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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. And the hairline and the endurance and the motivation and the memory and the....wait what was I talking about???
  2. Basically a citizen may arrest a person whom he finds committing a criminal offence and must be delivered asap to a police officer...so you can catch him/her in the act and grab them or chase them on foot...but if you lose sight of them and 20 minutes later you see them, you can't arrest under the crim. Code...and this includes every offence under the criminal code. You are also allowed to use reasonable force to detain the person - and let's not turn this into a issue on what is considered reasonable.......
  3. My smoker was on sale for $215.00 at BPS...if you cross the border it's on sale for $199 at BPS
  4. Tomorrow night i can be at your front door in 40 minutes! lol
  5. lugi you're welcome to come to my place....smoker is being lit tomorrow at 2.....
  6. man i gotta start taking pics of my bbq and smoker porn...did ribs tonight....mmmmmm
  7. ....i looked for a funny taxi cab driver video, but alas....everything came up Grand Theft Auto crap....
  8. So my little girl is now three and has discovered Disney movies....and as tough as she is, she's got a little bit of her mother's courage in here lol. Anyway, Izzy loves Toy Story so we went out and slowly got her a few Woodie, Buzz Lightyear and Jessie toys....we quickly found out that she's absolutely terrified of and Jessie toy......she's also terrified of any Mr. Potatohead. So now i'm second guessing every time I want to buy her a toy lol. Maybe it'll save me some money! That got me thinking though...does anybody's children scared of anything strange? The only thing I can remember being scared of was the dark...but then again, after seeing TJ with his shirt off I can see why I was scared of the dark lol!
  9. yeah, i do have to agree that sometimes the O dots aren't around when you need them....but i guess you could say the same thing about everything....just the other day I was stuck in traffic and I started to wonder where the piazza delievery guy and dial a bottle guy was....lol
  10. cool pics...i've never seen a bear in the wild....but are they supposed to be that mangy?(sp?)
  11. good job! i wish i had a back yard and time for a garden
  12. Yeah, i reread your last post....my bad.... and i don't mention what I do for a living every post...i've been on here a long time
  13. No disrespect towards Lew.... But fire fighters don't do a 10th of the work police and ems do. Several of my friends who are firefighters tell me a busy 24 hour shift for them is 5 call outs..... The rest of the time they don't really do anything other than work out and some training... A slow day for me is 5-10 call outs...so don't tell me that you know the system. Saying police don't show up is a pile of Bunk... Arm chair quarterbacks need to stop getting information from television....we're human and we have limits...thinking that finding the person who egged your house or broke your window is more important than the dirt bag who's robbing people at gun point, beating the crap out of their wives and the drug dealer selling to your kids. If you knew how hard it was to put on a uniform and have men women and children hate you because of the uniform and dealing with people you would run screaming from you'd change your tone. Try doing a thankless job where you work long hours and get little thanks.
  14. Here's the bottom line.....EVERYONE will armchair quarterback the police. No matter what we do no one is happy. There isn't one profession that every move you make, everything you write down and everything you say is scrutinized. In reality, 99% of the public have no idea what it's like to be an officer and to be honest I had no idea what I was getting into when I got hired. No one realizes that the idiot a copper arrests for impaired driving will have to do about 6 hours of paperwork afterward.... Again, the bottom line is....when the majority of the armchair quarterbacks leave for work in the morning, they're most likely going to see their family when their shift/work day is done. I have to kiss my wife and children good bye everymorning knowing there's a chance that that will be the last time I ever see them. Cowards like to criticize, but remember, when the excrement hits the oscolating device, I'm the one running into it...and they're running away from it...
  15. Well in terms of dispatching...property damage like vandalizm is a priorty 4...not an emergency and in the grand scheme of things violent domestics etc take precedent
  16. You'll be surprised how fast neighbours forget things or suddenly lose their vision and hearing
  17. Wow, that's bad. Usually we literally have to do everything to find a violent domestic. Things have change in the last few years but when there's an allegation of a criminal offence in a domestic involving an intimate couple the crim code says we have to arrest...
  18. So you want police there but no enforcement??? Hmmm something wrong there....considering I'm now in the traffic unit
  19. That would be careless driving. Dangerous driving is a criminal charge which is hard to stick...if had really hurt someone I'd rather go with criminal negligence causing bodily harm. Easier to prove...
  20. Including the silent 911s we get where every kid at wonderland and vaughan mills mall and every public place that has a pay phone and prank calls 911 which forces us to show up...???? Yeah I've sat with call takers and people call 911 for the stupidest stuff...plus all the "adults" in this world that can't get along with their neighbours...its rediculous. Out of the 30-40 calls that I'll do in a block (4 shifts) maybe 1 or less are an emergency...
  21. Oh, you can also see how many officers your service is short. With how busy I am and my shift is, I can say we are at least 5-10 ppl short, plus add on vacation, people being injured and sick... I have friends with other services in cities with about 90-100,000 ppl that have less than 10 officers on the road at one time. Then throw in a domestic that takes 2 ppl off the road, then a emotionally disturbed person, that takes another 2-3 ppl off the road which leaves 5 people to cover the entire city...
  22. Wow....I suggest you do a ride along and see how calls are tiered and how ppl think their emergency is really a non-emergency!
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