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Everything posted by Pigeontroller

  1. Consider getting your feet wet. Anchor it nose out a few feet off the beach, tie the stern in on both sides...Docks are overated, its more fun when there isn't one, assuming its sheltered from wakes/waves... You can get an anchor buddy from Andy K. at http://www.muskystriker.com/shop/ms_shop.htm
  2. Sorry I couldn't make it Roger, working some crazy long hours at work this week!
  3. Tyler and I when for a cruise tonight and shot some boats...
  4. Sunset resort in Buckhorn(on Lower Buck) carries hydrographic maps, they are worth the money. Stay in the channel or Deer bay and the I/O will be fine.
  5. Not sure I can make it Roger. Might be working a night job in TO. Man I hate construction work...Shoulda stayed in MED school!
  6. I picked up my new (and first!) Digital camera today. A panasonic DMC-FZ7. David Chong met me at a jobsite I was working at in TO and brought me the camera. He gave me an incredible deal! Anyone looking to buy a new camera definately contact Dave. Thanks again Dave, looking forward to posting some pics soon, and not using my Daughter's 2mp Kodak!
  7. Grimsby Tackle usually has fresh Interstate's, some batteries sit on the shelf for way too long...
  8. Space on your console will likely be at a premium Lew, go with a couple of RAM mounts!
  9. I should be able to make it! Coming from St Catharines if anyone what to car-pool...I don't know what we can do for Peter Lee's family, but maybe everyone could bring something to make a care-package for Chris? Tackle maybe, though he may well have more tackle than he needs by now.
  10. What exactly are you getting at Ratboy?
  11. Nice pics! Cool looking "little" guy.
  12. I'm just sharing the experience, I really don't care if someone thinks differently...
  13. So, my neighbor 2 doors down is a nice old guy. Sadly his Wife of 50 years passed away a month ago. He likes fishing, and eating fish. i'd told him I'll bring him a small Salmon someday. Anyway, today his Son and Grandkids arrive, i'm out on the street riding the bike with my boy and I notice a fish being carried up the driveway. I go and investigate, low and behold its a 2 lb. Largie! The guy gives me that sheepish look and says, " I shouldn't have kept him". "Thats right", I said. I told him there's a hotline I can call and report him but because I like his Dad so much I'm not going to! Man was I ticked off though! Nice way to teach his kids! I know you're all gonna tell me I should have called the MNR! I just didn't have the heart when Tony's Wife has just died.
  14. Ahhh! But the OFC rules say no OOS pics...
  15. Good job Don! As long as you don't hold Muskies like that....
  16. Don, there a place called the "Prop Drop" on hwy 35 just south of the 35/7 intersection.
  17. You wouldn't be trying to sell jigs now, would ya?
  18. A pleasure as always Rob! Brian, we did have the motor trimmed up abit, but we weren't doin' no 3.5-4 mph, at times 2.8 maybe, with the motor churning we got it down to 2.2.
  19. Water temps were between 41 and 44 degrees.
  20. Thanks Dan and company for stepping up and helping out! The Muskie fishery in the Upper Niagara river used to be world class, now its anything but. Due to Cormorant predation, Round gobies, Zebra Mussels, and now VHS the Muskie population has taken a real beating. It certainly doesn't need to be further stressed by poaching! We could all learn a lesson from Dan about getting involved and giving something back!!!
  21. Launched out of Jordan this morning, bright and early. There were at 20 boats out already and 10 getting ready to launch! Lake O was nice and calm, these returning birds were a nice sight. Rob landed the only fish of the day, a nice bright spring Chinook! It was a pleasant surprise as we were only expecting to boat some Brown Trout, thinking it was abit early for Kings! We had the Yamy trimmed up to try and slow our troll down abit... A nice view of the old Hotel from the water... We had another fish on briefly, but alas it ended up being a one fish day...The action will heat up out there soon as the Salmon move in!
  22. As P.T. Barnum said, "there's one born every minute".
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