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Posts posted by Woodsman

  1. 6 hours ago, ch312 said:

     Honestly, you don't see many two up machines on the trails and those who do have them don't hold onto them for very long as the longer wheelbase means more bottoming out and the stiffer suspension means you need to add weight when riding solo for a decent ride. 

    Not the case in my club.

    We have quite a few 2-ups in our club mine included.

  2. 4 hours ago, Fisherman said:

    After market seats do not cut the mustard when stopped on trails or roads.  They are not legal unless on your own property.

    Actually quite legal off road but some trails may not allow them. Many do. Also legal on the ice.

    Not legal with a second passenger only where the HTA applies. Even crossing a road with a passenger is illegal but if the passenger walks across the road & only gets on after off the road than all's legal.

    ORVA has no law against them.

    Depends on where you are to which act applies.

    Safety can be a big issue with the add a seat boxs though. They place extra weight behind the rear wheels making flipping over backwards more possible.

    They all also have marked on them "not for use with passengers". If there is an accident with a passenger your insurance will quickly bail on you for using them against manufacters instructions.

  3. irishfield I just got a report from a local that they are running snowmobiles down the arm from town.

    I stay in town with locals.

    With the forecasted low temps & very little snow I suspect ice will be fine by the 26th. Forecast looks great if it goes as called for.

    We usually fish Snake Island Lake & Cassels Lake plus Temagami at times. Also an open speck lake.

  4. 2 hours ago, aplumma said:

    I will say it again we the owners have discussed this in length we are not going to start a forum place for people to argue and ch othbash eaer. If it does not fit in a place where anyone can read it then it is being discussed at the wrong forum. If you want to read and bicker religion, political, over the edge topics there are lots of sites that promotes these types of things because they produce lots of views and a bucket of money for the sites. We just spent a wack load of money and countless hours bringing the site current so it is safe and stable for everyone to use. I guess it still is not enough. Remember that we are a family site it is NOT being run for the money but as a place for long time friends to keep in touch and meet new like minded friends.  


    This thread can go one as long as no one names the person or identifies them in any way  or it goes down hill.



    No one is sugesting you start a forum for a " place for people to argue and bash each other".

    What is being suggested is a place for non fishing discussions subject to forum rules.

    Now as it is, they appear in the "General" area and continue to appear and yes at times get out of line.

    That way those not interested don't have to scroll past the non fishing posts they are not interested in.

  5. 45 minutes ago, Old Ironmaker said:

    Maybe time for a forum for other stuff. I am a member of a serious boating site and they have a forum called "Dock Side Chat" where anything other than race, religion, politics and boats are talked about. Just a suggestion.  I'm sure the powers that be have thought about it. I do have empathy for the hardcore fishing guys here that put this site on the map. Perhaps some that were here but left will come back, hopefully.

    I have no problem with that idea of a separate section for non fishing talk.

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