we got into fish then our last shot caught these all in 35 min and went home .. I have been eating a lot of whitie lol... ill be out again tomorow ...
  10. Just thought i would post the laker pic i finaly got it loaded to my pc.... didnt weigh it but thinking around the 14 lb range?
  11. S orry no batteries in the camera untill I got to shore... there will be more to come ...
  12. for sure it wasent intestines it came from the gut sack...i played around in it for a while and yup it was spagettie ... no meat balls i was hoping for surf and turf.....
  13. Well went out today and to the middle of no where 8 am , .. Could only fish till noon so we started me and my older brother .. after about 30 min hooked into a small trout . and then rolled a few more .. Brother hits a fish and after seeing him fighting I ran over to GAFF a nice 14 lb laker.. " one for the smoker" biggest laker i have seen landed so far this season .. Then whaammm bammm 30 min 2 nice whities ... between the 2 ... wind was a carp and it slowed down for a half and hour we left and made it home for 11:30 ...lol go figure Going out tomorow for the A M ill post my findings......
  14. Thx for the advice guys .. I started fishing on monday left shore on the sleds @ about 8 am moved around every half hour. First off found 70 fow and went on from there.. Rolled 3 nice size fish right away then nothing all day drilling holes around fox and snake isl ... then around 330 fish on ?????? in 73 fow . Perch? thats a first for me .. any ways continued to fish and landed 6 more perch all over 10 " on 3" half and half hammered williams ,They all went back in , dissapointed but determined so did I as it was getting late .. Most spots had 12/14 " of ice except just west of the islands I found 7" of ice .... Day 2... woke up with a soar shoulder from hand augering all day and away we went again ... After reading over the map the night before I was determined to find 70 ' fow in the middle of nowhere... So thats exactly what we did , Within 5 min of fishing laker landed rolled a few others then limited out by noon what a great day to be out sunburnt face limited and sucess.... thx guys... Going out thurs morning ill post my findings
  15. these bones are very noticable if not removed but the above link has the proper advice... I cutt threw them skin the fish then remove them by cutting along both sides.. any batter recipes for the deep fyer? fish crisp is good how do you guys deep or pan fry them? cheers bon apetite
  16. I fished last week in my hutt 66 ft water . fished most of the week and fishing was not as good as I have seen it in the past.. Having read the posts I think that I am fishing in to shallow of water.. And not fishing any real structure.. Im not asking for real top secrett information butt just a little help on what to look for to find schooling whitefish what are some key elements like structure, time of season depth ?.. I have the week off to fish and would like scout for a better location..im in the keswick area .... thx for any help ill post my weeks findings..
  17. Thx for the replys guys .. i just thought it was strange to see noodles out there.. going out monday once again to try my luck . "im leaving the spagaeeti at home " may need to eat it for dinner....
  18. Fishing simcoe last few days and while cleaning a whitefish yeasterday went in to the stomack and to my surprise found spagetti noodles . have you ever heard of chumming with noodles? I have heard of barley salted minnows even corn butt spagettie noodles?
  19. lol it was a combonation was out with 3 friends cleaned 6 whitfish 4 trout ..Im the only one who can clean them without geting bones. Thx for all the help guys the smell is gone at least for now and I think its always better to smell like a fish than a skunk....
  20. im saying i caught a wack of witie with 3 guys spent 2 hours cleaning them i stinklike white cant wash away that dirty smell . i may have to sleep on the couch...lol
  21. Just finished fishing/cleaning/eating/showering washed with orange glow/palm aloive .. what takes away the witie smell? stinky mgee here .. help would be nice.. going to the basement for a bottle of bleach
  22. If I see some one leaving garbage on the ice I make them pick it up... Last season I saw some one take a number behind my hutt using it as a wind break and something to lean on. I was fishing away from my hutt by the time I got over there I was so mad I made him pick it up and carry it away with his mitts. Sometimes being embarrased by the group of guys watching makes people have a little more respect for the enviorment and others... good luck and tight lines every one
  23. I have seen them the odd time fishing for pike in simcoe butt never caught one there threw the ice. During a walleye fishing trip on a very productive lake I couldnt keep the bass of the line. not catching a walley in 2 days butt over 15 big bass all over 3 lbs... thats just the way it goes some times... During the same trip there were otters swimming all around the open river mouth . this may also be a reason the walleye were not around after the weekend I figured we should have tried the other end of the lake ... Do you think that the otters would have an effect on the fishing?
  24. thx guys going out sunday ....
  25. Has any one been fishing the south shore of cooks bay .. I was wanting to go out sunday .. Mabey out of the pumphouse any one with info would be appreciated. Any one wanting to join me is more than welcome cheers...
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