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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. Well thankyou Chromehen, But really no need to be impressed that hook was hooked barely into the top lip so easy peasy to remove. Glad you enjoyed the video and thankyou. Nauti.
  2. Mattyk....Your welcome.
  3. Thanx FF Could not agree more........A kids smile is for sure worth a million bucks.
  4. Thats a beauty for sure cliff.......You and bly should come to dover. I was at a spot last night that is just absolutley teaming with huge big lake erie carp. So much so they were swimming right past my feet. I was out catching minnows and the water was just teaming with them. I am heading nack down this avo as i want to get some video footage. I could have kicked myself last night for not having my camera.....lol Great report great picture.....& carp are not ugly. lol
  5. Thanx LB glad you enjoyed the video. I agree that smile just said it all..... Here are a few pictures i thought i would share also. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j207/Amolicious/IMG_3886.jpg[/img]"] http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j207/Amolicious/IMG_3892.jpg[/img]"]
  6. Thanx alot easton. Maybe one day soon you will get ur tookish down here so we can head out for a fish.
  7. Beautiful just beautiful keram. Whats there not to love about the scenery and wildlife in canada. Lived in BC for three yrs absolutley loved it there. Had i not had all my family in ontario i reckon thats where i would have gone six yrs ago. Thanx for shareing beautiful shots. Man i need to take a road trip......lol
  8. Great report CCMT........& GREAT PICTURES..... Gotta love fishing for em they are a hell of alot of fun to catch. Nauti.
  9. Thanx fotb glad you enjoyed the video.
  10. Thanx mike. I do not know to many young children anymore as mine are all grown so i am out of that circle now. How ever i do have a nine and seven yr old living next door to me and have promised to take them out on there 1st fishing trip this summer.
  11. Yup victor his 1st ever fish. He was so excited just like a kid in a candy store. He talked about that afternoon right up untill he left back to the uk last weekend.
  12. Thanx bill......I know he for sure had a great afternoon. Now i am just waiting to see if he follws through now he is back in the UK. They love they're carp fishing over there.
  13. Sorry guy's must have messed up on the link. I think i have it fixed now.
  14. Good afternoon ofners. I know i have not been around much but with visitors from europe and work work work not to much to report in the fishing department of late. Just had my x hubby with his brother & son my nephew over for two weeks visiting from the uk so been busy entertaining them as it was they're 1st ever trip to canada. Well here is a short video clip of a day out with my 10 yr old nephew who was just over for a visit from the UK. He landed his 1st ever fish. It was a fun afternoon and great that i managed to get him into some fish being as it was his 1st time. I think i have him hooked lol. Set him up with his 1st ever rod & reel which he has taken home so am hopeing he will put it too good use and keep me updated on his fishing trips back over in the UK. They have planned on visiting again next yr so am looking at renting a house boat for a week and taking him up north fishing. So that should be alot of fun and something too look forward too. here is the video nothing more i love than to see a young kid having so much fishing. http://s81.photobucket.com/albums/j207/Amo...1steverfish.flv
  15. Thanx lunker & matty, Lrgmouth i found them very easy to clean, I was surprised at how easy actually. I was going to video my cleaning of the fish but me blooming batteries died in my cam
  16. Well what a beauty weekend we have had as far as the weather. I just wish those d**n NE winds would bugga off and it would have been perrrrrrfic! Headed out saterday morning caught this beauty perch also a big catfish. Bumped into a fishing buddy of mine who said he had been talking to one of the members here perch. One of my local spots i usually fish but never on a weekend to many d**n people. Headed back in around 10.00am then headed over to my uncles place to do some more work on the boat. Found some rotton spots on the floor so i decided to take out the whole floor and redo it all every little inch. So thats been really time consuming as well as reboarding all the bottoms and backs of all the seats on the boat. I never do anything in halfs i start a job i do it thorougly and properly. All the seat boxes were removed and are rebuilding new ones. So anyway sunday morning was up at 5.00am had planned on 4.00am but i was just totally knackered so stayed in bed for an extra hr..... Headed out to the lake that bloody NE wind was awefull........Their was quite the swell on the lake so we decided to head back in and fish the channel i caught a few nice sized perch and a huge catfish.....The wind was pretty brutal so we decided to head in further and do some more fishing. Caught this little catfish. Smallest i have ever caught before, caught two that size. Also caught this drum which got me all tangled up on a log......lol......You will see a short clip on the short video i shot yesterday. We ended up with a good pale of catfish which we decided to keep and take home to clean & eat. Was going to smoke them but changed my mind decided to season them up after i cleaned them and fry them up......You will see the mess of cats we had also on the short video clip to come. Tasted real good too. Have never really kept cats before but everyone has been telling me i should try them as they are good eating and that they certainly were. Here is a picture of one of the ole tugs i took also yesterday. The rest of the pictures i took friday evening down on the pier. It was a beautiful evening so decided to take a walk down and get some shots of the sunset over the lake. So a very busy crazy weekend but managed to get some fishing in too, so it was all good. Here is the very short video clip. http://s81.photobucket.com/albums/j207/Amo...ent=catfish.flv Nauti
  17. Thankyou misfish. I am excited as hell to get her in the water. Okay so i am going with no rollers then underneath? just lift the bunks? & just change the position of the rollers at the back? My uncle said i should just replace them with new ones. The hull on this boat is in mint condition.
  18. It looks like the bunks are set high on the front for some reason, probably couldn't get far enough into the water to float the boat so the bunks were raised to make it easier to slide off. Now what do u mean by not far enough in the water? are u saying the trailor is too big for this boat? Why would the bunks need to be raised if the boat fitted perfectly thats what is puzzling me.
  19. LOL Doug. Ohhh trust me i have more storys of some of my fishing adventures but that was the 1st one that came to mind then i told the wfn Crew ohh heck no i cannot tell that story but they said yes it would be okay.... ....lol..
  20. Perch easton thanx so much guys. I was getting a little concerned....... Perch u are correct all the weight of the boat is sitting on the bottom end of the trailor. I thought it was because the trailor was to big which is why it was sitting like that. But maybe with the adjustments suggested it can be fixed.
  21. Do any dog owners here put there dogs in agility courses or competitions? Curious as i would like to find out a little more about this.
  22. Nope no plans to trailor alot with this boat have the 14ft tinny for that. once she is ready plan on dropping her in at a slip here in dover and keeping her in the water for the season.
  23. PHEW! Okay then! so basically i am looking at having this modified a little then. Thanx so much guy's.
  24. Bunks?.......okay what are the bunks? Thanx jen.
  25. I think that one is awesome and for me personally my favorite i have seen so far from those you have shared with us pam. Well done again awesome job.
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