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Lowe Rider

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  1. He's a little guy and needs to shout! LOL
  2. Can someone explain why the fish do this?
  3. Thats the way he is, has been doing that as long as I've known him. He told me once why but I've forgotten the reason. Think it has something to do with seeing the screen.
  4. On for Friday Scotty. Call me NO FRIGGING text please.
  5. Just watched it this morning. It was his own fault, Tony had a fender on him and he drove right across and spin himself out. I am amazed at the strength of those damn cars. Bush was hit hard three separate times, nose, rear and drivers door. He got out and was all mad, didn't even look like it fazed him. Had that oh well just another day at the office look about him.
  6. That's good to know. Now why would someone doctor a picture of their boss and put it on Facebook. Sounds like a pretty dumb move to me.
  7. Just lock down your privacy settings for friends only, but I'm sure there are ways around that. I have my mom on there plus I'm too boring to have anything incriminating to worry about. :D
  8. Yep, it's a cheap way to keep in touch with relatives all over North America. Friends here in T O as well.
  9. Well I finally got the boat wet this year. Beat the prop as straight as I could with a rubber mallet and my wood working bench . No money in the budget for a new one right now. It worked pretty good I think, the speed is higher than it was last year. I took out my buddy Scott. Not the one we know here, Canadian Copper although he should have come, he was texting me all day . This Scott is One Hundred and Eighty degrees from CC in the fishing department. He is happy to just put a bobber on a line with a worm and kick back. Where as CC is so serious it gets pretty scary at times . This is how the day started, Super Ham getting warmed up. I got the ball rolling back in the proper direction with this one. The next one wasn't to bad either. The next thing I know there is celebrating from the back of the boat only to see this! Unfortunately my luck was heading towards the small side 8O , the guy in the back was rubbing off! The day couldn't get boring with Scott around getting this worked up over bait. All and all it was a good day out with a good friend. I can't help but think of all the laughing that would be going on if I got both Scott's in the boat at the same time. One would die laughing at the bobber and worm approach and the other would piss himself at the tantrum from a missed hook set.
  10. I don't know about that, a guy I knew was accused by his 14yr old step-daughter. The only evidence was her word. Went through all the police, court and laywer stuff. I had a hard time believing it but who knows? He had a good job in the government driving around an Ontario Minister, lost it. Basically his life was trashed and 6 months later she said he didn't do anything, she was just trying to get her mothers attention because mom was focused on him too much. Charges dropped. The problem is he has been painted with that brush and no amount of cleaning will get it off, some think he did something still and others don't. Last I heard he moved somewhere up north to escape all the finger pointing. Sad for all involved. As for Mikey, I think the hush money for the first kid was a big mistake. IF he didn't do anything it just opened the doors for others to come along and try and get their piece of the pie. I believe there are some out there that would stoop to that level and use their kids as a stepping stone to a better life which is almost as bad if not worse.
  11. Why the guilt over Stern? I love him, hope he doesn't retire. Some like him , some don't, no big deal. I'd put money on the antenna. I've had mine for four years and have replaced three of them. Called customer service, complained and they gave me one. The third went on a Florida trip and I ended up buying one down there for the trip home. No way I was going to drive twenty hours without Stern, Blue Collar or the Nascar channel. My radio's tell tale sign of the thing dying is the hunting for a signal and it just keeps getting worse over time, longer and longer 'Aquiring Signal' messages till it doesn't work at all. The guy I talked to said they were having quality issues with those antennas. So give them a call, it can't hurt. The one they sent was two years ago but I'm sure if you say you might give up your subscription because of it they might help you out. The antenna's aren't cheap, almost worth buying a new receiver .
  12. Take the job, you always find better opportunities while you work. The only thing to keep tabs on is if he pays you on time, if he doesn't pay you on your agreed time and date, then leave as fast as you can. I was strung along by a guy once, took a bit of a hit but found a better job by being there in the first place so I guess it evened out in the end.
  13. This city needs this like someone needs another hole in the head. http://toronto.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTV...605?hub=Toronto A CP train has derailed under the Park Rd bridge just north of the 401. A ten block area has been evacuated around the area. A couple of cars ended up in peoples backyards. This city is taking an ass kicking this year, I hope everything works out for those affected.
  14. I've been operating various machines for over 20yrs (Man where did the time go!) and was self taught with some guidance and by watching a skilled guy on a machine and how they tackle a job. I haven't seen one person come out of those schools that has even the slightest clue of how to work the machine to make money or even how to tackle a job in the first place. All they seem to be taught is how to drive the machine, I could teach my mom how to drive my CAT excavator and I would only charge half as much . It takes seat time and on the job experience to be an operator and luck of the draw to find a owner to take the time and lost production to teach you how to operate. You can tell in 5 minutes whether someone has a clue or has potential to become something better. The problem I have is these places they blow smoke up their butts telling them they are ready to go out in the world and get a job running an excavator and make top dollar.Not in the real world, even more so this year, I have friends that are still off from their winter lay-off and they have experience. My boss will hire them but they start at the bottom as someone has already stated. Run the roller, bobcat and when a job doesn't need either speed or accuracy they can jump in a blade or even the Ex and get a better feel for it. The ones that want to learn stick around and the one's that think they are gods gift are still out there looking for a good steady job. Companies can't afford to have $300,000 machine taking 10 minutes to load a truck while 15 other trucks at $80 dollars an hour are waiting to be loaded. The money they charge is criminal for what they get in return. The false hope they are given that you are going to have no trouble finding a job and a great paying one at that is just not realistic but I guess as long as the school gets their money that's all that counts. These days there are a lot of good operators out there waiting to get a call back, still. So with little or no experience, the job search will be that much tougher.
  15. Absolutely amazing story telling Moosebunk, it seemed like I was there with you but was glad I wasn't in a few pictures. I thought I was bad on my lower end of the motor, yours makes mine look like new. Thank you again for taking the time to share with us.
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