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Everything posted by Rob

  1. good to hear that things went well for you PH!! Rob C
  2. Hopefully you guys get out there real soon, I would say by next Wednesday you will be out on KB Rob C
  3. Well I didn't even buy the sled I was going to look at it and I will have the tell you the rest of the story at a later date as there is lawyer now involved. So you know the routine from them. I am still looking to get a sled but I will have till next year to ride it
  4. Well I went to buy a sled and ended up with a broken leg. Out of commission for at least 12 weeks with this one. Broke both the fibula and tibia bones in my right leg. Titanium plates and screws to hold it together. I tell I have that image burned in my head of my leg being bent over the way you don't won't to see it , extremely painfull. On 2 perks every 3 hours to kill the pain and watching lots of movies and fishing shows. So show me the pictures of the fish you get and make sure you guys play it say out there!! Rob C
  5. I think I see through the problem!
  6. Isn't that why we have boats, so we can catch those signals before they get to the satelites!! Rob C
  7. Rob

    Ufc 66

    Yup good to see chuck win, awesome choke hold MacDonald had on Leben, he was crippled!! Rob C
  8. Merry Christmas A man in Newfoundland calls his son in Calgary three days before Christmas & says "I hate to ruin your day but I'm divorcing your mother. Forty-five years of misery is enough." "Faudder! Whadda ya talkin about b'y??" the son screams. "We can't stand da sight of each hudder any longer" the father says. "We're sick'n'tired of each other & I'm sick of talkin' about dis, so you call yer sister in Vancouver & tell 'er." Frantic, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone. "No way dur gettin' divorced!" she shouts, "I'll take care of dis." She calls Newfoundland immediately & screams at her father "Yer not getting divorced. Don't do a single ting until I gets dere. I'm cawin' me brudder back & we'll both be dere by da mar. Until den don't do nuntin, DO YOU 'EAR ME??" and hangs up. The old man hangs up his phone & turns to his wife. "Okay" he says, "Dey're comin for Christmas & dey're paying deir own way!"
  9. Here is a link for a site that has a really good map or you could shoot me your email addy and I will send you one. My Webpage Rob C
  10. Had this link sent to me, non fishing but very interesting for you car buffs! Youtube car Rob C
  11. Definitely shows the 4 R's of Orillia!! A Classic for sure Rob C
  12. Drove by Little lake in Barrie this morning and there was a skim of ice on some parts of the lake. Guess it won't be too long before we will be out on those lakes. Gettin the itch!!! Rob C
  13. He rocked him hard!!! WTG GSP!!!! Looks like a rematch in Montreal. Bring it on!! Rob C
  14. Rob

    Hi All

    Well this is very nice! I have had a name change from Wall eyed to just plain old Rob C. Haven't been in here that much lately (been very busy with house renos) Glad to be back and hope to get on here more often. Hope all is well with everyone and talk to you soon! Rob C
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