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Everything posted by fishingisliving

  1. Yeah buddy! Lets pick a day with an east 25 clicker so we get really beaten up!
  2. Crazyhook, you are crazy! When you get a hook in your finger always use bolt cutters to cut your finger off first to avoid any damage to the fish then remove the hooks and throw out the finger! Kids this is a joke, do not do this, let crazyhook do it for you. :-)
  3. No fair !! Because im 6ft 235lbs i cant brag, i make my 50,51,52,53 inchers look like 25 and 30 pounders. If i lose 50 pounds will my fish then magically weigh 50 lbs? Cause i would lose the weight... Nah i love food too much.
  4. I agree. Not sure if this is accurate, but someone said this on other post regarding this same article: ".18,500 acres, 18 miles long, +/- 2 miles wide, 300 feet deep, gin clear... your basic trout water. The fishery is made up of lake trout, yellow perch, sm bass, brown trout, rainbow trout, whitefish, cisco, white suckers, etc. It's a natural lake that was connected to L. Michigan before a dam was put in place long ago. The muskie population isn't measured by fish per acre but by tens of acres per fish. The hours per fish average on this water, for those who know the water well, is 50-60 hours per fish." like you said he put in a stupid amount of hours, but he got his trophy! Not every musky angler will catch a fish like this in their life, an unfortunate fact. :-) oh and I was actually admiring Mr Clark. yes.. I said MR. :-)
  5. this one: is 57x29, by calculations should be at 59.9 or 60 pounds. also.. weighed only 51 pounds. Personally, I've boated fish in the mid 50 inches, and they were damn heavy and impossible to hold for a nice horizontal shot without hugging the fish or sitting down, and I can promise you I have never held a 40+ pound fish. I have taken a picture and netted one or two tho, but nothing close to 50 pounds, and I fish only big musky waters.
  6. that's why I wanted it up here, because it looks as big if not bigger than all the claimed 55 and 60 pounders that were all released. Yet this one is 50.8lbs off a real scale. Lesson here is, even if you think you have a world record, chances are you dont once you get to a real scale! :-)
  7. the hold? the fish was dead, hooks got stuck in gills according to the article.
  8. I came across the article.. what a fish! http://www.fieldandstream.com/photos/galle...ch-lake?photo=0 it had been tagged before
  9. Roy has a great setup there! If you can replicate something similar you will never have any issues, with the holders or your boat. The good thing about Roy's setup compared to being right on the gunnel is in late fall fishing. water does not splash as easily on them. For those who do this every year, know that on the days when it's -10 with the wind chill factor a splash on the holders mean you cant take the rod out :-) So if the rod holder is on the gunnel it's easier in rough waters or when moving to have them freeze up. otherwise the S-10 would be great on your boat if they fit. Plus you can easily move them around and adjust based on the spread you are going to run.
  10. nice!! clean lookin fish. I need to get out there and catch some fish... good post
  11. following the last press release about the new fishing show with host Jamie Pistilli (crazyhook). Jamie was on the A channel morning show to talk about the new show on WFN. Good stuff!
  12. that is like a twisted disney movie directed by Quentin Tarantino. Being in the guys shoes I would not be thinking about the cubs for a second, I am not being hypocritical, but when reading it you do feel for the cubs. What a story.
  13. well I'm gonna miss her!! when I get home... Nice fish! very clean. Any details on the fight? did it jump, run, or did it keep all that for the net?
  14. aparently a 61 inch pike was also caught... http://www.gofishing.co.uk/Angling-Times/S...ld-record-pike/ so far in the last couple weeks: new record rainbow new record brown new record pike (from last winter?) giant alligator gars, make people fear for their lives in hong kong.. http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/classified-odd/...hong-kong-ponds the fishing news keeps going on! I should be on the water...
  15. I dont catch little ones like that... so it was not me.
  16. Polar kraft..? are these Legend boat's cousins? I found these boats to be very cheap. a 21 footer with a 96" beam, with 115hp, trailer, top, only for 27k? what's the catch? (Outlander 2010T) I realize 27k for a boat this size you cannot expect the same as the ones where you pay 65k. But I am looking for the areas where one would have to compromise on when paying for this boat. it only weighs 1400 pounds.. that's is feather weight for a boat that length and width. that might be an issue, when in big chopy waters. Does anybody own a polar kraft?
  17. Montecristo, cohiba, Trinidad (awesome), Punch, Partagas all similar and good depending on the "model" you pick. any robusto size is great, not to long of a smoke but good full flavors with a nice ring size no matter the brand. in 2004 Hoyo de Monterey released a limited edition torpedo. These little things was like smoking smooth creamy butter, simply amazing! i saw a box of these in a kingston cigar shop last year, not far from the water.. just saying if you see a hoyo de monterey limited from 2004. buy it!
  18. You should showcase your talent for embedding fishing hooks in your skin. Every episode, you should embed a hook in a different part of your body and show viewers how to remove it. :-) I wish I had the time to "properly" photoshop some pictures of you... maybe a little later. I've already told you, but Congrats again bud!!! cheesy pistachio pictures with gay overtones, coming soon!
  19. WOW! That is serious mouthage!
  20. Before OFC... true story After OFC
  21. Roy is actually my favourite admin poster person support guy! i'd fish with him one day if the oportunity presented itself.
  22. I love fishing forums where people complain about not getting answers about car trouble postings! it's a community sometimes you get an answer to what you want sometimes you do not. like someone already said, have a beer! TJ, and the rest of the support gang, keep it up! but you dont need us to tell you that, the web stats speak for themselves!
  23. we were all babies once. Actually, there are still some people that when I am with them I feel like a baby again!
  24. LOL guiding = babysitting Guide: have you fished before? baby: yes! I am pretty good at it... Guide: alright, take this baitcaster, tie on this lure and go stand at the front. baby: how does this snap work? Guide: here, bring it over, SNAP, done ok now go at the front. baby: ok Guide: see the weed bed, throw the bait 5 feet off it to the right, as we work down weed line, and reel in as fast as you can. baby: ok * baby winds back (sideways) fires the bait in the air, half way through it goes pop, lure comes crashing down in the water* baby: what happened? Guide: backlash, give me the rod, quick. Guide: there! now try it again, keep your thumb on the spool this time *baby winds the rod back again swings the lure in the air.. * Guide: easy, keep off the weed b... *lure lands right in the weed bed* Guide: ok let's go trolling * FISH ON!* Guide: pick up the rod Baby: ok ... ... Baby: the rod is stuck, I cant get it out of the holder!
  25. First, I would like to welcome you to the musky world. :-) dont cry, that's the musky world, crap happens... a lot! no but seriously it could of have been worse, be careful with those mid 30s fish. they can burry a trebble hook in your hand so fast you will never know what hit ya. fish that size seem to be the most unpredictable at boat side.
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