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About Jer

  • Birthday 05/26/1968

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    Ennismore...on the shores of Upper Buckhorn

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  1. My guess would be....no.
  2. Back in the day, we had Johnny Cash, Bob Hope and Steve Jobs... ...now we have no cash, no hope and no jobs. Please God, don't let Kevin Bacon die...
  3. Sorry, I meant "narrows".
  4. Pigeon Lake (at least south of the causeway) is totally covered in ice, what I can see of Buckhorn from my house (Youngs Cove area) is totally covered in ice. Chemong is mostly open, but shorelines may be iced. Access to any ramps may be trouble, there's a lot of snow on the ground up here...
  5. I think we've camped that exact site. Crotch Lake #8? Love it there.
  6. How would you weigh in with walleye? Anything worth weighing would be well over the keep slot.
  7. The water is as high as I've ever seen it on Buckhorn (Tri-Lakes), but seems to have stabilized since Friday. Good news is the ice mostly left overnight.
  8. No more than 2 or 3 inches here in Ennismore...there was more in Peterborough than here.
  9. A couple years ago, my buddy and I camped at the Homestead on Eels Lake between Apsley & Bancroft. Seemed like just the type of park you're looking for. Fishing was good for smallies, some big largies and apparently a decent lake trout lake. www.homesteadpark.com
  10. They must have only checked under the bridge at the causeway...
  11. My first charger was a BPS brand, X-Pro or something like that. Crapped out in less than two years. I replaced it with a Minn-Kota brand several years ago and haven't had a problem since. Mine is mounted in the bow as well.
  12. Mine has clicked out like that a few times. You have to pop the side plate off and reengage it manually. It seems to happen when you try to engage the reel while still applying the barest of pressure on the release button. I've learned to make sure my thumb is far away before cranking the handle when using my Cardiff.
  13. My buddy and I wanna give Rice Lake a try this week. We're looking for a ramp (and parking) on the north shore if possible. My map book indicates a ramp at Hall's Landing. Does anybody know if this is accessible to the public? Is there parking available?
  14. Does anybody know of a place where I can get some marine carpeting in the Peterborough or Durham area? I've just had to re-build some of the upper decking on my boat and need to re-carpet it. Thanks,
  15. Nice haul Ernie. I also fish a part of Buckhorn that sees very little winter pressure. It's kinda nice to have the lake to yourself. Didja find them wormy at all? I only ask because the few perch that I kept this winter from Buckhorn were full of white grubs, the crappie that I've cleaned have been clean as a whistle.
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