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Everything posted by fishingisliving

  1. indeed they do.. 92inch beam, nice. thanks, never looked at these before.
  2. never heard that one before. Anything is possible. this new model this year is also very apealing but the price difference to get the 172T makes it hard to consider the 162T
  3. Yeah the width on that boat is quite impressive for its length. for me its all about the beam width. Having run it with a 115 do you think a 75 will do the job with 4 anglers in the boat and some gear? ( I dont plan on being so crowded in the boat but I also want the boat to perform and have power to spare incase I need it)
  4. I think its now called the 169BT, I like that model. I fish from a holiday very often and I am pleased with the ride I can only imagine this one is wider so a bit more stable and spacious. Where are princrafts 2009 models? I guess they are not making any changes this year.. . ? what is your cruising and top speed with a 60?
  5. Fishing and fishing only... no water sky, no picnics on the water.. fishing hooks, rods and reels. Roy, nice boat, which model is that? Pro 167 ? I am not interested in a console, I want the quick and direct controls over my boat using 1 hand so my other hand can be free to dig into a bag of beef jerky.
  6. Looking in ordering a new boat this winter, i am very interested in a tiller. I just wanted some feedback if anyone ever fished from one of these: G3 Angler V 172T or this one: Lund Pro Guide 1725 Or does anyone know of other good tiller boats in that range that I should take a good look at?
  7. The guy would be doomed to criticism either way, it is damn cold at night and the water temp is in the 30s right now, so holding that fish over the side and in the water at night in a craddle while someone tries to get a good picture is not going to happen. So a picture of that fish on its back on the bottom of the boat next to a ruler, coming from a guy part of muskies canada, would of been criticised heavily for that.. your damned if you and your damned if you dont. But if you have a potential world record you are sure to get some criticism along with the worship. If I were the one holding that fish I could not care less of what anyone had to say about it... he is holding a 50lb+ or even 55lb+ or even 60lb+ fish so for everyone else like me and you who has their picture holding a 50-57 incher in july we have only dreamed of such a fish shown in that picture, I'm sure he does not care what anyone has to say. once again CONGRATS TO HIM! I cannot help but be extremely happy for the guy!
  8. I am really happy for some reason.....
  9. alright, here it is... the monster from the St-Lawrence.. 57x33 (is it? you be the judge) It's the only place I found the report so far. http://www.muskyhunter.com/forums/generalforum/14542.html I dont know if its the same the rumours have been about but.. I dont know how many fish of that size have been caught in the st-lawrence this weekend so chances are it is. Nice fish.
  10. I hear six flags are making this a new ride next year! ;-) by that I mean being the guy standing on that electric (2 wheel scooter thingy) while the car drives doughnuts around you only inches away. gonna have long line-ups I think.
  11. oh... i guess for some people taking the subway is for a "trip" downtown, others do it every day because its quick and efficient.. I guess the same goes for a float plane :-) anyway, nice fish! :-)
  12. Nice fish! Great trip!
  13. HAH so did I! good one! Hope the yamaha starts ;-)
  14. Yup! so I guess I'll see ya on saturday then!
  15. Agreed, I found this online. It's a nice fish.. but 30 inches of girth?? how did he come up with that? forgive me, I do not mean to belittle this fish, in fact it is probably bigger than anything I have ever caught. But 30 inch girth? have a look: Image is linked from this news paper's site: http://www.journalletoile.com/article-2680...ge-monstre.html
  16. Hang in there!! My wife was diagnosed with Level 3 Breast cancer (level 3 meaning it spread to lymph nodes and possibly in the blood stream) 4 years ago and today is anxiously waiting her 5th year to be in full remission. Good things do happen when you dont give up hope! My best friend was diagnosed with testicular cancer last year, so I cant say I have been through what you are, but I have been sitting very close by to it and lived and still do go through the emotions following all this. I know the feeling with the financial side, cancer is not cheap... So if you ever want to chat with a fellow fishermen and get a positive perspective from a stranger (sometimes it helps) dont be shy, send me a message!
  17. Just for FUN, I always come across people who catch 40 pounders regularly.. yet when I see the pictures.. I find myself always skeptical, well in most cases anyway. Is it in our nature to exaggerate because we are fishermen? maybe... :-) I was browsing my favourite musky spot, youtube, and found this video of some guys claiming to catch a 60lb musky. Initially it was labelled as: the 60 pound musky. I could not help myself but make a small comment. I didn't want to sound to insulting towards another musky hunters catch so I kept it light. We all know that amongst musky anglers length and especially weight gets easily exaggerated from time to time, and from one angler to another. So by no means am I posting this to upset anyone, because we all do it, or have done it at some point. Sometimes it can even be unintentional, you get caught up in the moment; you don't read your measurements properly because your hands and knees are shaking because the presence of a very big fish can be overwhelming at first. Heck I'm sure a lot of my friends remember my 42 incher by 24 inch girth from last fall, well... yeah.. sure it was... :-) I actually exchanged a few messages with the guy who posted this clip. He sent me a few pictures of this fish. A very nice fish, no doubt about it. Have a look: A nice fish, no doubt about it, but it cannot weigh 60 pounds. Unless the angler is 7ft 5. When I look back at my own catches and compare size of more recent fish, I know that my perspective of weight was way off back then. So I figured I would give my own honest opinion of what my own fish weighed, compared to my initial reactions. This one (above) was 42 inches, and measured 24inch for a girth? NOT A CHANCE! maybe 17 inch girth.. at the most. maybe weighed 18 pounds.. maybe. Man was I off when I measured this one. So let's see.. that was a 15 pound fish, what does a 25 pound fish look like? Alright.. how about a 30 pound fish? Man I could have sworn that fish was 40 pounds when I held her up.... but now I know it wasn't. Now I am starting to wonder what a 35 pounder might be like? If I had to guess I would say this one was close to it. Man that one was big.. thick all the way across with a massive head! Had I caught that fish my first year musky fishing, I would have thought it was a 50 pounder. But it was not! So what's a 40 pounder? maybe this one? I netted this one above, and I was nervous the net would not hold when she would thrash around. She was really heavy. So it makes me wonder now, what the hell does a 50 pound fish look like??? .. a little something like this I think: Incredible, a fat tub of slime. So 60+ pounders.. man... they dont happen often.. but I have seen a picture.. most of you have as well... HAH! man that's big.
  18. The big O!
  19. Rememberance day Meet at the marina, launch the boat, sharpen the hooks, troll over balls of bait fish... FISH ON!! A nice fish and strong fighter considering the cold water temperatures only 5 minutes into the game. What followed was nothing short of outstanding! Three fish in 30 minutes! The wind was blowing hard and the waves rolled and rolled while the mukies had a ball with our lures! This fish attracted some attention from local wildlife, The bird is really 3 or 4 feet away. This bird would not leave us alone. Anyway, continuing with the fish, Alright, you are probably wondering what is so outstanding about these 30 minutes? Well the next fish got the adrenaline going, from the scream of the clicker on the reel when she hit to when she first came up to the surface by the boat and finally hoisting her out of the net. We could not feel the cold during this one.. ok enough reading, here is the main course! It's unfortunate that in this case the pictures do not give, this horse of a fish, justice. Because this is the heaviest fish hands down, of the season... so far! I just hope the weather lets us fish for another 2-3 weeks before the ice takes over.
  20. WOW!!! who doesn't beleive in moon phases?? two days later... we hit these on rememberance day. I knew it was amazing that we scored so well this time of year, but now I see you did the same two days before us.. WOW! The fish were really going! check out the full story: the last one... was HEAVY!
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