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fishing n autograph

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Posts posted by fishing n autograph

  1. Happy Holidays everyone,



    The Christmas holidays is a great time of year. Unfortunately, with that, the worst of society come out to play. Just wanted to give everyone some tips to keep their house safe.


    1) When leaving your home for an extended period of time, speak with a friend or neighbour and make sure your mail is picked up and your snow is shovelled. Keep you house looking lived in.


    2) Christmas Eve is a high point for break and enters. If you're leaving for Midnight Mass or another religious event/service etc, leave a few lights on at home, and DO NOT LEAVE presents under the tree, keep your goodies out of sight, put down the shades/curtains to avoid people being able to peek in your window.


    3) Don't leave presents or valuables in your car period....lock your car doors


    4) Set up a little neighbourhood watch and have your neighbours keep and eye on your house and vice versa


    5) Lock your house up tight....I know there are many members on here that leave their house unlocked becasue they live in the country...but theives have cars/trucks too!


    6) Although it's hunting season, keep your firearms locked away safely


    7) Take notice of strange people or vehicles in your neighbourhood. Many theives scout out your home and others and pose as friends and family. Just be mindful of people.


    8) When in doubt...call the police. It's not a waste of time calling the police if you feel someone is up to no good.


    9) Make sure, if your house is broken into...don't go in until the police arrive...just for your safety. Items can be replaced but you can't


    10) Put your valuables away. If your wife is like mine...she'll try on 10 different outfits with other accessories....make sure she puts her jewellry away...

  2. Okay gang here is a question that my son has asked and this I am not sure how to respond to.


    WE back onto a ravine and I have the Deers but with that we also have the coyotes, this seems to have been a very good year for them as we have really heard them and I have also seen them a few time.


    I have the standard 6' fence sepatating us from the ravine and we have a small dog , can the coyotes clear a 6' fence?


    My son is scared to let the dog go out in the yard at night so hence this question.


    I khnow that the Deer have no issue with the fence but can a wild "dog" clear it?


    Thanks - FLEX


    Unfortunately with the incredibly rapid growth of the Vaughan area, the problems with Coyotes are only going to get worse.....King City and Nobleton are getting bad, so is the area of Cranston Park and Cunningham.....there's a large pond and greenspace there and i've seen many a coyote wondering down the street in the wee hours of the morning.

  3. The article actually says that was a 'green' score and it will be officially scored in January after the 60 day drying period.


    It is expected to be the new record, however, even after it dries and is remeasured.


    oops...guess i missed that...lol... i do my best reading on the toilet and i read it in front of the tv when I was flipping through this months issue lol

  4. Hmmm....lets start.....


    Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey and turkey....plus my mom's stuffing, a great creation that my grandmother used to make called "glory salad" which is a jello salad with all of my fav veggies, potatos, duck, goose, too bad my mom stopped making a tortiere...so good

  5. and having 3 out of 5 of his disfunctional teenage kids on depression pills


    So does suffering from a mental illness make a person dysfunctional? I hate to break it to you, a person doesn't choose to be mentally ill. Working 10 years in the mental health field I can tell you that many of the choices a child makes is from the mistakes by the parents.


    Many people take anti depressants and many types of psychotropic or mood altering medication because they need it, not because they are bad people....

  6. Thank you gang all good info, and thanks Joey for the link, very informative.


    One thing that I neglected to mention and I guess that this works for me is thet we are on a ridge hence their is also the slope factor, but I think that we will have to pay more attention once the food supply get harder to find.


    And ketchenany we are just around the corner from each other, if you ever want to hook up please let me know- I am west of islington and south of rutherford and you are correct last year the rabitts were around but few and far appart this year.




    That's my old area! hehehee......i play around Jane and Major Mac now

  7. Hey All,


    First of all I want to wish everyone a very merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Solemn Ramadan, Joyous New Years and any other holiday greeting that I've missed.


    I'm not too sure how many of us are in this boat, but I myself am really not feeling the crunch of the economy. I'm fortunate enough to have a career where I cannot be laid off because of a budget crisis. That being said, I see countless number of people in the worst possible position around this time of year. In face, it's sad to say that Christmas brings out the worst in people and in families during this time. Last year I had to work Xmas and had never seen how truly low people can sink around this time of year. It is sad. Especially for those who don't have much, and don't have any family. Please be generous and if you can, donate a toy to any toy drive, or a canned good to the food bank or a dollar or two to the salvation army.


    I'm blessed to have a loving wife - although we haven't seen eye to eye lately, but what couple doesn't - and a beautiful little girl that fills my heart with more than just happiness. Looking at her, helps me stay positive. This year, my wife surprised me. She took it upon herself to raise money, food and clothes for the students at the school where she works that are less fortunate. Quite frankly, 80% of the schools population live below the poverty line and have nothing. Not even a warm winter jacket or boots to get to school. So she went from thrift shops, stores, grocery stores, churches and other places for donation......believe it or not she had 40 students at her xmas dinner...alot of them have never had a xmas dinner before...and many others received toys, clothes and the necessities that every 12 year old needs.



    In regards to finances, I grew up poor, my wife grew up poor, so money is a blessing and I figure that i can always make it up. I want to spoil my daughter and give her everything that i've never had.


    No matter what, when times are tough, you can't be stuck worrying. Lean on those around you and believe as I do, good things always happen to good people, live your life to it's fullest and don't ignore charity whether you're too proud to accept it because if you pay it forward, or do a good deed you will be looked after.

  8. So, I decided to try and edit some of my photos. What do you think? and for some reason the transfer from my comp to photobucket to OFC made some of them look a lil' blurry

































  9. Hey Everyone,


    For the last month or so I've been experiencing numbness in my left hand, specifically in the lower part of my hand (baby finger and palm). I wasn't too sure what was wrong so I saw my doctor today. After doing a few quick tests he's sure it's carpal tunnel syndrome - from the tests and from what I've been telling him like my hand being numb for a few hours after I wake up in the morning.


    So to be sure he has set me up to see a neurologist because I will get the test results faster than going to another specialists. He says from the repeated typing that i've done over the years and driving with my left hand may be contributing factors. I'm not experiencing any pain so I don't think that it's very bad....the doc isn't sure the severity either, however it could be as simple as physiotherapy or surgery.


    Yikes....i must be getting old

  10. Hey Guys,


    Went for a bit of a walk today since the temperature was a little warmer. I hit Snyder's Flats. I had never explored the area before, I usually stuck to the ponds....here are some of the visitors I met.


    Here is one of the dozens of black capped chickadees that were feasting on the pine seeds




    A Blue Jay that didn't want me around!




    I missed a great photo opportunity of an Osprey that flew over head after I scared him from his roost. I didn't miss the redtailed hawk that flew over head seconds after!




    A flock of geese that I scared lol






    Saw this heron hanging out at the water front. I could have gotten closer, but a dog decided to charge through the bush and scare it off!





    This field sparrow was hanging out beside my car door




    So I left trying to make it home in time to get my wife to her doctors appointment. But couldn't help but stop at the side of the road when I saw a huge flock of turkeys in the field...this is just a little group. There were many many more!



  11. Hi All,


    I have always enjoyed feeding the birds and bird watching. I used to do it when I was younger and living at my parents place. Now that I have my own place I've decided to put up a bird feeder but no birds have shown up. I live smack dab in between 2 conservation areas and several green spaces, but my neighbourhood is relatively new and there are no trees in my yard or the adjacent yards. How do I attract the birds to my feeder?????


    Any help would be appreciated.



  12. yea, i've come to appreciate what the grand river offers....lots of wild life to see if you're lucky, however, like i said, other than a pair of cardinals and the ducks there was nothing to be seen. I was even hoping for a rabbit or two lol...


    i've come across more deer along the RIM park trail on the north end of Waterloo by the golf course than the Bingemans area....

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