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Everything posted by livinisfishin

  1. Hey everybody, are pickerel levels still low in six mile lake. I was camping there last summer and in their newsletter they had an article asking anglers to practise catch and release because there was a smaller population of the fish.
  2. Im going out fishing this afternoon at 3pm in midland/penetang area....maybe going north a bit. Hopefully when i am back i can post some pics. Ill let you guys know how i do!
  3. Long time since i responded to this one...but i will nto be going for five monthes to alberta before my next course starts,all for one reason, My course is starting a couple days after i finish my first license. So all in all it worked out itself! Thanks for all your help guys.
  4. hey tinman, are you in the heating and cooling industry?
  5. No real important questions, im in midland/penetang everday, use to live in midland now live on orr lake. I was just wondering how many people were from around here. There is a few decent spots i fish from shore, and there is probably more that i just havent found yet. I could show you some hot spots for gobies if interested
  6. Anybody from midland or penetang area.
  7. Im reading up on asian carp right now ,and all the websites are saying that the carp isnt in the great lakes yet thanks to an electric fence. Im wondering if things have changed since the writing of the articles i have read.
  8. Gym tomorrow , school saturday, sunday bass pro!!
  9. The topic says it all! Thanks for the posts if any!
  10. I have fished orr lake a bit, caught smallmouth and largmouth , my dads caught a pike. I had heard previously that there was crappy in the lake.I had caught what i thuoght was a rock bass but i second guessed myself because i had caught ltos of rock bass in the lake but a crappie just seemed odd. Hearing twice now that there is crappie in there makes me think it was one.
  11. Hey does anybody fish fairlane lake close to awenda park? Or orr lake just off of hwy 93. Or little lake in midland.
  12. beautifully said holdfast.
  13. Exellent Response to this topic so far, thanks guys
  14. I have 5 monthes or more after im done my gas tech 3 before i can get ym gas tech 2. Should i go out for the five monthes or more before i get my g2 to try it out?
  15. Unrelated to fishing but some guys with a lot of life experience on here might be able to help me out. Im 21 years old from southern ontario. 2 hours from t.o. I m almost finished my first course at college to get my first stage license as a gas fitter (gas tech 3) . Im thinking of moving down to alberta before i get my gas tech 2 but im not sure if its a wise move. I make 17 bux an hour at afactory up here and things are supposed to be going good and steady for me for a while. I wnat to get out of there and make more money down there and get some experience in my trade. Good idea or bad idea? If its bad or good please tell me why. Thanks guys
  16. I talk to many anglers from my area and they say when they catch a carp they throw it on shore to let it die. They say they make great fertilizer half truthful have jokingly. Can some people please comment on this to tell me why exactly we should throw them to shore and why we shouldnt.
  17. why is it so hard for governments to make decisions about things that need to be taken care of, 70% of waterways and 90% of their underground water is contaminated, their economy must be pretty wealthy paying squat to workers, and taking away all our manufacturing jobs. You think they would be able to put the money to good use. This poop makes me mad, total neglect to the environment.
  18. if its yellow let it mellow if its brown flush it down, theres a first step we can all take home and try!
  19. I agree with jersey dog except for the fact that we as humans are just trying to do our part to survive. You dont see a deer bustin' out a rifle and waiting for the next human to walk by. You dont see a fish actually fishing for humans. Animals dont exactly have a big chance to get away from that shot of a rifle and fish obviously arent all that smart to tell the difference between a lure and the real things they eat. Sure that girl is wacked out a bit but give her some credit for going up and doing something to try and make a difference. I am definately not going to throw in my fishing rod for hiking boots but i do try and minimize the "pain or stress" a fish endures while in the process of catching and releasing. I have never picked up a gun or bow to target a mammal but im not saying i will never do that either. Be thankful that the fish and the animals are there for us to hunt and keep or release.
  20. well i have 1 largemouth and 1 sunfish in 38 gallon tank. They are 2-3 inches long and they are doing great in there. Im looking forward to getting a new tank when i move out that can hold100-150 gallons or more if i find the right deal. I am also able to keep two small algae eaters in the tank. With the plants and the fish it looks real cool. Also the other week i had a minnow bucket with 7 minnows in it. The next couple days the weather got really cold, and froze the poor minnows into an icecube. It stayed in my car frozed solid for four days or mroe, then the one day i pulled it out and the water was defrosted and had lost some of in my car cause the bucket ended up titled over i looked at the water that was left and there was 4 dead minnows, i looked closer and there were 3 still swimming around alive . Im wondering how thsi happened, ive heard of reptiles like frogs freezing ,defrosting and coming back to life, kinda like s state of hibernation. did this type of thing happen to my minnows or was there an air hold just big enough for my fish to stay alive in. From my experience the whole bucket freezes, no water is spared, its just like a giant icecube. Can somebody help explain how they lived?
  21. I have always been a fan of aquarium fish, it wasnt until a couple years ago I decided to keep a couple minnows i pulled out of the lake in my trap , that i realized my love for native species at home. Anybody else have the same passion i do?
  22. haha ill have to show my girlfriend this topic that i honestly thought would not get any replies. Then she'll realize my huge collection of lures is necessary most times and that i dont "have the most lures in the world"
  23. Most cops are not like that ...atleast the ones i have met. They usually only get verbal like that if there is a reason to..but that is just asinine! As a skateboarder i know what they were going thruogh when the cop pulls up and tells you that you can not skateboard in a designated area. The way he dealt with that was brutal, hopefully gets a tounge lashin' himself one day! <---- Thats Him
  24. we all need to join FLA...fish lures ananymous!
  25. Thanks everyone so far with your replies, some wicked ideas that i will be trying out definately!
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