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fishing n autograph

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Posts posted by fishing n autograph

  1. drink up! lol....j/k


    not sure what you should do. Unfortunately I don't have time to drive to a Lake O trib either. I have to go to my wife's staff xmas party so i'll be dropping by a few of our local trails to snap a few pics. I'm hoping the bald eagles have returned....they winter along the grand river

  2. The tree in the forefront has a beige spot that looks like a deer rubbed it's antlers on it.... but could be mistaken


    it's a strong possibility. I was in an area which is creeping close to what's called the "Conestoga Corridor" which is a part of the Grand River Valley that runs on the north end of Waterloo and the surrounding edges of Kitchener. According to the GRCA the corridor is home to approximately 150-200 adult white tails.... I've seen a few large bucks and does but they were closer to the village of Conestogo..

  3. Hey All,


    So my daughter woke up this morning at 4AM and didn't want to go back to sleep, so my wonderful wife was kind enough to drop her off at her mother's place so that I could get some sleep after she left for work this morning. This gave me enough time to start my Xmas shopping and I was able to escape to a local trail that I had never been on. Overall I was a little perterbed by the significant lack of wild life on this trail......


    Here are a few shots that I took....keep in mind I'm getting used to the camera and i suffer from some bad camera shake. I heard it through the grapevine that santa is dropping off a tripod for me at my parents place :thumbsup_anim:











    Lots of ruin and old buildings in this area....






    This Mallard decided to float by me on the river



  4. So I've been watching the free preview of the hunting station (rogers 397) and around 1:00 Easton Bowhunting Adventures comes on. Today I was watching them hunt brown bears in Colorado. The interesting thing was, was that the host kept commenting about how he feels like he's being watched. He was under the impression that he was being stalked by a large bear. Anyway, he ends up checking out the stealth cameras that he set up and finds this:




    and no, it's not TJ walking around without a shirt!

  5. Feral dogs are a nuicance here in KW.....they run in packs and kill livestock....


    Problem with them is that they are bred and ingrained without the fear of humans. Wolves still have the fear of humans. And for those living in the York region and area...the barrier caused by the 400 and areas like King Road and Kirby Road you'll see a huge increase in Coyote and Feral dog attacks. With all of the food supply being cut off and the deer dying off, they have to go look for food somewhere

  6. the problem with many leaf fans is that they fall in love with "useable" players....and turn them into more than they are.....it seems that when toronto gets rid of one pilon, they trade or sign one or two more to take their place.....if they keep doing this, then toronto won't see a cup in 30 more years.....

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