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About Brettiop

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  1. Well the camping trip was amazing, the fishing not so much. Struggled to find any bass on any of the shoals i tried.....but got onto awesome popper bites late casting to shorelines, but they were all small. I lost the only decent ones i hooked, about 2 lbs. Got one decent Pike when trolling A DBL 10 Handlebarz bucktail, and the wife did good catching her first ever topwater fish and a decent pike on a tube. Really want to go back already though! The Islands that were once on the Navionics that are now 1' under water almost got me a few times, but i managed to not destroy me prop or lower end!
  2. Weather forecast certainly could be better! But I personally like the idea of 19 degrees better then 29... The Wife not so much!
  3. I head up there in a few hours! hoping to find some Big bass! And ill be trolling musky lures to and from campsites and bass spots!
  4. Awesome report! Ill be there in about a month now so cant wait and hearing good reports only adds to the excitement
  5. I hope the top water bite sticks around an extra week this year! I would much rather fish deep on the shoals then cast to shorelines, so hopefully the bass are schooled up deep and i can get on some of those epic days yo describe! Last time i was up in the PAB area you helped me get onto these big boys, came on a tube back to back casts on a big shoal topping out at about 12' right next to 60'+ Want some more of that!
  6. That sounds pretty exciting, never tried the flutter spoon thing....wolf packs of bass sound awesome though! How deep do you usually start looking for them?
  7. Thanks AKRI, I'm hoping we dont run into that! I'm pretty excited just to be out on a new body of water and doing some exploring, been awhile! My motor blew up last year and i just got a new (used) one and am back on the water. it was a long 11 months Love exploring Gbay
  8. When i fish large mouths, 99% of the time its with a frog... its so fun....cant put the frog down even when hits are few and far between...i cant seem to stop froggin My hook up percentages arent amazing, but some days they just wont truly eat it like alot of others have said. I bailed on the whole "wait 2 seconds" thing.....I usually set it as hard and as fast as i can the second i see it hit.....But i watch my frog really closely and can usually tell pretty decently if the frog was inhaled or not. Use heavy gear and never stop reeling, i fish super heavy cover and if you dont keep them coming towards you they'll bury and then your going to have a tough time. OK, im going froggin tonight that settles it OH Yea, that you tube channel Tactical Bassin someone just posted.... is an amazing Bass resource, Ill listen to Anything Matt Allen tells me is a good idea.
  9. Thanks! I love drop shotting, and even better deep cranking shoals. So hopefully the fish have moved onto them by then. It'll be the weekend after labour day so still early fall. With this crazy year for weather who knows what itll be like that weekend. Cant wait to head up!
  10. Hey OFC! I'm planning a trip to the Massasauga park in early September, wondering if anyone has advice on where to find some fish Ill likely try and spend most of my time Smallmouth fishing, and try for musky and pike here are there as well. Will be in a 19' Lund For two nights ill be staying at some of the furthest out into the bay campsites, in my mind getting out and near the deeper water might result in bigger fish. The areas surrounding Wreck island is kinda of what I'm looking at now Shallow to mid range shoals and islands right near the deep water sound about right? Anyone have any general September Georgian bay advice that would be helpful as well! thanks
  11. People fishing outta Mitchell bay already down on lake st clair
  12. I live just down the road in Dresden, work in wallaceburg. The town itself is nice enough, there are some sketchy party though, a lot of tweakers wondering around town from time to time....but if your considering Hamilton im sure Wallaceburg is a cake walk in that department... As far as fishing goes, wont find a better place south of Toronto as far as a good central location, year round there is somewhere to catch something, lots of variety. 10 minutes to st clair, 30 minutes to huron or erie, 1.5 hr to the detroit river...then all the gill and crappie spots u could hope for everywhere in between.
  13. Same, don't do a ton of fishing for the next few months....Ducks are where its at for now.
  14. Nice Fish Bill! The first big Ski is certainly a Rush, still searching for a real biggun myself.
  15. Looks a lot bigger then 4.11 no doubt in my mind anyways If that is only 4.11 my biggest large mouth weighs about 1.8 lbs lol the pic posted is the one in question right? Throw up the pic of the 7.6lber I would love to see that
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