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Looking for an 8" Strike Master Lazer Mag (preferably) power ice auger, or just the drill bit ....bent my drill bit on Simcoe yesterday. Will try to straightened it but doubt it'll work very well. If someone has just the bit for sale (power head not working) it'll be great. Strike Master part # LPD-8. Of possibly complete auger in good condition. Feel free to PM me. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
Hi Guys, My son just shot his first deer. Not bad at the age of 13 ? Nice 8 point buck and we are planing to mount it. Can you recommend good reasonable taxidermist in the West side of GTA. Milton/Brampton/Acton/Mississauga//Oakville area. Never used such a service before so can use some advice. What would it cost for head and neck mount? Straight? Looking to the side? What would be best type to do? Thanks, Cheers, Ice Fisherman
Hi Guys, Planing a grouse hunting/camping trip up North for end of September while weather is still good for camping and right after season opener. Did something similar late last fall (November) around Sudbury. Got some grouse, but would like to possibly go a bit further North for better and more numerous opportunities. Maybe few more hours driving added. It'll be family trip with the goal of the boys getting plenty of chances to see and shoot grouse.... Good fishing in the same area would be a bonus. Bring the ATV and possibly the small boat with us. Would appreciate any and all of your good ideas. Feel free to PM should you prefer. Thanks, Cheers, Ice Fisherman
Really nice wheels! Cheers, Ice Fisherman
Was great whities opener for us as well. Did quick limit and released plenty more...beauty weather for sure. Had great day on Sunday with the Lake O. kings as well... So great start of boat season foe us. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
Pics, let me make sure I understand this very strange arrangement for Onaman lake... The only way one can fish there is by paying Pasha Lake Cabins, Bauers or Onaman river resort for using their cashe of boats on the lake? From what I understand lot of people want to do it therefore you cannot fish Onaman for more than a day as you have to go in line again? No way to carry your own small boat, or canoe or something pass the locked gate? How about just walking in and fishing from shore? Cheers, Ice Fisherman
So pics, no access to Onaman with my boat correct? Only option to fish it would be using some of the outfitters who have cashe of boats stored there? Wayne, not sure if it is my screen resolution but you sure look much younger on that picture buddy Joey, please fee free to PM me. Went grouse hunting in the Shining tree area last fall but have never done fishing there. Lots of crown land for camping there for sure though. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
Thanks for the great feedback guys....checking every one of your kind recommendations...We've been to Restoule (and Mikisew) few years ago. While camping was great we didn't do too well on fishing and are now looking for something further up North and off the beaten path but still accessible by Truck or by boat. So far really like the Fushimi PP....nice back country sites in and around the lake....have to read more and see how fishing is there.... Done a lot of reading over the weekend and noticed everyone talks about Onaman Lake as the walleye central. From what I understand no direct access to the lake but couple outfitters have boats stored there....have to check and see if we can stay at Fushimi PP but arrange for a day trip or 2 of walleye fishing on Onaman lake with one of the outfitters. Please keep your suggestions coming... Cheers, Ice Fisherman
Some last minute changes in our 2018 schedule freed up vacation time this summer. Looking for ideas and suggestions of a good Northern ON lake where I can take the family to. Likely a week worth of vacation. Walleye and numbers (not size) is the main goal, so kids can practice on some of those inland eyes vs. the lake Erie ones we chase every summer. Likely in July. Good beach area is a plus so wife is happy too ;-) But good walleye fishing is a must. Have all the fishing equipment, truck, boat/trailer even ATV if we can get it there....drive in (not fly in). Have all the camping gear as well if we can use it in a crown land area. Would appreciate recommendations from people who've done it and have been there.... Feel free to PM me if preferred. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
One last report from Simcoe today....had great few hours with my older son....he got another white fish on his own while I was securing the hut because of the wind. Love to see him getting into it all on his own....much more enjoyable than my own fish ;-) Anyhow....another Meggs show today....right on bottom even though some fish came higher up..... Ice is deteroating quickly from underneat and with shore ice also melting I will likely skip next weekend. Therefore this will be my last white fish report for the ice season.... Cheers, Ice Fisherman
Since Brian was criticizing me (correctly) I haven't posted lately I thought I must make him happy at the end of the ice season Here few shots of couple recent trips.... This one with my older son.... And this is the one with the younger son and 3 good fishing buddies As you can tell white fish are cooperating and have no idea season is about to end....don't let them know ha ha... The usual menu of Meegs seems to work so why bother change it.... Cheers, Ice Fisherman
OK, managed to sort it out...for the benefit of others in similar situation: I have a lot of additional attachments mounted on top of front rack, therefore very hard to get to under the hood. As a result I was not looking in there. After running into a dead end I decided to remove everything and open the under the hood area. What made me do it was the fact that when measuring the voltage at the solenoid I was getting 12V but when connecting the red and black cable before they reach the solenoid directly to the winch bypassing the solenoid I couldn't get the winch to run. But it was running fine when powered from my boat battery. What I discovered is the red cable was a bit lose at the battery terminal....it was still showing 12V when ,measuring at the opposite end but due to been lose the draw was not enough to power the winch. Tighten it and bammmm....all worked fine.... All pissed off on myself for wasting few days for nothing, started putting things together and made a mistake of over-tightening the nuts ans stripped one thread and sheered another..... there goes the new solenoid in the garbage...back to the old one....sure enough now that red cable was tight the old one worked too....getting dark, cold and tried only stripped part of one thread...made it work using the bottom nut....hope after tightening it it is now sealed enough against elements. Anyhow....too tired to mess with it any more so tomorrow will mount the winch back in and close the hood area and hope it last for a while. If it does't will buy another solenoid and replace it ....hopefully remembering not to tight too much ;-) Thanks for all the advice....yoyu've helped me with electrical questions in the past. Appreciate it! Wellm you've been catching all the whities on Simcoe, not leaving any for me ;-) Cheers, Ice Fisherman
Where I got +12V and -12V was when measuring with voltmeter between the black 6 gauge wire coming to the solenoid and the blue wire going from solenoid to winch....vs. the black 6 gauge wire coming to the solenoid and the yellow wire going to the winch. Last night one of the tests I did was connecting booster cables to the yellow and blue wire (disconnected from the solenoid but still connected to the winch). And the winch worked fine meaning the short yellow and blue wires are fine. As for handlebar switch...if I hit the IN or Out on the switch and this makes the solenoid click I thought it guarantees the switch is fine. No? Cheers, Ice Fisherman
Own 2010 Yamaha Grizzly that came with SuperWinch LT2500ATV on it., Rarely need it but when I did need it winch worked fine. Until couple days ago. Worked in the morning...went fishing...came back not working.... Troubleshooted it by disconnected the winch and connecting via jump cables directly to battery. Works fine. So it is not the winch itself. Only 3 components in the system: winch, contactor/solenoid and handlebar switch. Switch seems to work fine as when pressed makes the contactor clicking. So I ordered from Amzon this replacement contactor: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0027UPPK6?tag=vglnk-ca-c762-20 Installed it. Same problem, all I get is clicking and no movement of the steel cable. Did some testing with volt meter....seem to be getting +12 or -12 when switch is pressed at the solenoid but then things fall apart and no much happening at the winch... Very much puzzled and not sure what else to do....should have been very simple straight forward replacement but it is not. Reusing all existing cable....have too many things mounted on top of front rack so pain in the butt to remove everything to get under the hood. Original contactor was Wnr 62135. The one I bought is 3rd paty replacement for it made by KFI. Could it be the brand new contactor is also bad? Cheers, Ice Fisherman