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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. I work in Waste Management for York Region, In my spare time I'm a punching bag, sounding board, receptionist, counsellor, strong arm, taxi driver, clean up crew and writer.....
  2. I was watching....actually I forget the name of the show...anyway they were in northern ontario fishing for pike and they caught a Silver pike. Apparantly they're very rare, something like 42 of 19000 Pike are silver pike and pound for pound they fight harder than most fish. Just wondering if anyone has caught one???
  3. Lew, I'm so sorry for your loss. You and your family have my deepest condolences. Dave
  4. which timmies are you at?? I may have to stop by
  5. Not sure if anyone knows this but a lot of recent studies have shown that the tuna in the mediterrainian is the same all over the world. Tuna migrates around the world. Some studies have shown the same individual that was tagged off the coast of Florida, was caught 2 years later off the coast in africa and then near Greece a year later. A lot of work has been done to save the blue fin, but unfortunately with large specimans fetching several thousand dollars, some people won't stop.
  6. not a red tail. Red Tails are huge compared to other hawk species in Ontario. I'm pretty sure it's the largest bird of prey next to Bald Eagles, Osprey's and Turkey Vultures.
  7. How about human development encroaching on the Everglades? How about over fishing in Alaska? Another good one is the impact humans have on the Blue Fin Tuna population because of over fishing in the Far East
  8. Hey all, I took my daughter and nephew to the Wings of Paradise butterfly conservatory the other day. I loved it, although they were in a transition period so there wasn't that many butterflies around. They had racks and racks of cacoons so it'll be better in a few months. Here are some pics: A few birds there A few shots from another outing
  9. at least you guys don't have to do the accident reports........they are time consuming and annoying.
  10. Hey All, After the terrible week I had, my wife kicked me out of the house and told me to take some time for myself. I was able to get a few good shots, i think, but I was able to clear my head and being out in nature is a great stress reliever for me. Comments and Critiques welcome.
  11. Wow...nice shots. When you're shooting water, with a tripod, do you do anything more than slow down the shutter speed? I've tried to experiment with water but it's not been successful. Any tips would be great.
  12. Good news! Izzy's home with us now....but the cause of her seizures is yet to be determined. The doctor is having her stool and urine tested somewhere off in the far far place so it takes a month for the results...anyway, he's thinking it's gastrointestinal so he's waiting for the bacteria culture to come back and then he can go from there. But it's nice to see her home and back to normal....although she was in isolation and didn't get to wander around.... Thanks again everyone Dave
  13. Just an update....well night #2 came and went. It was uneventful that goodness. Izzy didn't have another seizure but certainly hasn't been herself because the adavan that she was given. That is the most horrid medication that a child can get. It's anticonvulsion/seizure/tranquilizer that the hospital give children who are in the midst of seizures or about to have more. It turned her from the sweetest, happiest child to the meanest, most aggressive and frustrated child. She didn't even look like my little girl. But she woke up today after about 12 hours of sleep and she's back to normal...so they've rule out any brain function problems/tumours, blood sugar, illness and fever....... but that haven't really told us much. Hopefully she comes home today. I can't take another night in the hospital. I've had maybe 6 hours sleep in the last 3 days....and that was all last night because my wife and i basically passed out from exhaustion in the same chair at about 11PM when izzy finally went to sleep...and we both woke up at about 5 this morning. Thank you so much for all of your kind words and thoughts Dave
  14. Just an update......... Izzy's still in okay condition. Groggy but fighting just like her dad on a Monday morning. The doctor is trying to get an EEG done before he can proceed with anything. They tried this morning but my daughter wasn't having any of it. Even as sick as she is she fought tooth and nail and refuse to have the specialist put anything on her. Made me laugh just a little bit. They are still unsure as to what caused the seizures and they can't rule anything out until the EEG is done. As for her not peeing for 18 hours now, they were doing blood work when I left. I needed a few minutes to clear my head, get a show and get some stuff at home. My wife is still at the hospital with Izzy, but her mother and my mother are there as we speak. No one in my family has slept....well other than Izzy and my wife. I had about 20 minutes of a power nap in a rocking chair at 8 this morning.... I will keep everyone posted, and I sincerely appreciate the kind words and prayers. Sometimes, the easiest way to share your emotions is with complete strangers....who are like a family. Stay Safe Dave
  15. Yeah, the hospital already thought of that. The blood tests ruled that out. For seizures to occur from dehydration your body has to be completely drained of all sodium and electrolites....... Another big concern with us is that Izzy hasn't peed in 12 hours now...and she's been on an IV since about 2PM.....something's wrong and unfortunately there isn't a pediatrician on duty at night here.....so we have to wait a few hours when he comes in
  16. Hey Everyone, The worst, if not the scariest thing happened to me this morning. My 18 month old daughter has had the stomach flu for the last 24 hours and hasn't been doing well. At 11:30 yesterday morning she had a seizure, which I know is quite normal in children, however, what wasn't normal, is the fact that she did not have a fever what so ever. So I calmly, while my wife was absolutely hysterical, called 911 and surprisingly the EMS workers were at my place in about 2 minutes. Well, we were in the emergency room and the docter had seen here even before i got to the hospital --horrifying that I had to have car trouble the second i needed to get somewhere fast. The doctor thought that she just had what was called a fever seizure and actually didn't think she had a seizure at all....until she had a second one right in front of him....it was worse than the first. So, after 4 quick hours we were admitted and brought to the children's wing....by then, Isabella was very doped out because they gave her antiseizure medicine that knocked her out for 6 hours, so she was quite groggy.....then at about 7:30 she had a third seizure..... So now, the Chief Pediatrician has my daughter under close watch because he is really concerned that she has had 3 seizures in the span of about 12 hours, without a temperature or even a change in temperature. She doesn't have epilepsy and the doctors can't quite figure out what is going on. We're waiting until morning until she can get an EEG to see what's going on in her brain. I'm trying to stay strong because my wife is losing it...as most mothers would. I've seen hundreds of child seizures at work, but you believe that this couldn't happen to your child. The look in my daughters eyes before she went into the second and third seizure is haunting me....i've had maybe 30 minutes of shut eye wife my wife and daughter slept and it's basically replaying in my head. Of all the things that I've seen and been a part of a work...nothing is this scarey....... The scariest part is that my daughter is the strongest child you've ever seen...even drugged she gave the nurses a good fight. 4 of them had to hold Izzy down while they tried to get an IV going. Anyway, I could really use your thoughts and prayers right now. I'll keep everyone posted
  17. Sorry to hear about your loss. My condolences to you and your family
  18. The small deli counter in the Dixie outlet mall has great pepperettes...lots of selection.
  19. Hey All, Here are some photos that I took on Xmas day. I went for a brief walk in a green space near my home. Enjoy, Comments and Critiques always welcome, Dave
  20. Hi Everyone, A friend of mine is an semi pro nature photographer and has suggested that to get great shots, try hunkering down in a small bushy area where you'll be hidden (or try camo) and call predators or deer in.....my question is....does anyone have any predator/deer calls that they have laying around that they're not using? Lemme know Thanks Dave
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