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About tonka-toy

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  1. he seems to be walking on water? two lines in the river? awkward reel setup?
  2. Hey guys,Tim has dragged me out for whities and lakers a few times.Those few uneventful trips have led to me refer to them as unicorns and bigfoot,as i saw no evidence of these creatures.Well no more ribbing him about whitefish.What a day.He landed 3, I got 1(the little guy).The two other he didn't note weighed 9lbs7oz and 11lbs5oz.He was aware of the record and against the advice of all present,simply slipped her back.Congrats Tim.
  3. post the head shot of the big one, it shows the massive shoulders.
  4. put the head shot up tim
  5. wow...pretty good trip,or season,or decade.
  6. stupid question,what was your buddy "pre-fishing" for?
  7. x2 took the nefews on monday eve they had a blast(ages 2 & 4).caught a half dozen rainbows in about 2 hrs.red and pink powerworms did the trick.
  8. Please don't ruin this bridge club cat fight with posts that include logic and common sense (you may just get this thread off track!) My wife and I are enjoying it far too much!!
  9. Agree,and this year as four years ago less harvest will occur due to the large number of fish that will be done and back to the lake before the open season.More eggs laid plus a cool/wet summer,if we are lucky,should make us happy in another four years.
  10. unfortunatly a lot of 'bait' anglers are taking spawners (in many cases not fit for the table)out of the system solely for roe. A bait ban would be a positive step. Bumper runs like this year are perhaps the result of early runs four year previous (when harvest was limited and redds left unmolested)
  11. Glad to hear you put them to use. Lots of guys harvest big hens for the roe only and too often these fish end up gutted on the bank in a dumpster or in a garden. You would be suprised how many guys openly admit it when asked the question I put to you earlier.
  12. How do they taste? The ones from lake Ontario that you fill your (hopefully small) freezer with?
  13. I was checking them out at dusk in scarborough.Thanks for clearing up what it was, the kids had me stumped about the bright stars.
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