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Everything posted by idesign

  1. Hey buddy.thx for reply. I was actually very happy as it was my first big catch + I am on vacation so no need to worry about work.The reason is that i don't like showing myself up on the net.
  2. I caught my 1st carp since i started fishing.missed 2 times but 3rd time didn't let it go.Thank you Photoz for showing me correct way to land the fish.It was nice meeting you.I was very happy2day.I had great desire to catch good size fish and i got it today.Once again special thankx to Photoz.It was all because of his great tip & advise i was able to land the fish.
  3. any last minute suggestion.
  4. do u mean put marshmallow instead of salmon egg.let me know.thx
  5. Can some1 tell me if we can catch steelhead in night time.are they active in dark.if yes.what will be the effective bait to use.pls let me know.thx
  6. Can i get some more suggestion please.
  7. Can any1 tell me if we can catch steelhead in night.if yes what should i use as bait in night time.let me know.thx
  8. i really dont know about bait casting reel/rod.i use spinning rod/reel only.that is why i need help to see if i am getting good stuff in trade for my fly rod.
  9. i wana learn how to use bait casting reel.plus i am think of going monster pike &musky fishing in summer.let me know.
  10. Topic Closed Thank you to all who replied
  11. thank you very much for the info
  12. i wana go to mouth or Rouge.and the only way to go there is by main park entrance.there is alternate way .but it is all fenced there and private property.let me know.thx
  13. isn't fishing from CN rail track to lake is open all year for trout let me know.thx
  14. Hello.Can any1 tell me if it is ok to fish in park which main entrance is close.I wana try mouth of Rouge but i went that day and main park entrance gate was close.not sure when it will be open.but there big open space where we can walk.so it is ok to walk in for fishing .let me know.thx
  15. Buddy i am not playing with any1.i am just learning from you knowledgeable people. thx to every1 who helped me.hope fully i will post some pic 2mmorow in afternoon. thank you "4reel" & "kennyman" for the info
  16. Hello As far i know in east we can fish for steelhead from cn bridge to lake.How about in north.i am planning toward Barrie and there is some goods spots i saw in map.so what is the regulation there.can u fish for steelhead there.let me know.thx
  17. i thank all who replied and gave me tips.i learned lots new things.i will go Port Hope tomorrow and will give my results.thank you very much. Also in Port hope there is Ganaraska River.is that the place i am suppose to go.People replied about Ganny in Port Hope but i cannot find that on map.Can some1 help.thx
  18. can u practice catch & release there.let me know.thx.
  19. hello i am new to fishing. Can any1 tell me what fish lift is.does it mean they release fish so we can catch or it is something else.let me know thx
  20. I am not asking any1 spot.just getting advice where to go.i am new to fishing .i dont know much where to go.any help would be appreciated.thx
  21. I live in Scarborough.i am willing to travel 1-2 hour .i just need to catch fish.let me know.thx
  22. Hello i am planing to go Saturday for Steelhead fishing.Can any1 tell me the best spot i can go.I am planning to spend whole day there.reply asap.thx
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