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Everything posted by iceslayer

  1. 2005 Tacoma TRD Sport, Double Cab. Great on gas when I stay below 2000rpm. Normaly just towing a 4-wheeler but it's done a few heavier things and you cant even notice. Love the truck. Ton's of room and full of power. 4.0L V6 I mean FULL of POWER!
  2. Ya I think clearing as much snow away as possible will help a lot. A guy told me to try putting PAM or a vasoline on the area.... Anyone ever heard of that? Thanks guy's Jim
  3. I agree 100% Jim
  4. I have a strike master 2hp auger. (the digger, not the lazer). A while ago I went way up north and hit some brutal temps and after every hole (sometime halfway through) I would have to chip the ice away from the blade and the spike. I accepted it there because it was -30. Yesterday at Lake Simcoe, not so brutaly cold, but same thing.. This is kinda taking away the joy and ease of owning one, finally. Does anyone experience? What can I do? Some sort of oil base something???? Thanks Jim
  5. Well we were up in the air between Simcoe and Dunnville. Buddy decided on Dunnville. Try our luck for the Eye's again. More than welcome to meet up with us down there.. Jim
  6. That bear would'nt have touched me..... C'ause he would'nt have liked the smell in my pants........
  7. We stayed all around where you told me.. We could leave our hotel room and walk/drive straight out. Found better fishing pretty much on the other side.. Little deeper too. Thanks again . Jim
  8. lol.. the biggest fish... Really made her day though!!
  9. Well we managed to get into a couple of fish. When I go back for the second time I will be full of confidence on where to go and what to fish... I had a lot of 4 wheeler problems that kinda occupied the mind....... Sure!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, cant believe I allmost forgot.... The wife beat me!!! Thanks again to everyone.. Cheers, Hawg Hunter. I owe ya one... Jim
  10. I made it out there yesterday. Fished from about 8:30 - 2pm. Marked a couple of bigger fish but they would not take it. I started on a slope of 11' and then fished the middle (close to) at 16'. Seen a lot of smelt in there. If thats what the Eye's are munch'n on they sure do have a feast down there... Well thats only twice out there for me now and both times skunked!!!! I sure would like to get in on that little "helping hand" info lesson. Im gonna give it another try. Maybe Thursday. Cheers! Jim
  11. Yeah, beauty look'n fish. Nice report. Jim
  12. LOL, That was pretty amazing!!... If he could teach it to jump out and land on the plate he'd be loaded...lol lol. wow!! Thanks for shar'n JIm
  13. Yeah!! Thats what I was think'n. Wow!
  14. I just want to make it clear that this is the best message board to be found anywhere. I've recieved a ton of usefull information from all you guy's and gal's. Im gonna follow clamp-it's instructions to the T. Thanks again buddy! Jim
  15. WOW!! I must be misstaken.. I thought this was a helpfull message and information board. A simple question of do I tow my trailer and ATV 4hrs or not got me a face full of sarcasim.. Thanks again Clamp-It! Cant wait to meet ya!! Cheers! Jim
  16. Ok guy's. Just so I'm clear... Hawg Hunter say's he's got hut's out there.... So I should be ok to take my ATV out in the Trenton/Bellville area (with obvious precautions..) Correct??? Thanks.. Jim
  17. Cool! Thanks guy's Cheers!
  18. I have something fishing related that I want to put for sale. Just wondering if I can post it on here?? Let me know and I'll throw it on. JIm
  19. Thanks guy's. Im gonna head out of Quinte View Rd. And stay around that area. Got the ATV and the Vexilar so I should be able to find the fish.. Thanks again guy's Jim
  20. Great report guy's.. Loads of laughs eh!! JIm
  21. ha ha, thats great. Just booked motel right beside that rd. Thanks Jim
  22. Gonna head out on Friday night with the wife and was wondering if I should fish outta Trenton or Bellville area? The rest is up to the Vexilar.... Thanks guy's Jim
  23. Wow!! Congrats on the great day man! Taking the wife up there next week-end, should I stay in the Trenton area or head further up?? Cheers! Jim
  24. Oh you bet. Leav'n in an hour. Been search'n all the local lakes all day. If you see us around, (Blue Tacoma, 2 fish traps) Make sure you say hello. Ohhh I'm soo pumped!!!
  25. OK! Head'n to Lake Temiskaming tonight. Sooo pumped. Who ever said I was'nt spontaneous???? Whatch out Wally's!! Cheers, and thanks for your help..
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