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About gbaysteel

  • Birthday 10/10/1980

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  1. I have been a witness to this also. It gets even wierder when the smelt are gone and people are filling pick up trucks with alewives that have been misidentified as smelt. After a few dozen of those babies you can kill the lights as you should be glowing bright enough to light up the entire area. From what I have heard the smelt in lake o contain enough mercury that only a few should be consumed each year. I hope this isnt the case but it wouldnt surprise me if there was some truth to this.
  2. Nice fish buddy, The lake has a really good population of those 12lbs fish this year... Any other pics of that fish by chance?
  3. The Scottys are awesome. Tons of power and fast. I like the clutch system for getting the ball down quick.
  4. The higher end baitcast reels all come in left and right hand retrieve. Do yourself a favour and buy a decent reel, especially if you are just learning
  5. I have the same problem with mine let me know what the problem is if you can, my warranty is up and dont wanna ship it to the states to be fixed. If i can identify the problem the local tecs say they can fix it. Thanks.
  6. Too bad we wont be doing that anymore. Targeting them in the notty is now illegal.
  7. both are awesome but for brookies i love double loon spinners
  8. I would contact the Pond Specialists. im sure they could answer all of your questions and set you up with all the contacts you would ever need for baitfish and sportfish. I met a pond tech a few years ago that helped restore a pond after a friend had bought the run down property. The pond was so overgrown with weeds i could almost walk on it. Two years later it was an incredible pond with self sustaining populations of baitfish and trout.
  9. If you use a floro main line and or leader better learn some new knots. the clinch knot cant be used with flourocarbon,It sinches too tight and slips in on itself until it cuts off. This might why some of you guys are loosing lures. I fish in gbay and its super clear these days so its a must for me.I prefer to use a higher quality line than vanish for shore fishing steelies but we loose alot of rigs to rocks and shail. To cut cost on line we use vanish as a main line in the rocky stuff and higher price lines in the sand. We caught hundreds of steelhead this season in still water conditions and the vanish took alot more bites than the guys still using mono.
  10. If those little specs are taking your small set ups so deep than bigger baits are in order. Target larger fish and give those dinks a chance. When you do locate feeding fish change to a jig so the small fish have a better chance of survival. Lindy guppies tipped with or without bait are deadly for large splake and brook trout. Light lines and small hooks are great fun but fish responsaby get rid of them if the mortality rate is high and sacrifice a few fish caught to ensure the survival of those little guys.
  11. Wilson lake is half way between Temagami and Martin river. The Lake the cabins are on is ok but they will drop you at one of the small outpost lakes that see alot less pressure. I have no idea about Loring never been. Wilson has a Temagami address and is less than a ten min drive from town.
  12. I would give Wilson Lake Cottages a call only a few minutes north of Jumping Caribou and awesome fishing on a few of the small lakes in the area. Thier prices are good and they will treat you well. If you check it out ask them about Ingle or Brophy Lake the fish arent huge but at least the fish are there.
  13. A few friends and i have a few spots that produce 30pound plus carp for about two weeks in early june. The rest of the summer you would lucky to catch one over 20. We fish carp for only a few days a year when the giants are in the bay to spawn and have never seen another person target theese fish. It's common for us to hook 50 fish in a morning from theese small bays. My pb was never on the scale but meassured 33.5 by 28.75 and was taken on a bolt rig at dawn. A good friend of mine landed one much larger than that on his first trip and many many larger fish are spotted each trip in the clear shollow sandy bays near my home on southern GB. Lots of big mirrors here too.Theese fish are more than plentiful and see very little pressure so pm me if you are interested in giving it a try.
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