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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. I'm gonna go with 4.2 lbs.
  2. Thankyou castaway.
  3. Very sweet of you MP & thankyou.
  4. WHAT YOU COULD NOT HAVE HITCHED A RIDE WITH A BUDDY? I heard you can rent harleys for a day......
  5. So sorry for ur loss nanook.I lost my male shepard 18 months ago now. Had him 15 yrs and had grown up with my children so it was tough on all of us really tough. My shepards have travelled all over Europe with myself and the kids plus here to canada. My female shepard princess is 15 yrs old this november. That picture was taken last week when we had those few stinking hot days and i hosed her down to cool her off. Princess has a very large tumour on her right top shoulder that has spread even though it is benine. I will not have her operated on because of her age, she is not in any discomfort. All i can do now is make sure she is comfortable, she is for sure getting alot slower but then so would i if i was 105 yrs old. It certainly does not get any easier. Major has been gone allmost two yrs now and i swear not many a day goes by where i have not thought about him.
  6. Thankyou so much.By no means am i a pro when it comes to taking pictures. It is just something i love to do. I am still playing around and learning with the new cam but also having alot of fun with it. Thanx again. Nauti.
  7. ohh blimey how come there are three replys? I only replied once.Grrr! SORRY ABOUT the triple post.
  8. Great report mike. Looks like you all had a blast! Thanx for shareing. Nauti.
  9. Great report mike. Looks like you all had a blast! Thanx for shareing. Nauti.
  10. Great report mike. Looks like you all had a blast! Thanx for shareing. Nauti.
  11. Yup you could hardly move anywhere. 1st time i have seen so many of the back street also all lined up with bikes. I live up on the hill that over looks silver lake and they're were bikes starting to line up down the street i am on,which was just incrediable.
  12. I remember the january one last yr. Weather was beautifull and was in the mid to high teens for most of the afternoon. Mind you though we got a good crowd it was tiny compared to last weekends event.
  13. Thankyou sam.....I got your email! If you look in my previous message hun you will see what camera it is i am using. Deano beautiful picture....I love to take pictures of anything to do with the out doors. A couple more.
  14. Thankyou so much everyone glad you enjoyed them. The camera i am using is a canon power shot S3 IS 6.0 MP I am still learning with this camera but for what it cost me under $600.00 i am very very happy with it. Thanx again everyone Nauti
  15. Well my weekend started thursday with the 1st two guests arriving around 2.30pm. Around 4.30 pm had my other 3 guests arrive all the way from some island up past sudbury. Took the choocheming ferry or summit like that.....LOL...As they arrived my other two guests were litteraly a few minutes after Father & son fron London. Then my other two guests arrived around 5.00pm from Windsor. Around 8.00pm two other familys showed up one family of six and another family of five. So had quite the house full i did....lol.....Thursday evening a couple of my guests took a ponder down town to check things out. Every single guest i had with me this past weekend were 13th virgins. Thursday evening sat around with all my guests on the back deck listening to music and just chatting about anything and everything and a good time was had by all. 6.00 am i was up friday morning putting coffee on for everyone. Basically everyone just came and went through out the day excpet for thr three bikers from past sudbury. They headed out around 10.00am walked down town and never saw them again till saterday morning. Man were they ever party animals. I decided to put togeather a video of both pictures and video this way it is much easier. Now this is only a few clips and videos i have put togeather. I probably have over three hrs worth of video footage alltogeather. Be warned the video is allmost ten minutes long. It was an incredible day By 1.00pm they had broadcast on the radio that there was allready over one hundred thousand people in dover. At 4.00pm there was still people being bussed in and on one part of the video footage you will see a clip looking up highway six up over the lift bridge coming into dover. Still there were hundreds of bikes coming into town. I had an absolute blast over the weekend, could not have asked for better guests,The weather was absolultey vantastic also. If anyone here has not yet experienced Friday 13th here in dover you should really come and check it out...Its just one big huge donkey party and alot of fun. Enjoy the video.
  16. In my back garden this morning. Nothing to spectacluar! Next ones hopefully of some fish....lol
  17. Thanx so much all. Nauti.
  18. For a high school trip (1988), I stayed with a family in Knaresborough for a week....we were participating the Harrogate International Music Festival. Couldn't understand a word anyone was saying...LOL. Hey now i sounmd somehwta like a yorkie...& you understand me. Were you at the conference centre cliff? Harrogate is a beautuful town they call it the snob town of yorkshire..... English u must know about the famous bed races then? I was in it a couple of times myself all dressed up as...Well i'm not going to say!. ..I got photo's too but no way am i posting em in here. You must know mother of shiptons too? & yes indeed small world. The pub looks to have changed alot since i was living there what you can see as gardens now out back used to be just a graveled car park.
  19. Thanx alot guy's & yes stoty could not agree more. Uncle buck never thought about that actually and would not even know where to start! Here are a couple more i have done.
  20. Yup have to agree with that statement.
  21. Nautifish, i'm not aware of stocking of fish in Lake Erie but don't think Atlantic's are put in there. cheers, ehg Well i have neither heard or read anything either myself. This is really bugging me now and i am annoyed at myself for not having my camera with me. I usually allways have it with me..... But as i said i am positively sure that is exactly what it was and the other person with me at the time also agrees.
  22. I have taken over the past two weeks at a lake i have been fishing right across the street from me. As a few of you know i love to take photo's and sunsets as you can see are my favorite. This one is of the beach here in dover taken a little over a week ago.
  23. http://www.punchbowl-inn.co.uk/ Man i cannot beleive this.....Like how flippin weird is this or what! There is the link to the pub i used to live right next door too.....lol
  24. Well i'm having a fish fry at my place next month ur all welcome here if u like.....lol
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